2 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Looks sweaty in there. I cant imagine the smell after a few weeks

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Or buy one of their celebrity sponsored "Gamer Farts" Its like Pokimane and Travis Scott are really there filling your room with farts!

Its good!

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I will never understand obtuse alternate spellings that are just homophones. Like Trinity spelled Triniteigh accomplishes nothing.

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"We've decided" lol. Keep telling yourselves that

Bros before pigs

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As a younger millenial I gotta say some of these are ours. We were calling things "extra" since like '06. Vibe is as old as the hippies, and mid is weed slang from like the early 2000s.

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Nature is gay as hell

Sure, but lets also investigate the House for financial ties to billionaires.

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DAWG. You can't champion states rights and then punish your constituents for availing themselves of another state's laws. Unless you're some kind of hypocrite...

The Venture Capital Well is running dry, tech companies are turtling up their data so other tech companies dont use AI to scrape all their content... its the 12th hour of the tech bubble and they're all scrambling to become real companies that make, you know, money. Problem is they dont know how, and customers dont want to pay them for the garbage they used to tolerate when it was free.

Context is important. If I say: "Sexual dimorphism is when a species has two distinct sexes, male and female," I dont think many would find that rude. Now, if I say "Im so sick of females telling me what to do" you might get some cocked eyebrows.

So if a cop, afflicted with PTSD from shooting teenagers, points a gun at me and I kill him in self-defense... Do you think the criminal justice system will hand-wave it away as easily as this?

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Peak player count was less than 800 players on steam... Flop is an understatement.

Those 100 workers EA laid off dont deserve to be thrown in the trash; why dont the execs take a nice paycut instead?

Gotta say, jeansposting is my least favorite lemmy trend so far

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Needing to log in to view someones tweets means now I wont even visit the site when linked. Kinda the number 1 rule of platforms is to make them accessible to those that don't already use it, so as to convert them later. Musk, and everyone around him letting these decisions run through, are idiots

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Lol Google is going to die by their own hands

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Manufacturing here. We dont have a trained QC person looking at our units before sending them to the customer. Its just some guy that checks physical dimensions. We have electronics that comes in for RMA and never gets retested on its way out. Most of our customers dont install the pieces for months so the process control gets muddied by time. Literally everyone in our company knows this. We just got our ISO 9000 cert anyway, because no one really cares about doing things right. We just put untested parts in shit and cross our fingers.

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"Lol Grandma, we need you to come out of retirement! The woke mind virus killed all tbe teachers and everyones blaming me!" -DeSantis, probably

Geez, it's almost like rigid guidelines on sexuality are a farse.

Kind of a tangent, but seeing these two raisins in the thumbnail made me hate life

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Why are we listening to John Bolton?

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Forgot to say no cap, on god

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CRT sets weighed about 40 pounds, blurry picture, and cost as much as a mid range PC. Modern TVs are 5 pounds, cheaper than most phones, and have nice crisp picture. Smart TVs suck but so did the past. Nostalgia is a lie. Things are always bad, they don't get worse they just stay bad

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"Choked out an Op with Givenchy gloves. The last thing he saw was the price tag on them, slowly faded in to darkness and I let the archangels take him." This line lives rent free in my head.

As others have said, the rehabilitation aspect is dubious. It depends on what the person "experiences" for that length of time. If there's therapy in time-dilation-space then sure go right ahead and sign me up as well. I'll just Goku-it up in my chamber of time and space and work some shit out in time for my morning shit. But you and I both know it ain't going to work that way. Prisoners will just be trapped in an empty void with only their own thoughts to keep them company, most likely rendering them insane. An infinite solitary confinement is just plain torture.

Edit: so I googled the article and its laughable how easily the author slides right in to dystopian fanfic. "This would, obviously, be much cheaper for the taxpayer than extending criminals’ lifespans to enable them to serve 1,000 years in real time." Obviously.

The answer is dont inflate your stock price by cramming the latest tech du jour in to your flagship product... but we all know thats not an option.

Damn, squatting on real estate is backfiring. I'm heartbroken

Men liking pictures of beautiful women is not weird. I think it's weirder that our economic system incentivizes selling empty sexuality and even emptier engagement from consumers of it.

I mean, i dont really mind either. I got a dick, you got a dick, whats the big deal?

I never know what to put on the vet forms...shes a grey cat i dont know what you want from me

Not to be an armchair psychologist over here (you should probably see a therapist) but it sounds more like autism, not psychopathy.

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Plus putting the kid in foster care is liable to expose him to more abuse and neglect. We are in hell, truly.

Jokes on you, I welded that during work hours. Got paid 25 dollars, spent it on more booze. The Crown Royal Ouroborous.

It aint just One Child causing this; pop. decline is happening all over the world right now

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Its a reference to the guy who tried to shoot reagan cause he was obsessed with Jodie Foster.

Lemmy really showing its ass with memes about gen z slang. Kai Cenat is just a person, Unc has been around since the fucking 80s. Its ok for language to change. ITS GOING TO BE OK, BOOMER

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Never take a break from culture. As soon as you take a year off you will be irrelevant. If that sound exhausting (it is) then congratulations; you have discovered why older people are never on top of pop culture.

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...what the fuck?

Final Fantasy doesnt need to cost $100+ million to make; especially when your only big idea is just to make it look expensive. Execs like to blame their own hubris on market changes but like... treat your workers better and give them creative freedom and they could do great things. Instead its all on the backs of money-grubbing trend-chasers who get to keep their jobs when their inevitable failures lead to mass layoffs.

Ya'll spent 50 mil on marketing? I barely even noticed ffxvi came out. How much did Dunkey spend on marketing Animal Well and that shit was inescapable for weeks.

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