
1 Post – 310 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Because he's doing everything to make it fail and destroy the platform, isn't it obvious?

68 more...

No shit. I'd bet money the Cybertruck design isn't coming from an engineer. Elon probably sat down with his crayons, drew his dream car and forced his poor employees to try and make this piece of shit work.

32 more...

Is there? The casino is on a cheap $250 a month plan they don't belong on and they broke ToS with the domains. While also costing Cloudflare money each month (as the casino admits themselves, their traffic alone is worth up to $2000 a month).

It's absolutely in the right of Cloudflare to drop a customer that's bothersome. Casinos usually are (regulations, going around country restrictions), them costing them money on top is a massive issue.

120k a year is a big slap of course, but it's probably the amount Cloudflare would want to keep them on as a customer. If they leave, so be it.

I've seen it several times before at companies I worked at. They cheaped out and went with a tiny service plan to coast by. Or even broke ToS because it would be cheaper. That usually got stopped by plans getting dropped (GitLab Bronze for example), cheap plans getting limited, or the sales team sending a 'friendly' message that we're abusing their plan and how we're going to fix it. If you don't play along at that point you're going to get the hammer dropped on you.

It also wasn't 24h as the title says, the first communication happened in April. At that point they should have started to scramble, either upgrading to a bigger tier immediately or switching providers. And it's totally normal to go to the sales team when you break the ToS of your plan or you abuse a smaller plan. They're going to discuss terms, it's not a technical issue.

Edit: And I should also say, the whole "paying for a whole year is extortion" is bullshit too. Their CFO or CEO told Cloudflare they are looking at switching providers (as they looked at Fastly). So of fucking course Cloudflare is going to demand a full year upfront. Otherwise the casino could pay for a single month and during that month they switch away to another provider. So Cloudflare would still be thousands in the red with that ex-customer after they used so much traffic the last few years.

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I'm mostly fine with shorts, except for two things:

  1. You can't move around in them, it's either play or pause and repeat, which sucks (as shorts don't have to be short..)

  2. On the homepage it doesn't show who the short is from (which channel) without opening them

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With "total nonsense" I expected something like ZyAbct328 or some crap, like a name you can barely find to stay under the radar.

But Aylo? Wtf is The Verge doing?

Aylo is only "nonsense" because you're not used to it. What about Sony? Nike? Lego? Cisco? Adobe? ...

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Could you not change the title? Yours is factually wrong.

The original is:

Terraria developer Re-Logic condemns Unity, donates $100k to both Godot and FNA

They are donating $100k each, as in $200k at once. And then another $1k per month each.

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You could disable the motors. You can read out sensors without the arm moving. And if the arm needs to move, do it from a distance (cable connected or wireless).

A human shouldn't be anywhere near moving robotic arms, ever.

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That's not how vaccines work. The illness is already there, it's not like people get sick after you introduce a vaccine into the system. So the "market" has always been there and every dose administered is great.

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That was fast. Their claim of 5 years in development is histerical.

The city map is a bought asset for a few hundred bucks. The survival mechanics were a bought kit too.

If you cut out marketing you could build that type of asset flip in weeks to months.

You got it the wrong way around. We already have a ton of compute and what this kind of AI can do is pretty cool.

But adding more compute power and parameters won't solve the inherent problems.

No matter what you do, it's still just a text generator guessing the next best word. It doesn't do real math or logic, it gets basic things wrong and hallucinates new fake facts.

Sure, it will get slightly better still, but not much. You can throw a million times the power at it and it will still fuck up in just the same ways.

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Most of the entries were just funny, the last one is a nuke:

  1. I heard that the only real application for that technology was child pornography. How did you hear about it?
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He doesn't have time for that, after all he's the busiest man on the planet and earns his billions every day.

Which is why his Diablo 4 Druid is level 100. Lol.

14 more...

Besides: Fuck modern office design. Even in my company in Austria, other departments often have cushy 2-3 employee offices, plenty of space, really nice.

What do software developers get? Massive rooms with 13 people inside and no seperators for "collaboration". But while you're in online meeting A and your colleague is in online meeting B you can't even focus on your own thoughts.

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That's stupid, any cypher you can keep in your head is easily cracked.

If you want privacy, look towards encryption. Get a cheap laptop without internet access, install whatever Linux distribution, then keep everything encrypted.

So all you need to keep in your head is your master password.

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If it's an existing language then it's not secure.

If you make up your own language you'll waste a thousand hours and someone might use the notes you used to learn it.

Just use damn encryption, it's easy and fast. Also has additional benefits. If someone wants to force you to give them/translate your notes you can't do much (they'll know when your translation is inconsistent).

With encryption you can hide a volume inside another one. If you enter the weaker password you can put decoy files there, with just your run of the mill notes. While behind a stronger password you hide your actual diary.

You forgot the third option: None.

I got a smartphone, I don't need a watch to tell the time.

16 more...

