
13 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Honestly, nothing beats two consenting adults enjoying eachother and sharing it with the world. Professional porn is disgusting imo

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Columbus really wasn't someone worth celebrating

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That's a lil extreme my guy

Edit: what fuckin world do we live in, where someone says that a politician needs to be shot to death, and the controversial opinion is to not shoot someone? Am I crazy for thinking that killing trump wouldn't solve anything? We shouldn't give people a martyr. The best way to get rid of someone is by shaming them and forgetting them.

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As long as you vomit afterwards

I don't know what you're talking about


All brands of hotdog bun are pre-cut where I live

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I wish my bun was uncut

"Hey, so my car is making a weird noise" "Just go out and get a different car then"

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Hi, fellow imbecile. I'm glad we made it out

Of course I know this. It's me

I'd say a grilled cheese, because it could be argued that the gushers are a sauce

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Just ask it the most popular torrent sites πŸ‘Œ it lists a bunch

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Lol I like cutting my hotdogs and shallow-frying them, and I was getting creative with how I cut them

It's a gift for my cousin on his 18th birthday. It's a reminder for him to protect his pickle.

Damn I like pineapple pizza but you have serious problems

Sometimes the bicycle rides you

You also seem to have siavled your ability to spell

I save lots of 2000s kid's shows, for when my future kids grow up. No telling when they'll become lost media. I use filebot to automatically rename the files to TVDB standards, and so far I've collected 8tb. Do I have a problem?

Oh hey, you're that guy who uses too many commas!

Yeah no it's just chilling there on the front counter behind glass. No prices listed. If you're a cop they tell you it's not for sale and it's a decoration. If a cop is parked outside they put it in a paper bag, tape it, and tell you to not open it until you're out of view. No proof of sale, no crime committed.


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I didddddd okay? Young pine splits like a bitch

I have a shitty $30 spectrum plan in NY and my IP hasn't changed in 2 years. From what I understand, they don't reserve it, but they don't change it either

I, don't, think, i, will, use, c,o,m,m,a,s corrEcTlY Th@nk yΕ“ΓΊ

In the US, in urban areas, the sewage system handles all waste water, and is treated before being reintroduced to waterways. Rural areas, there is no sewage system. Every building without a connection to a sewer has a septic tank.

βŠ‚β (⁠ο½₯⁠ω⁠ο½₯⁠*β βŠ‚β )

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AI? No this is real. These are real hotdogs I ate the other day

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Well yeah duh

Would you like to know that I legitimately cannot finish unless my girlfriend is smiling? And I would presume I'm not unique in that regard.

Hello racist. Nice of you to introduce yourself. Now I can make note of you, and next time I see you, I'll remember to ignore you

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I might lock up my pickle πŸ˜³πŸ€”

Ok 😁 you can have one now, and one after you finish your chores. πŸ₯’

Bruh the joker has been around longer than McAfee. The first comic book with the joker was published 5 years before McAfee was born.

No pickle is safe from a lawyer with a lockpick

Ohhhhh she was trying to sit on the handlebar

This is really cool

Meat doesn't melt into the cheese. Gushers do

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