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Joined 1 years ago

Well, her new business is a subscription service to keep the pictures she has of them off the internet.

They also need to remove the limited liability from companies for intentional illegal activities.

illegal business practices should be charged to the people involved instead of the company. The executives who made the decision to break the law lose personal assets.

Otherwise the shitheads just pass the company losses onto the employees: no raises, hiring freezes, layoffs, reduction in benefits, etc...

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I keep looking at it wondering ... Why? The others are common. The truck, however took a little special reasoning.

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My very first job was in Minnesota and the snow is not what you have to be afraid of.

It's the damn frigid temperatures. My wife and I quit our jobs, broke our lease, packed up and moved to California after one delightful -27F day.

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Stop bringing logic to their murdering.

It ruins it.

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How to create a baby boom in Russia or any country.

Step 1: Stop the wars of aggression.

Step 2: Increase pay so that one person can provide for a family.

Step 3: Open borders for trade and travel.

Step 4: Create housing for families do that they can afford.

Step 5: Free quality healthcare and childcare.

Step 6: Invest heavily in schools and pay living wages.

Step 7: Promote massive immigration from countries with a higher birthrate. The citizens of your country know you are full of shit and ain't falling for it

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The lies that people tell themselves. Frostbite says bullshit to that. When it gets that cold staying warm is not easy. Especially when the wind starts to blow.

Cooling down in high heat: A cold drink, sun umbrella, and a ice pack under your hat.

After the rapist Brock Turner was given a slap on the wrist, California passed mandatory sentencing for rape.

He was accused of 3 rapes but convicted of 2. He received the maximum sentencing for each.

His lawyers are likely going to fight the conviction constantly until the money runs dry.

My personal thought is the conviction is unlikely to be overturned but a sentence reduction is likely. So he got the maximum sentence. Danny will likely be behind bars for at least 6-10 years for his crimes.

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That's the right Brock Turner who was sentenced to 6 months and was released after 3 months. Judge Aaron Persky thought a longer sentence would unduly harm the rapist, Brock Allen Turner.

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The partial payment wasn't large enough if it left you wrecked at the end. Generally the partial payment should pre-pay to cover all of your expenses and labor. The final payment is the profit margin. That way you are never on the hook for a potential loss and will always break even.

So for the bakery, they should have had a full prepay policy on all special orders. Even if "customers" walked away because of the policy.

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The Mormon church is not setup into separate regional entities like that catholics have done. Their billions are all vulnerable to lawsuits. Instead they have a pet lawfirm that often recommends illegal and unethical practices to squash lawsuits. If the case looks to be going badly they toss higher and higher settlement numbers to get out of it. They do not want to go through discovery and have to disclose exactly how much money they have (est. several hundred billion)It's been an extremely effective solution so far.

For example: At one point they made up more than 50% of the boyscouts. They had less checks and protocols for keeping pedophile's out. They completely dodged all the large lawsuits because they were much better at hiding the horrendous amount of abuse.

The Mormon owned universities have rampant sexual assault issues. You rarely see them reported because the victims are punished for coming forward. The university police force is used to suppress these reports as well.

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Chickens do not receive any hormones. It's been banned in poultry in the U.S. since the 1950's when it was tested and shown to be ineffective. Beef commonly gets hormone implants in their ears. No hormones are approved or used in feed.

The rapid growth of the birds is mostly due to selective breeding and nutritional improvements. The growth rate and adult size in animals can be massively changed by breeders. Just look at the Great Dane and mini-yorky in dogs.

They also use antibiotics in the feed to reduce the bacteria load of the birds. This does increase the growth rate and reduces sick birds and deaths. It is not a good idea when it comes to antibiotic resistance buildup in bacteria however.

Please....the cartels would wipe out meal-team-six in minutes and keep going.

Actual murderers who are trained in violence versus stupid cosplayers.

I haven't seen my parents in over a decade. Born in '50 & '51 they check all the boxes of the worst stereotypes.

Republican ✓

White ✓

Racist ✓

Bigoted ✓

Ultra-Religious ✓

Limited education ✓

Entitled ✓

Narcissistic ✓

Physically and emotionally abusive ✓

Depended their parents assistance until their mid-30's, kicked their kids out at 18 (17 for me). ✓

I honestly have no clue if they are MAGA or not. I suspect they are because my older sister was pictured in the news at the orange cheetos inauguration.

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Tsk.. tsk... tsk... For clarity JS actually claimed to have:

"Read glowing writings off a stone placed in a hat."

