
2 Post – 528 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Why kick 'em when they're down already?

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Got to make these people as dumb as possible so they'll believe anything

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Is that the engineers fault? Or is that the people who are supposed to check for usability after the engineer is done designing the functional aspects? Because it's not usually an engineer's job to do this...

Basic product testing is the foundation of manufacturing, an error like this doesn't get all the way through production and it still be just the engineers fault.

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Yeah we get it Verge.com you're loving the reddit clicks

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Oopsie we repeatedly keep taking away you most valuable organizational tools

  • The 1%
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Yeah okay let me just risk getting a black tongue and my mouth reeking of sulfur, possible hair loss and vision impairment, black stools, nahhh I'll just be a normal stinky smart ape thanks.

Just typical dictator things

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It's not "his brand" that the problem. It's the republicans inability to have thier own platform that is the problem.

"OTHER GUYS BAD VOTE ME" Is not a political platform.

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It costs nothing to never put these words together that way though

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Don't look in the changing rooms, they are all full of furries

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Man I'll tell you what, I got OTH discharge from the Navy for a WHOLE LOT LESS. What a fucking joke. Fuck this

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Let me know if you ever find an entertainment review medium that isn't actually comprimised ok. If you do, I bet it's crowdsourced, not made by a company.

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So is it

Again, the flavor was close to the organic article but not quite there, leaving me with an uncanny-valley feeling. Yet, when dabbed with the plant-based butter next to it on the plate, this faux fish was delicious overall.

or is it

Synthetic fish isn't quite there yet—and may not be worth the effort

Because the article tells me both. Seems the effort is worth while when you consider the fact that salmon aren't faring well as a species currently, due to overfishing. As a result, species which rely on salmon, such as orca whales, are also measurably suffering. So if it's "overall delicious" and can save some damn whales, how is that "not worth the effort" ?

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remind me again how much vacation congress gets?

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A lot of bars will give you free drinks if you give them your sobriety coin from AA.

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Just a fancy ad for a brand, with words around it

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Happened to me when I quit drinking. It was so engaging. Suddenly every other ad online is for hard liquor, too drastic to have been a lot of coincidences lining up.

It's less Google fault directly, more that finding sobriety terms is part of the alcohol manufacturers SEO/ad words strategy. Which is absolutely disgusting.

I hope your intervention goes well, it wouldn't have worked well on me for sure so I hope your friend has more grace than I did when I was drinking.

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Why would you issue a warning to a spammer instead of using the tools as intended, and just marking it as spam anyway? It clearly was. All you did here was pass the buck to someone else now.

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Go away, 'bating

..its been a scam the entire time. it was a way for rich people to pay the poor people to shut up about ruining the planet, and nothing more. Not sure why anyone ever thought this was going to be effective. taxing pollution does NOTHING to stop it.

Yeah you're right they could just choose to starve to death I suppose.

Fucking dumbass

Because they've compromised their morals so much to get to where they are that they feel like there's no turning back.

So this is what Germany felt like back then.

I don't like it.

thats not new at all, I remember there being traces of that still in everyday interactions as a kid. Theres nothing new about the hate they are spewing, thats what makes it extra vile to me.

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Ok.. So when do we change "deeply troubled" into "pressing charges for attempting to corrupt the sovereignty of a voting body" or something that I didn't maybe just make up right now, even better.

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Oh no, it's fine; they are just asking questions.

A judge in Montana ruled on Monday that the state violated the state constitutional rights of 16 young people by promoting the use of fossil fuels and ignoring the effects of greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming and climate change. The ruling, a historic first in the U.S. for environmental law, could influence thousands of other pending climate change lawsuits in the country.

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My favorite part is how they're always telling us what their plans are by telling us what they think the other people are going to do

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It's never been about being right, it's always been about being the winners in an "us vs. Them" capacity. They don't even have defined goals, so long as they win. This manifests itself most often as opposition to anything the other party tries to do. Not for the good of the country, not for the benefit of the electorate, just to make sure the others aren't winning, and only that.

That Fox News website is so fucking glitchy that even if I wanted to do something on it I couldn't.

Fuck fox news

Who gives a fuck

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Since you gave us absolutely not even a hint of what the linked content is.. The intro:

No author has written more insightfully and candidly about white Christian nationalism than Robert P. Jones, chief executive of the Public Religion Research Institute. His latest book, “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy: And the Path to a Shared American Future,” out this week, discusses three cities that explored racial atrocities committed against Black people and Native Americans and then worked across ideological and racial lines to educate and heal the communities. Here is my recent interview with him, lightly edited and condensed.

Also, you post too much all over the place.

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Never stop worshiping that dollar

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you should see an optometrist about that

Fuck religion. So incredibly devious to spin the (normal) fear of death into a lifetime of obligation. Taking advantage of the curious intellectual property of human nature in order to plasticize the population. So gross.

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Pro " believe whatever I believe right now"

News just doesn't mean what it used to

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Reminder that Reddit is a massive company and they're using spez as fall guy and it's completely working. It's the only reason he has a job still.

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You can probably just buy the coins online lmao

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