
3 Post – 309 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

People just report whatever they disagree with, I guess.

"Most Americans Don't Understand Nuance."

Most people, regardless of nationality, don't understand nuance. That's why Winston Churchill once said that the biggest argument against democracy is talking to an average person for five minutes.

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I have to say, I have a huge respect for ProPublica. They are one of the few credible journalists left who writes in-depth (although too in-depth, because they write too flowery).

Typical American think their experience is the only universal truth and their group only matters in any discussion.

American exceptionalism never fails; as if Americans are the only ones getting the same problem.

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The most ridiculous I have heard is that when I pointed out that people had to wait for years to get a car, and bread lines were common, I got told that the scarcity in communist states is by design.

SuRe yOu lIvE iN tHe CoUnTrYsIdE, bUt YoU dOn'T nEeD a CaR. JuSt WaLk oR gEt A bUgGy.

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Socialised healthcare and pension first came during Bismarck's time-- long before communism has come to Russia.

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Pretty much all of Europe have affordable healthcare and pension-- right now?

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So I, a resident of Europe, am an upper class for owning a 2004 1.3 litre petrol engine Toyota Yaris.

We started this comment chain poking fun at the most laughable arguments by tankies.... And you guys keep on giving.

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Tell that to people living in the countryside, lol. Even if your wannabe-communist, Western-born, city dwelling, mindset tell you otherwise, those on the country have limited access to transportation and infrastructures that city folks take for granted.

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Since the end of the soviet block, there's been a massive migration outwards from the countryside in favour of urban life all over the former socialist republics.

We're talking about during communist era, you goal-post moving dong head.

You are literally just did what this comment chain is criticising lol.

And reported for racism.

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It's interesting to hear the pov of an Australian. From the outsider's perspective, I think you love rules given Australia's outside reputation as a nanny state.

Don't overthink it. The remaining employees are just there for the money.

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functional public transport, the latter almost exclusively due to the socialist movement.

Dublin is nowhere near a socialist city, nor having a "functional public transport". Many people in Ireland still live in hinterlands and rural areas with sparse public transport that comes only an hour or so. Ireland is ranked as having one of the worst public transports along with Poland, the latter being a former communist country!

Lol, you give the worst cope I have seen from a tankie. Even tried to gaslight me that I don't need a car! I wish so I don't have to spend ludicrous amount of money! I can tell you're an edgelord Yank who thinks capitalism oppresses you personally, even though you are typing this from a computer or smartphone, developed thanks to capitalism, and while sipping hot cocoa that is not being rationed. And expressing opinions safe and sound protected by the rule of law of wherever you are.

Tankies keep on giving the most absurd responses and cracks me up. Thanks for giving me a quick chuckle!

If you are so enamoured by communism, go to Cuba, China or North Korea and let's see if you won't return begging for your passport back!

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Ignore the us vs them narrative that tend to dominate the news on migration and look at the bigger picture:


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As much as I abhor the state and wish we live like the state of Cheran (ironic of me to say state in this case, I know), anarchy will only work in a very small group, where everyone knows each other, are like-minded enough to not abuse each other's goodwill, and respect each other's personal boundaries.

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And having competent generals.

Even as we speak, one of the few good and well respected Russian generals who dared speak out at the poor leadership of the general staff, had been arrested for supposed fraud. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-arrested-general-ivan-popov-fraud-d8c4d6a7d447ff801b3f15bc540f77b6

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I always use Mozilla Firefox

sips hot chocolate

So that isn't my concern.

What fame does to you.

The core theme of Harry Potter is about the power of love; and yet now she is being an insufferable, bigoted bitch. Wasn't she also for accepting refugees but then when right-wingers told her to allow refugees to stay in her house, she went silent?

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I read an anecdote from Reddit about a protestor's experience in Occupy Wall Street. Some people just went along to the protests for the sake and experience of it. Many people didn't know what they were doing. I think this is why protests require some sort of organisation and leadership. The civil rights movement was so effective because they more were organised and had focus. Any movements after that haven't gained more momentum because of disparate structure and factionalism.

I'm amazed that "chaos" there in France is more like "normal". I remember some riots that happened couple of years ago and one commenter said France might verge into collapsing. I thought to myself that those who think that are not aware how France works, and rioting is a tradition since the French Revolution.

