
6 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mean, with the political environment these days, I actually agree with all of those joke titles.

Imagine needing spying accountability software to not watch gay porn. These weird homophobes really are the gayest of them all.

15 more...

Assuming you're asking in good faith, the difference would be helping someone through this hell-hole that's already here, and was disadvantaged at the start. As opposed to bringing someone in.

Well folks, if the dementia was ever in question, there's our answer. Anyway, I'm gonna go eat a dog in Springfield; anyone in?

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What's the issue? Get a ton of federal agents, march on the border, arrest all obstructing Texas shitheads and beat them down with the book. Make examples out of them.

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Mugshot merchandise being sold by him is insane. I hate this timeline.

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If you think pro-Palestinian demonstrations are Jewish hate, you're a complete chud, Seinfuck. Also, it's literally making people associate anti-Palestinian sentiment with Judaism at large. Can't stop people from shooting themselves in the foot, I suppose.

More power to those parents. Fighting the good fight. Fuck "Moms for Facism".

Yes, when asked about why he still doesn't have a plan on how to replace ObamaCare.

It was less that and more the Democratic Party completely rigging the election, and committing election fraud, in plain sight for the primaries.

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I felt so betrayed the other day when I looked at my San Pellegrino and saw it was a Nestlé company.

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Oh no, the face eating leopards ate my face ):

She doesn't seem like a bad person

I would just like to point out that she's almost a billionaire, in order to spread awareness.

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Lmao, literally a DnD line. Pretty sure I heard the same line in my girlfriend's last DnD session.

The smart ones are. I've been seeing a lot of US folks head over heels for Israel through this.

So, we are forced to spend time and money on fighting Crooked Joe Biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race. Now we have to start all over again. Shouldn't the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President? Just askin?

Fucking lmao

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Better off buying from Temu at that failure rate.

They give uncanny valley.

All the martyrdom, none of the benefits of him actually dying.

I love how that pigeon looks half head-empty-but-proud, and half "I know, I know" in that last panel.

No wonder anti-semitism is ramping up. The JFLA not helping themselves with that one.

Suuure, let me know when Revit, Civil 3D, ArcGIS, OpenRoads Designer are operable and supported on Linux.

23 more...

No, Trump definitely is not innocent. Don't forgot he settled out of court with a Joan Doe who detailed that him and Epstein raped her and abused her when she was 13 at an apartment in New York. There are court documents detailing the whole thing.

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Even funnier, he thought he ended his stream and then jorked it to gay furry porn.

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Also worth mentioning he threatened to shoot up the local National Guard base prior to this shooting.

I'm sorry, if your fantasies involve children..?

Nobody would make the argument you're making with rape and murder. Your argument normalizes pedophilia.

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The party of family values, ladies and gentlemen.

Backpay? What the fuck?

They're just mad she's not a minor.

Right. And I have a unicorn in my backyard.

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Based Rashida.

It's not delusional at all. A vast majority of carbon emissions are due to mega corporations. Climate change causes increases in wildfire activity. It's elementary, really.

Look up the Rape of Nanking. Studying that alone made me believe the bombs were warranted. That's not even including Unit 731, and the fact that the Japanese government still will not acknowledge their attrocities.

The bombs were a sad necessity to stop the monstrosities.

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That's a great, and very agreeable point, Waluigi's Talking Buttplug!

You go far left enough you get your guns back. Arm up, comrades.

Worse than showing, that treasonous motherfucker sold some to the Saudis.

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She's a multi-billionaire. I say she can keep the struggle with her body image.

Because they will only be used my corporations to replace workers, furthering class divide, ultimately leading to a collapse in countries and economies. Jobs will be taken, and there will be no resources for the jobless. The future is darker than bleak should LLMs and AI be allowed to be used indeterminately by corporations.

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But here's the cool thing: it's somehow going to get worse!

The devil must be so, so proud of Texas right now.