2 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Worth noting, for those that aren't going to bother reading the first line of the article, this is ABC the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, not ABC the American Broadcasting Company

18 more...

There's always a relevant xkcd:

(actually quite a few in this case...)

xkcd 285: Wikipedian Protestor

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Well @zuck (and @mosseri) are from Threads and, like @Mastodon, it makes sense a lot of people would first choose to follow the top leaders. I imagine the majority of those are actually legitimate users, though the Threads bubble also very quickly popped, so who knows how many are still active

They were being sent to Springfield to upgrade and modernize the Tire Fire

Wikipedia hasn't been updated, confirmed definitely not dead

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And then you get a call from a Swedish Wikipedia editor and they say:

February 30 was a day that happened in Sweden, 1712.[4] This occurred because, instead of changing from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar by omitting a block of consecutive days, as had been done in other countries, the Swedish Empire planned to change gradually by omitting all leap days from 1700 to 1740, inclusive. Although the leap day was omitted in February 1700, the Great Northern War began later that year, diverting the attention of the Swedes from their calendar so that they did not omit leap days on the next two occasions; 1704 and 1708 remained leap years.[5]

To avoid confusion and further mistakes, the Julian calendar was restored in 1712 by adding an extra leap day, thus giving that year the only known actual use of February 30 in a calendar. That day corresponded to February 29 in the Julian calendar and to March 11 in the Gregorian calendar.[5][6] The Swedish conversion to the Gregorian calendar was finally accomplished in 1753, when February 17 was followed by March 1.[5]

The TLD TL;DR is basically that domains don't come out of nowhere. Just like how you need a domain to be able to have the subdomains or, in order to have the domain you must first have someone to run the .zip top-level domain (in this case, Google)

Like Forester mentioned in the other comment, you can have any combination of letters you want as a TLD, you just have to set up and manage all the infra for it (or find somebody else to do it for you)

It's just your OpenStreetMap username, doesn't have to a real name. You can set "your name" to be some anonymous gibberish if you'd like

On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.

  • Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

The "c" being cut off of the circle crop on the logo is really bothering me

Keep it.

Nuclear Gandhi is another such story

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Luckily you can edit titles on Lemmy

I mean in fairness to the first one, on most systems it is possible to turn wifi back on without turning off airplane mode (there is in-flight wifi after all)

The three -verse terms I've heard in use are:

  • Fediverse: All the (ActivityPub-based) federated services with at least some degree of interoperability between each other
  • Threadiverse: Subset of fediverse focused on threads-based discussion, like link aggregation/forums-style (as opposed to i.e. microblogging)
  • Lemmyverse: Subset of threadiverse specifically running Lemmy (as opposed to i.e. Kbin)
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*clears throat in Weird Al fan that's long gone off the deep end*

And for commercially released stuff, there's also One More Minute with the line "Now I'm stranded all alone in the gas station of love, and I have to use the self-service pumps!" and the entirety of Wanna B Ur Lovr is just innuendo after innuendo

2 more...'s birthday is tomorrow!

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How big will the canvas be this year? There was a fair bit of whitespace last year, but even with minimal notice limited only to Lemmy, it was almost the perfect amount for everything to fit without overlapping

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This isn't entirely true. Verification on Mastodon isn't verifying your account for a shiny badge, it's verifying ownership of sites that you link on your profile. If you add a link to a website, and that website links back to your profile, Mastodon will show that one link as verified. But that link needs a special rel="me" attribute to count for verification, which is what Threads now supports.

I am absolutely sure Threads is an attempt at EEE, but this specific feature is a good thing imo. I'd love to see more sites support rel=me links for simple cross-platform account (ownership) verification

Tom Scott stuff something like that with Mentour Pilot, but he was purely passenger, no hundreds of hours in MFS

Tom's video:

Petter (Mentour)'s video:

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Here's the official birthday post:

There's also an overview of the first year at

You should check out !

While I'm sure Threads as a whole is an attempt at EEE, I don't think this is that big a deal. In fact, I'd like to see every other site support it, too

As the article mentions, verification on Mastodon is just verifying ownership of some links in your profile (not the entire account), which just checks the target site for a special link back to your profile (specifically adding the rel="me" attribute to it). Now when you add a link to your Threads profile, if it sees a rel=me link pointing back your Threads profile, it will add the rel=me on its end as well. Following the steps in the article, Mastodon will then see the rel=me attribute on the link to your profile there, and show the link as verified, just the same as if it saw any other rel=me link on any other site. And any other site that supports link verification the same way will also now be able to verify ownership of your Threads profile.

Using rel=me links like this is a great simple way to cross-verify all your other accounts and websites without needing to sign in or authorize any access. Just point the two sites at each other and violà!

The description does say it contains interference modifications, most notably increasing text size. This seems more like a "(grand)parent mode" preset than just any sort of ruse to keep the data farms running as well. I love how everyone went right for the "old."

There's also the term ritardando in music for gradually slowing down, but at least that's typically abbreviated to "rit."

Huh. I know Masto doesn't do Markdown formatting, but I think that would've worked here. I guess escaping that does make more sense though

That's honestly one of my favorite parts of this, the Canadians were finally allowed to build their flag in peace.

Tldr this isn't really anything new for Mastodon. If you link to a website in your profile, you could verify you own that website (or are a representative of it, ie writer for news or a blog) by having that site link back to your profile with a special rel="me" attribute. The new thing is that Threads now also supports these links, so linking your Threads account on your Mastodon account can show you have verified that you own that Threads account. This also works with any other site that supports rel=me links for verification.

I agree with all y'all that Threads is EEE, but I think this particular feature is a really good thing and I'd love to see more sites implement this as a really simple way to cross-verify (ownership of) accounts

The only options are either keep it exactly as is or faithfully recreate it on the canvas. It perfectly represents the spirit of Canvas in a way a more polished/"good" logo never could

Easier to just round up lol

I hate how much I actually want to try this

Well, not last last, just last before a (very well deserved) vacation of indeterminate length.

Yeah not all the way, but still a lot closer than many people think (also "Orgy on My Own")

Might also be a reference to Radcliffe playing Weird Al in his recent biopic WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story

Only the west coast is supported in the US so far. Iirc it's just CA, OR, and WA, or something like that