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smaller European entrant

I like how from the perspective of outsiders, Aldi is "small". They're huge here in Europe along with Lidl. The two make a meme of establishing shops next to each other wherever either exist.

I am glad that Aldi is setting up shops in US. The chain is pretty cheap though the food quality is okay compared to others. I haven't really heard anything bad about Aldi so they are pretty good employers unlike many American shops like Walmart.

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Europeans: You guys have to file your own taxes?

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I don't see any enshitiffication features and ads in Windows 11 that Lemmy and tech news are reporting. I wonder if it's because I'm in the EU.

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I admit that I haven't finished the book "Utopian for Realists", but the author showed numerous studies and practical examples that universal basic income works. And believe it or not, Richard Nixon was close to introducing UBI but his Friedmanite-advisors dissuaded him.

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Me who still irons clothes

looks sideways

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The democrats had to know Biden was going to drop out when they scheduled the earliest presidential debate in history.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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You mean to tell me, people have "you can't tell me what to do" attitude, especially among men?

I only torrent if the show or movie I want to watch is unavailable on Netflix, and I don't want to pay for subscription to another streaming service if such shows are available in those. I'm not made of money.

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Does the proposed bill ensure American police get like three years training to become community-oriented and not a power tripping police officers?

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An Afghan Hazara refugee who fled persecution from the Taliban and migrated to regional Victoria with her five children in 2013, Jan's lawyers have said she suffers enduring "grief" over the death of her daughter but continues to maintain her innocence.

Escaped a fundamentalist, authoritarian regime only then to implement her own personal authoritarian, fundamentalist beliefs.

Not to excuse the mother, but I wonder if trauma played a role. She was traumatised by a toxic situation and perhaps to gain a sense of control, she repeated it to others. There is a book called "The Body Keeps a Score". The author is a psychologist, inspired from when he was a child when his father, a Holocaust survivor, told him to not question him and just obey. To which the author replied that he sounded like the Nazis who imprisoned him. Again, I'm not trying to excuse, but I'm curious if the Afghan mother has had something similar experience and acting on trauma.

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During the whole Olympic controversy on the Algerian boxer, Imane Khelif, questioning her actual gender, someone was making mental gymnastics that she still has testerone level higher than "vanilla females".

Lol, vanilla females. That alone says a lot.

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As an outsider looking at American politics, I'd like to think I'm looking at the bigger picture. I want Democrats to win the White House, because a fascist winning the American presidential election means all the past 80 years of building international rules and institutions to prevent another World War will be undone by the invasion of Ukraine. Trump winning means Ukraine will lose. I'm sure Democrats knew fully well the gravity of situation not just domestically, but also internationally.

A free trip for defection for North Koreans!

Or, because liberals care more about preserving their increasing property and stocks values and thus willing to bed with the devil, than preserve democracy.

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USA intentionally dumbs down its people.

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The assailant is British-born. The protests in the streets is nothing but fueled by thuggery and racism.

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I've been following the offensive since it began. What I have noticed is that Russian trolls in social media and Youtube seem to have gone mum. The YouTube videos pertaining to Ukraine always have Russian trolls heckling. Now they say nothing.

As expected, the troll army don't have any scripted PR disaster mitigation on this one. Kudos to the Ukrainians for surprising everyone! This has been in Ukraine's sleeve all along!

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Yup. I don't even get what "populism" is when mentioned in media. Isn't that-- democracy?

I'm a leftist but even I understand when people come into the embrace of the far-right, because the mainstream parties neglected the people's everyday concerns.

People who are hungry, people who are out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

  • Franklin Roosevelt
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I don't know about you, but when I hear "oligarchs", I always get a nebulous image of faceless, rich and powerful crowd who are into sex cults like Eyes Wide Shut. I kid about the last bit but I am serious about the other descriptors

I think the reason we don't immediately think of oligarch when we see Zuckerberg, Gates or Musk is because we see them on individual basis. Whereas "oligarch" usually refers to a faceless collective of politically influential, rich folks.

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The rumour of coups against Xi always comes and goes. There was rumour of Xi being arrested as well during COVID.