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I hope there are security tapes.

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I think there's a time between "This thing is possible I guess" and "you're already fucked" that I'd like to hear about things.

I do not know how true it is, but I've heard that some of them will create a mesh network if your neighbor has the same brand and it's connected to the internet.

I've always meant to look into it but I have big dumb TVs that work for now.

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I never put that together with wardriving but that's exactly what it is. Thank you for that.

Unrelated story: ~20 years ago I was in the military and broke as hell. I went wardriving in my neighborhood looking for open wifi and found a business not too far away that had it. So I built an antenna out of a coffee can, mounted it up just outside my window, and got free wifi for months.

There's another reply further down that goes into specifics. I ain't the one because I didn't come with receipts and I'm just a drunk.

And ebaum's world. And rotten. And something awful.

Fred Rogers was a great Christian.

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Never attribute to malice what can be explained by plain old dumbfuckery. These podunk inbreds may do it for kicks (some of them are definitely malicious enough), but I think it's pretty likely that they got someone named Cooter to do the final installation.

This information is brought to you by a drunk that looks like he could be named Cooter. Or possibly Cletus.

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I wish I could go back in time to warn myself not to read this. The memory of receiving those (and other awful shit) is indelibly marked in my brain.

It does. There are some upsides, though. One bonus is that, at least in some small ways, some of these shitbag companies that have acted terribly in the past are letting up because we have options. We don't have to rely on a couple of big studios for every game we play. So EA has backed off of their terrible launcher.

I also think it's kind of cool that any schmuck can make their dream come true. I've definitely put out a bunch of music that I don't market, just because I always wanted to do it. Anyone with an idea and a laptop can code up a game. The ridiculous amount of shovelware aside, I think that's pretty cool.

I just wish there was a better way to sift through the dreck to find the good stuff.

That was my exact thought. Discount sound production gear is my jam but damn, anything I created with it would be forever stained.

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I will be the first to tell you that nothing I've ever put out could be considered useful or beneficial. Generally it's just vaguely funny but also kind of sad. At its best it's entertaining on the right combination of drugs.

It's just Shatner, isn't it? Except even he doesn't really speak it even though he was in a movie that was entirely Esperanto.

Pride and prejudice?

Leela: We've petitioned the governor. But he doesn't want to appear soft on people who've been falsely imprisoned.

I spent some time up there and I was surprised to find very similar sentiments to what I see here in Texas. Yee haw, fuck the law.

If the government shuts down right before the election it would be a bloodbath for Republicans. I'm sure turtle head took Johnson aside for a little come to Jesus meeting about how the world really works. They already tried a bullshit hail Mary that didn't work.

So they kick it out to December so that the House can theoretically create a clean budget for the next administration.

She's got a golden ticket, she gave a golden shower to his face.

She's now qualified to do 90% of my job. Unfortunately the other 10% is explaining why it works.

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Hey, DNC, aren't you desperate to put a woman up for election? You've got a fiery, quick-witted, awesome, young one here that is full of ideas and not afraid to try stuff. The conservatives haven't had time to run decades of smear tactics against her and she hasn't been threatening her husband's SA victims. I bet she already has a plan to deal with someone accusing her of being born in Mexico (I understand she's Puerto Rican, but that's not the bogeyman) and shut it down before years of idiocy bring it up again.

She's standing behind Biden this time around. I'm hoping for a run in 2028. It would be the first presidential candidate in a while that I didn't hold my nose to vote for.

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That's all. I'm too drunk for a nuanced thought. So just booooooooooo.

I have defended this man. If he's still the nominee in November I'll still vote for him. But god dammit this is fucking terrible.

I do not have hope for him being replaced but I sure think he should be. Whoever is telling him that he should keep running is guilty of elder abuse.

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Or "have we run out of natural yoghurt, we bought that 500ml pottle last week but we had curry twice, maybe I should get some more..."

This is me. I have to really watch where I'm zoning out because I have absolutely been called out for staring when my brain was miles away.

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Everywhere I go people randomly come up to me to tell me exactly what political candidate they want in my country.

You fucking monster!!!

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That's someone whose job is to liaise and advocate for actors to the production crew for intimate scenes, especially nude and sex scenes.

Someone was lightly victimized in this, but no one was upset and it was all in good fun.

Years ago, my buddy taped an air horn under his boss's chair. We worked in a bullpen and the boss had a fishbowl office in the corner. He came in and sat down and of course it went off. Boss fell out of his chair, everyone stopped working, and everyone's morale was super high the rest of the day, especially the boss.

The boss had never felt like part of the team. Most of us had worked together for years and we all played light pranks on each other. He came much later. It was the first time he really felt like one of us.

People talk about quiet quitting a lot so I looked it up. That just sounds like doing your job without trying to get ahead.

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I heard the same story when I was a kid, but it was about a boilermaker. The rest was for knowing where to tap his hammer to fix their problem.

It's an obviously apocryphal story with two great messages. First, don't undervalue your expertise just because the fix was easy (I still have a problem with that). Second, if you don't know what you're doing don't question the expert just because it looked easy.

You know what the cool thing is? Those of us who were wrong for one reason or another will actually about it. We don't pretend we were right the whole time. We don't pretend it just didn't happen.

Hindsight being what it is, I'm almost wondering if the timing was planned in advance. Biden already told us he'd be a one term president. If in 10 years they came out and said "Yeah, that was the plan from day one but we couldn't tell anyone" I would absolutely believe it.

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I don't know this author, but when I see articles like this I always think it's a reverse Hanlon's razor. I refuse to believe the people reporting on it are stupid and assume they're fucking evil.

"That's a boycott, not cancelling someone! It's completely different!"

--Actual response I got to that question a few years ago.

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I used to get that question a lot when I was a kid. I always politely said "no thanks".

It turns out my face always said "Are you fucking stupid? I understand how to heat things" while I was trying to be a little polite. I found this out when I visited my parents recently and found out that, while I'm still trying to be polite, my face still tells my mom that I'm capable of deciding on the temperature of my food.

My face says things that I don't mean to say even when I'm trying not to be an ass.

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A conspiracy is when a group plans to do something unlawful. So if it's proven true it's still a conspiracy. It just stops being a theory.

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He was worse for guns than Biden. How the fuck do these people reconcile this shit with their beliefs?

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They could have. We all know that the president can authorize killing his political opponents. I was told that was very cool.

Fuck Raphael "Ted" "my wife is ugly and incapable of taking care of our children without me supervising" Cruz.

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I watched it happen while drinking a refreshing Coca Cola. I've never felt so sad and refreshed at the same time.

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He calls it his lair.

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