Its much more believable that way...

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Translation for those unfamiliar with MBA speak.

"The executive team are all fucking morons and screwed up a easy cash cow. So now we are going layoff the people who didn't kiss our asses properly."

When chipotle first started the lines where long and the food was good. Their process flow was optimized for the constant stream of customers.

They had a large staff of people for the size of the restaurant so people had dedicated jobs with a few who spent all day cleaning.

They were always way under on their holding times for the food. They separated people handling hot and cold ingredients and the till.

From a foodborne pathogen aspect it was a really safe place to eat.

Then they overbuilt, increased their prices and lost quality control. Their customer flow started declining. With the decrease in customers, food was pushing holding times, crews were reduced so more cross-contamination occured, and cleaning fell way behind.

Today Chipotle can be referred to as "shitpotle" as the probability of foodborne disease is pretty much guaranteed.

A long time ago I was the guinea pig/first user for a company developed system.

I often had my 1 year old at the time son with me when I worked on the weekend. He had a great time smashing buttons on the keyboard and randomly clicking the mouse on the test version. He found most of the bugs.

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A few issues with your method for the average manager.

What work exactly is the employee doing?

How do you know if it is being done correctly?

The average manager has no clue on either of these questions.

These managers rely on wandering around the office judging productiviy by who looks busy and holding constant meetings to hear themselves talk.

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Trail Mix = 13g vs. Chocolate Chip=14g

Personal responsibility gets all screwed up by math. I know school was a long time ago for you but you can use a calculator.

I graduated over 20 years ago. I paid for it all by myself as I was on my own at 17. My schools annual tuition/fees books was around 3.5K. Lodging/utilities/etc cost me $5,000 (roommates and no car). So a total of around $8.5K/year. I worked 25hrs per week at $7.25/hr for a gross income of around $9,400. I ended up $3K in debt. It took me 5 years to pay it off after I graduated. I started out at $27K.

My sons a sophomore this year at a the same school. Tuition is 9.7K lodging/utilities, etc around $14,000/year. So around $23.7K/year. Minimum wage in the state just went to $13.20. At 25hrs per week this is a gross income of $17K.

So my son would end up $30k+ in debt doing the exact same thing I did.

I start out my career making 27K with 3K in debt. Only 11% of my gross . Itwasn't that hard to pay it off and was never a major concern.

My son would start out making around 45k/year with more than 30K in debt. 66% of his gross income.

I feel attacked.

A very strategic pick.

His wiki page reads like a check-list to attract the republican women voters.



From Nebraska


Supports Abortion rights.

"Think of the children" (both him and his wife were teachers).

Been on my own since I as 17. The first few years were rough to say the least.

I worked 2 jobs, 30-60 hrs per week and went to college. I shared shitty apartments with some pretty creepy people. I moved so constantly I ended up paying for a post office box so I could get my mail. I did not have a vehicle (no car) so I rode a bike for up to 60 miles per day. Even all that wasn't enough without government grants and student loans to pay for college.

Food was something that I ate when I had it. I spent a few months with mybe 4-5 real meals. Cornflakes and ramen where the bulk of my diet for a while.

I took the first professional job I could find. It was terrible but it paid well. I gained 50lbs to be at a healthy weight the first year. The next few years I jumped around jobs until I landed in one I liked.

The last few weeks before I graduated college I met my wife. Her family has become mine over the past 25 years.

Today my income alone puts us in the top 10% of earners. My wife makes close to the same. At many crucual times in our lifes we've taken advantage of government assistance. To be blunt, it's not possible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. You need a helping hand once in a while no matter how small.

Resistance to pathogens is often quickly lost in a few generations without the organism being exposed to the pathogen.

This is expecially true if the resistance costs the organism in some way.

For example antibiotic resistance in bacteria is slows down the generation time. In the absence of the antibiotic, the majority of the bacteria lose the resistance as they reproduce faster than those that carry the resistance.

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Drug use rates also decrease with accessible medical and mental health care. It's almost like treating the cause works better than punishing the symptoms...

One of my most used sites has a banner that says "Sign up for a small fee to remove the ads."

I was a confused for a second, because I had never seen one.

Tried the site with another browser with my default protection off and holy shit, so many ads. The webpage is mostly unusable because of the shear number.

The first one is the main reason we could afford to have kids.

