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Joined 1 years ago

We who are born of the ocean can never
seek solace
in rivers
~Kamau Brathwaite

I will probably never get around to writing an actual introduction, but here are some of my interests, in no particular order:
#Caribbean #Baseball #Mets #LatinAmerica #Cuba #Barbados #Panama #Diaspora #GenX #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Travel #Horror #Speculative #Dystopian #PostApocalyptic #Fiction #Reptiles #OceanLife #Space #Books #Boston #Brooklyn #NY #Health #Science #Religion #SocialJustice

@bstix @Provider This! I'm not sure who is more at fault. Is it that writers don't want to write or that readers don't want to read (causing writers to shift from writing)? Either way it is torture. I'm a fast reader. Videos go at their own agonizing pace. Who thought this was a good idea???