Rare North Korea W

NFTs are a joke, so it's totally fine for a topic like this.

Like what is there to discuss? The entire concept is stupid. With NFTs the object isn't even on the blockchain, the image isn't there. It's pretty much just some random information that says image x belongs to you (but you have to store image x somewhere else and can lose it).

When it comes to owning art either physical media or the rights to the image already do a much better job.

The only area where NFTs sound useful (but they aren't) is things like trading card games. Where you can have a card in a game and you own it, but because it's an NFT you could sell the card to another player outside the game. But the whole concept again breaks down, the game can simply block the card from being played later on or remove the card and you're left with nothing (besides "proof" that you own the NFT for a card that existed in the past). It adds nothing of value that a normal entry in a database couldn't provide.

One thing I'm still positive on: Crypto currency was a great idea, at least until Bitcoin was sabotaged with the 1 MB block size and transacting with it died along the way.

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As is with software developing, actually writing the stuff down is the easiest part of the work. If you already have someone fact checking and editing.. why do you need AI to shit out crap just for the writing? It would be easier to gather the facts first, fact check them, then wrangle them through the AI if you don't want to hire a writer (+ another pass for editing).

LLMs look like magic on a glance, but people thinking they are going to produce high quality content (or code for god's sake) are delusional.

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Mate, it's a prototype, their first product. If that design works well and will be mass produced the price goes down. With possibly a budget option released later that actually makes sense to buy.

A lot of companies started with the luxury version of a product and then later offered budget versions after showing everyone they could deliver.

Linus not only dissed them (after "testing" the product on the wrong GPU) but also sold off their only prototype. Otherwise they could have sent it to another reviewer to do a proper test.

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This has nothing to do with mining (which isn't worth doing in the first place, especially on CPUs but even on GPUs it's crap now).

GitLab has a vendetta against their free users, they don't want them. The last company I worked for went with GitLab and bought the bronze subscription ($4 per developer per month, had everything we needed). A year later GitLab discontinued the bronze tier, now it's $20 per developer per month for zero more features we would actually use. So we went back to free tier. Half a year later they limited free tier to 5 people per project, which was a headache yet again.

The company moved to GitHub afterwards, $4 per user per month, same amount of features, no bullshit.

GitLab just tries to get you to pay and could give a shit about free users (or users that wanted a cheaper tier than $20 a month). Now they push you to set a credit card for your account, I'd bet with you in a year tops they'll limit the free tier even further to either kick you off the platform or force you to the premium tier.

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I was rather happy with Netflix for nearly a decade. The price was reasonable and family members could also watch. When I moved out I upgraded to the 4K package (split 3 ways between family members) and it was fine at first.

But there were several caveats:

  • 4K only works on TVs, on my 1440p monitor I could only watch 1080p. Sucked, but it's not too bad
  • Price kept going up, in the end it was 18€ a month. That's okay split between 3 people, but otherwise far too much for what is offered
  • Series that I liked kept getting cancelled, while trash was getting renewed or they messed up the later seasons (Looking at you, The Witcher..)
  • They cracked down on password sharing, suddenly you need to be in the same WiFi to count as home or you need a travel code (limited to 2 a month and only for 2 weeks each), so if you regularly move between places it's a no-go for a service you pay for

I finally cancelled it, sick of their shit. Which also has the benefit of no longer having to take care of the account for the family. Unfortunately my dad accidentally took over the account (while trying to create a new one) and keeps paying the 4K price (I suggested at least going down to 1080p as the quality is shit either way). Simply idiotic :-/

Personally I tried out Real Debrid and it has been pretty alright so far. The quality is better too, which is ridiculous.

Happens, or sleeping through the alarm.

I no longer snooze now. I set the alarm to the latest time I can get up and still be on time. Either I wake up on my own or the alarm forces me out of bed.

Snoozing is stupid, you already interrupt your sleep for nothing. I'd much rather maximize uninterrupted sleeping time.

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The sad thing: Throwing hardware at a problem was actually cheaper for a long time. You could buy that $1500 CPU and put it in your dedicated server, or spend 40 developer hours at $100 a pop. Obviously I'm talking about after the easy software side optimizations have already been put in (no amount of hardware will save you if you use the wrong data structures).

Nowadays you pay $500 a month for 4 measly CPU cores in Azure. Or "less than 1 core" for an SQL Server.

Obviously you have a lot more scalability and reliability in the cloud. But for $500 a month each we had a 16 core, 512 GB RAM machine in the datacenter (4 of them). That kind of hardware on AWS or Azure would bankrupt most companies in a year.

Try using a smaller instance. I recently switched from lemmy.world to lemmy.zip and it's lightning fast. While you still get all the content from lemmy.world :)

14 more...

That's not how vaccines work. You don't "program" them. For example the Covid mRNA vaccine is only in your body for literally days (at most). At max a week later it's fully gone, no more trace of the actual vaccine.

