
2 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

1% of the headsets are returned. 30% of those returns (0.3% of the overall headsets) are because the user couldn’t figure it out.

This is clickbait.

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It’s not a win. Apple is still requiring apps to undergo app review and even more exorbitant fees than distributing through the App Store. Apple is doing their best to comply to the letter but not the spirit of the EU ruling.

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DisplayPort is designed to give your GPU a fast connection to your display. HDMI is designed to give the copyright holder of the video you are watching a DRM protected connection to your display to make piracy harder.

This is why DisplayPort is better for the consumer but HDMI is more popular because the device manufacturers are really in charge of what you get.

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Do you want underground zombies driving you mad?

At least fill every other layer with cobble so the underground zombies won’t spawn

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The question you are asked to answer when you vote is not “do you want Biden to be president?”.

The question is “Would you rather have Trump or Biden as president?”

Your answer is allowed to be:

  • Biden

  • Trump

  • I don’t mind either way.

That’s the nature of the first-past-the-post voting system.

The game was sold other places (like the Humble store) without the PSN warning.

Also it’s been sold in countries that the PSN doesn’t support.

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Missed opportunity to make the histogram Jean-textured

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Short answer: Neural Networks and other “machine learning” technologies are inspired by the brain but are focused on taking advantage of what computers are good at. Simulating actual neurons is possible but not something computers are good at so it will be slow and resource intensive.

Long Answer:

  1. Simulating neurons is fairly complex. Not impossible; we can simulate microscopic worms, but simulating a human brain of 100 billion neurons would be a bit much even for modern supercomputers
  2. Even if we had such a simulation, it would run much slower than realtime. Note that such a simulation would involve data sent between networked computers in a supercomputing cluster, while in the brain signals only have to travel short distances. Also what happens in the brain as a simple chemical release would be many calculations in a simulation.
  3. “Training” a human brain takes years of constant input to go from a baby that isn’t capable of much to a child capable of speech and basic reasoning. Training an AI simulation of a human brain is at least going to take that long (plus longer given that the simulation will be slower)
  4. That human brain starts with some basic programming that we don’t fully understand
  5. Theres a lot more about the human brain we don’t fully understand
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My game’s anticheat software is already using root level permissions to monitor other program’s RAM, my OS might as well have all that data too.

My gaming OS is a malware mess. I don’t use windows for anything else since that’s the only thing it’s good at. I’ll move to Linux once my friends stop playing the games that require Windows only malware anti cheat.

This will be useful if you are trying to let multiple people share your computer remotely. If you are trying to set up personal game streaming for one client at a time, try Moonlight and Sunshine (more mature, easier to setup, works on any hardware).


Helldivers’ business model is primarily microtransactions. The microtransactions affect gameplay, so it’s in the direction of “pay to win”. It’s not the paragon of non-predatory monetization that people make it out to be.

(Baldurs Gate 3 and Palworld both are good examples of a healthy pay once and actually own a copy games)

Also none of these games released without serious bugs.

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Traditional 2FA (assuming you mean apps with codes) can be done from the same device (if you have the app with the codes installed on that device).

It doesn’t defeat the purpose of 2FA. The 2 factors are 1. The password and 2. You are in possession of a device with the 2FA codes. The website doesn’t know about the device until you enter the code.

Apple doesn’t invent new products; they take good ideas that others did poorly and do them well.

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No but Apple Music will identify tracks that you have added from your own collection, and on other devices will download their version instead of the file you supposedly uploaded, even if your original version was higher quality.

That’s how they beat competition: by innovating in small-ways.

They didn’t make the first Laptop, but they innovate in ways like high-quality display and trackpad, and having a touch-bar.

They don’t always do it well. Touch-bar and pressure-sensitive trackpad have been hit-or-miss features.

AirPods weren’t the first Bluetooth earphones, but Apple managed to make them wildly popular.

Vision Pro is … honestly I’m not sure where they’re going with it. I think the most similar competing product is the Facebook/Meta/Oculus “Quest”, but that focuses on running games while the Apple Vision emphasizes anything but games.

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Lmfao I actually wrote that by hand but it does kinda look AI generated

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It’s always had a free tier. The free tier existed before the paid tier did.

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Misleading graph trying to make a 150% increase look like a 1000% increase.

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It’s playable if that’s what you mean. It’s still “early access” though.

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The meteors are funny IMO. But it definitely isn’t good game design to have a mechanic where you just randomly die with no way to defend yourself.

Also people need to chill out. Things get buffed and nerfed. The meta changes. We are already getting our first taste of power creep with the mech suits.

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Larion Studios is still doing fine. They’ve decided to pursue their own IP rather than continue to work with a 3rd party’s.

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My SO and I make weird noises at each other constantly. I also make weird noises around my siblings.

If successful, a Lemmy ad campaign would cost Reddit far more than it would give them.

How are Apple’s AirPods not “in ear canal things”?

I think the company sees this as an opportunity to use the spotlight they now have to publicize their own IP. I suppose we can only wait and see what they do next.

They are


This post is why we can’t have nice things

Yeah throwing a piece of sodium metal into water will cause a violent reaction. Even touching it with your finger is bad because of the moisture on your skin.

But sodium chloride (table salt) dissolves in water easily and safely, resulting in an aqueous solution including sodium ions.

The technique you linked is, even at a couple years old, a pretty cutting-edge technique. You aren’t going to find it or something similar in any video editing software. Maybe someone’s made a plugin for one if you are lucky.

However, there are a lot of free tools that make it easy to split or rejoin audio and video, and convert it between different formats.

Id recommend:

  • Audacity if you want a GUI
  • FFMPEG if you want a command line tool
  • VLC can also do a lot of conversions FFMPEG does if you dig through its features (it’s basically a GUI wrapper for FFMPEG)

I once messed up something I was writing by hand and instinctually wanted to press ctrl+z

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This argument starts with the assumption that Biden is bad but Trump is worse. The goal is to minimize Trump’s relative score compared to Biden.

So there are 3 options:

  • vote for Trump, +1 to Trump’s relative score
  • vote for Biden, -1 to Trump’s relative score
  • vote for neither or don’t vote at all, +0 to Trump’s relative score

Voting for neither or not voting is 1 point worse than voting for Biden.

I had a relative visiting the US for the first time who was really excited to try turkey meat.

The short answer is, when your computer sends a message over the network, the IP address specifies which computer should receive the message, and the port specifies which program should receive the message.

Yeah that’s typically how microtransaction driven games work.

See also:

  • League of Legends
  • Genshin Impact and other “gacha” games
  • Fortnite
  • digital TCGs

(Also all of those are free to play, so minus points to helldivers for double dipping)

The malicious code wasn’t in the source code people typically read (the GitHub repo) but was in the code people typically build for official releases (the tarball). It was also hidden in files that are supposed to be used for testing, which get run as part of the official building process.

I’ve done this sort of thing before but the fundamental problem is people typically don’t just let you boot your OS on their machine.

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If you can’t run the game you want to play locally, you might be able to run it on GFN and stream it instead.

If you have a reasonably powerful computer and the games you play work on Linux, you are much better off just running the games locally.

I love the pressure sensitive trackpad but my mom always complains when the force-click pop up appears when she tries to click normally but presses too hard. I’m pretty sure most users don’t take advantage of it.

A related feature was pressure sensitivity in their phones, which the removed because most users weren’t using it.