We were able to buy our first house because of three things. First the housing market crash in 2008-9. My wife's car was totaled by a rich bitch in a Mercedes. Our rented duplex was robbed and we had renters insurance. The combination of insurance payments and cheaper prices allowed us to purchase our first home.

My house payment hasn't changed since 2009. It made up 36% of our take-home income then. Today it makes up less than 11%. I pay less per month than it costs to rent a 1 bedroom apartment in my area.

The older I get the more I see that landlords are a parasite on society. They extract huge amounts of wealth from the suffering of others.

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Full dinner for my family of 4 at McD's us $65.

Full dinner at my locally owned restaurant that offers takeout plus lunch the next day from leftovers - $70.

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They always try to hide it as well.

There are a few distinct changes that occur to a teenage boy when they have someone to impress.

They comb their hair and shave. Usually in a ridiculous style but at least it's combed.

They use deodorant.

They change their clothes... Daily.

And the biggest tell, they stop half-assing brushing their teeth.

Not to scare you but it happens every year, constantly. There is always another new disease or an new mutation to an older disease that is attacking crops.

It's only by constant research, phytosanitary processes and breeding efforts that our food supply is as secure as it is.

I have, I grew up on one in Montana. Part of ranching is protecting your herds from predators. We had black bears, grizzlies, coyotes, cougars, and even wolves around. They almost never bothered our herds. The worst predators was the neighbors mix breed dogs that would chase and attack calves. We shot and buried 5-6 of them every year.

Ranching means not leaving your herd out in the middle of nowhere without any supervision. It's a hell of a lot of boring work, but it's part of the job. It's a major reason I got the fuck off the ranch as soon as I could.

Only lazy dumbfuck ignorant morons leave their herds unattended for months on end. Ranchers in Colorado have a hard time leaving their wooly girlfriends long enough to check on their cows.

Go back and check again. They are actively restoring deleted comments. About once a month I log back on and delete another round. Usually another 10-15 "mysteriously" pop back up again.

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Now why seedless watermelons suck is an interesting story.

The first intentional creation of a seedless watermelon was done in 1939 in Japan. University breeding programs in the southern U.S. after WWII began using the technology to create the first hybrids. In the early '50's and '60's multiple tetraploids were created by the university programs and released to private companies to produce seed with.

These tetraploid lines were "greys". "Greys" were selected to have a thick hard rind for long distance shipping. They were barely red on the inside and tasted slightly bitter. They all sucked for flavor.

A seedless watermelon hybrid is made by crossing a tetraploid female by a diploid male. The resulting hybrid (triploid) has 3 copies of every chromosome and is sterile.

Fertile stable tetraploids take a long time to create - around 15 generations of you are lucky. Seedless watermelons also took a long time to gain popularity in the market. So nobody put significant money or time into creating more tetraploid inbreds for over 40 years.

From the 1980's when seedless watermelons were introduced until around 2010, everyone used those shitty old tetraploids as 2/3rds of the hybrid. Since 2010 companies have created new tetraploid to use, but a significant portion still use 70 year old shitty ones.


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It's the inevitable conclusion of allowing oligopolistic conditions to be formed.

With enough competition, companies are afraid of that one competitor who doesn't raise their prices. This limits their price increases to actual cost increases instead of higher profits.

Most companies don't bother to setup a shell company. International businesses often have an existing distributors in several different countries.

When one country gets sanctioned a distributor in a neutral country suddenly increases their local sales by the same amount that the one in the sanctioned company used to have.

I used to work in international business a decade ago. I learned about a customer on the Saudi peninsula who purchased a huge amount of product (1,000x more than their entire market). It was strangely enough to cover Iran not that far away across the Persian Gulf.

They are the poster children for shooting themselves in their own foot.

They are always complaining about the states regulations. I enjoy pointing out that those regulations are mostly implemented because all of dumbfuck farmers who did something completely idiotic.

After telling a few stories that I know they generally start piping in with stories of dumb things that they know have happened. The amount of shit those fucktards do is horrifying.

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It's so weird that here in my state they are having 100+ applicantions for every open position.

Could It be because it pays one of the higher wages in the nation and the state next to it pays on average 1/3 less.

It's almost as if there is no teacher shortage, there is a shortage of pay to teachers.

The previous owners purchased the company via a leveraged buyout. It's not one quarters losses, it's the massive long-term debt on it's books.

This is a handy excuse to fuck over employees and suppliers.

I am voting for the usual:

"My parents made a generous donation to the school I attended MBA"