It just tricks your own cells into creating harmless proteins that look similar to the actual virus, so your anti-bodies learn how to attach to them and eliminate them. They learn, they reproduce and remember. When the actual virus gets into your body your body just goes "Ah, I know that stuff already, I know what to do." instead of not even realizing there's a virus at first and then frantically trying to find a solution to the intruder (which is based on random chance pretty much, if your body is too slow the virus has too much time to spread, either fucking you up or even killing you if your immune system isn't up to speed).

This video is really cool in regards to that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmpuerlbJu0

More? It feels like nine out of ten war movies focus on WW2. You can't throw a stone at IMDB without hitting three WW2 movies and a series along the way.

13 more...

Humans can see a single solid color frame changing at 1000 fps. So if you don't notice a difference between 60 and 165 fps something isn't working. It's not your eyes.

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Pretty good, it's my Reddit replacement (except for Google searches where I still put site:reddit.com, searching Lemmy doesn't work that well..).

Choosing an instance sucked though.

I went like:

  1. sh.itjust.works: Found out they're Canadian, the latency was too much for Europe
  2. lemmy.ml: Overall pretty good, I liked that NSFW instances were defederated, so I could browse All without seeing porn. Till I realized there is a slur filter that censors your comments and others. So if someone calls you a 'bitch' on the Fediverse everyone can read it, except you. You see 'removed'
  3. lemmy.world: Largest instance, plenty of local content, good policies overall, but the stability was awful (due to DDOS)
  4. lemmy.zip: Smaller instance, full federation, super fast and in the EU, I'm staying there for now and moved all my subscriptions and blocked communities (mostly porn, again, I like to browse All) over
11 more...

Well, there's modern C++ and it looks reasonable, so you start to think: This isn't so bad, I can work with that.

Then you join a company and you find out: They do have modern C++ code, but also half a million lines of older code that's not in the same style. So there's 5 different ways to do things and just getting a simple string suddenly has you casting classes and calling functions you have no clue about. And there's a ton of different ways to shoot your foot off without warning.

After going to C# I haven't looked back.

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44b sounds like a lot of money (it is!), but his net worth right now is 219b after this fiasco. At this point it's just a score between rich assholes who got the bigger number.

You could take 200b away from his evaluation and he could still retire on a yacht and not work a single day in the next 100 years. Same for his children and his children's children.

So yeah, "bad" financial investment, but it might be worth for him to kill one of the biggest platforms where he was called out for his bullshit.

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Of course they have origins, but that is pretty much true of any name. If I look up "Aylo" I find:

A user from Morocco says the name Aylo is of Portuguese origin and means "someone who's easily attached to someone".
A submission from New York, U.S. says the name Aylo means "One who sees seeds" and is of African origin.
A user from Canada says the name Aylo means "Loving"

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The king is just 30, but his body is so frail from the hourly snu snu.

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I mean the most expensive phones are Androids nowadays, like the Galaxy Z Fold5 that starts at $1799 for the one with the smallest storage..

iPhones are just more consistent pricing wise, though they also released budget versions by now, right?

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The entire news article sounds like it's from someone who hasn't seen a video game in the last 20 years.

What makes the game so special, Trest says, is the immersive features through the video game controller, which allow players to feel the vibrations of the action. This technology, known as haptic feedback, is what's behind the realistic sensations felt while playing the game, Trest explained.

What? Even the N64 had a rumble pack back in the day.

And "taking the video game industry by storm"? The announcement trailer has 3.4k views. Reddit posts about the game have 1 and 3 upvotes. This feels like a marketing campaign from the dad.

Though I'm surprised PlayStation picked this up (but maybe it's just self-published?).

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Besides not wanting to buy a product from Musk buying a Tesla simply isn't an option.

On the newest Model 3 they removed the stalks, I don't want to press a button on a steering wheel to use the blinker (Doing that in a roundabout sounds like a nightmare).

Besides that Musk seems to think he can do whatever he wants with OTA updates. I wouldn't want to buy a car that might have some function changed or disabled the next time I'm using it.

Plenty of other manufacturers at this point to choose from.

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Only up to a certain point. My Kia Rio has a 0-60 of like 16 seconds.. overtaking even on a clear road sucks.

The car is perfect otherwise, but I'd definitely want much better acceleration in the future.

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It's not the reality of the world, it's cutting corners. Most likely management either not providing the equipment or putting so much time pressure on employees that they have to rush.

Absolutely no one is testing robotic arms while standing next to them. They would either be moronic or are forced to (which should be illegal). Especially with the AI being switched on instead of using manual control in that moment.

But work safety standards are shit in a lot of countries.

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By a lot! It would also cut every overdrawn bank account by half :)

Unfortunately it's just "bank balance", so actual debts outside of that wouldn't be touched.

"Immersion" when every NPC stands around doing nothing in a t-pose and some of them sit half in the ground.

Not really sure where you got immersion from. The entire city is also just a prop on planets you can't really interact with (except the space port part).

I've felt more immersed in Cyberpunk.

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