
4 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The MPA is so out of touch. Let's not tell them.

This youtube link contains a tracking code ?si=.... Remember to remove it next time.

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twitter's not meant to be an experiment. Musk is just really stupid. But other platforms are learning from it anyway

BREIN. There's an evil villain name if I ever saw one.

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Seed the fucking torrents. https://annas-archive.se/torrents Enter how many TBs you have spare, and it will tell you which torrents to download. This way, we can all back up Anna's Archive together so the data won't disappear.

how do you know they are fmovies?

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You probably meant 50mbps down and 10mbps up

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What is opposing a war?

People call themselves war opponents when they oppose invading Vietnam, which is good.

People also call themselves war opponents when they oppose Ukraine defending itself, which is bad. They support Russia invading Ukraine. They support wars except the ones when the US is invading.

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If it has a lot of users but no downloads probably runs on a $50-$100 dedi server

If it has no users and no downloads probably a $5 VPS

If it has downloads then a lot

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Torrents are people sharing files with each other, uploading and downloading. Stremio downloads, but never uploads. And now it doesn't want you to know who's using it, because people kept banning it.

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hosting can be anywhere. This will kill the UK hosting industry, and they'll move to NL.

There are more ways to detect than peer ID.

This client is already extremely popular. Before the spoofing update, it's mis-identified as TorrentStorm in qBittorrent. It makes up half the peers on a lot of my torrents. Have you checked?

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They are wrong. Most creators don't get paid from ads.

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Always sideload

Hey, they're not equivalent! The second one is a lot worse! Say the shareholders

They're right though. Voting and organizing are independent actions. You can not vote and not organize, not vote and organize, vote and not organize, or vote and organize. The liberal wasn't going to organize no matter what, but at least they voted. If you're organizing, you can vote, too.

"Don't vote because you organizing is better" is a stupid propaganda line designed to help Trump win.

This happens on Reddit, too. The Reddit version is a community getting site-wide banned. In this case a community is banning itself, which is pretty dumb, but it has the right to do that.

When it happens on Reddit, you have no recourse. When it happens on Lemmy, you can go and set up your own Lemmy.

I think the same can be said to the whiner making angry comments on Lemmy because someone made a 4 hour video he doesn't want to watch.

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Home seedbox for a start. How much did it cost? You've got like $5000 of drives at least...

It is every citizen's duty to make the government block as many IP addresses as possible. When the Italians have no Internet, maybe they'll reconsider.

You downloaded the least seeded torrent and you're seeding it now, right?

He turned off the like and retweet numbers. He filled everyone's feed with ads that don't say ads. He bans everyone he disagrees with about anything, as soon as he notices them.

Cooler and less cool because no exit nodes. It's fully separate from normal internet.

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If you use a debrid service, you're okay because the debrid service just downloads the file once and caches it for everyone, and you pay for the bandwidth to download from them. That isn't excessive leeching, whether they seed or not.

Having the free time to do the repacking costs more

It does dominate my personal bandwidth. You'll notice if one of your torrents is on their app. You'll be uploading all day and it'll fill half your peers list.

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Use rm -rf. If you are scared of mistakes, type echo rm -rf nameofdirectory, check it, go back, delete the echo and press enter.


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You got downvoted, but some researchers discovered this works on some cellphone networks. They only look at what the site calls itself and not what the site actually is.

They're literally against them.

Because the content is on youtube. What if we mirrored it?

they are decent because they don't let anyone upload anything

Better, follow /r/trackersignups. There are more trackers than just TorrentLeech.

Just use a VPN

It's relevant twice. Did you read it?

When it's discovered it stops working. Rippers have custom reverse engineered tooling and keep it secret.

You would have volunteered to guard the concentration camps because if the Jews got out they'd make a ruckus.

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And not the usual "wrong opinion". Some platforms demonetise you for the wrong opinion "hitler had the right idea" but youtube demonetises you for the wrong opinion "right to repair"

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Solution: No sportsball.