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Joined 9 months ago



Tech billionaires trying to solve the world's problems is a bit like a cancer trying to save its host from organ failure

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They make airplanes tf is this mafia shit

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How soon until he refers to Harris as "Hillary" or his other nemesis "Nancy"?

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Sometimes when you translate something into another medium, a weakness you might have overlooked is exposed.

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I know that this is vile and sick and cruel but goddamn, that headline is so fucking batshit stupid I laughed out loud.

What a colossal dipshit.

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His legacy could have also been "80s real estate and business failure goes to prison for SA and financial crimes." Instead, we have a two-tiered justice system and he gets to climb onto Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe at 72 years of age.

We're numb to injustice.

Conservatives, I understand. They're sick, and toxic, but they fight for what they believe in. Which is why we have to defeat them, and why we have to fight back so hard.

But Liberals, man, I just don't get it. Like zero goddamn fight in them. No political will. Not in my lifetime anyway. "Hey we're kinda less shitty than fascists, vote Democrat."

And I have to, but like, only to keep from sliding into the abyss in my own lifetime. So inspiring. Time to start over.

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His supporters will require Olympic level mental gymnastics to dispel the unease they're gonna get if they even hear about this. Backing down from a debate looks cowardly no matter what his lame excuse and they'll feel the truth of that.

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You would think that this trial would hold his interest

  • it's about himself
  • his name is mentioned repeatedly
  • gives him an excuse to play victim

To be expected, given his ancestry

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The man is a narcissist, and constantly compares himself to other, much more successful people. He will hint at it if the person is controversial or outright state it if benign.

He'd like to be seen as intelligent as an MIT professor, as honest as Lincoln, as famous as the Mona Lisa, as dangerous as Al Capone, as persecuted as Mandela.

He'd none of these things, but he wants to plant that association in your head. It's transparent and a consistent core of his disorder.

Fishback declined to comment for this story as the nudist values his privacy.

columnist cracks himself up

“In terms of the sexual act, it will be just very basic. It’s not going to involve descriptions of genitalia or anything of that nature,” Hoffinger said.

Some people are gonna be disappointed.

Like how Daniels must have been.

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A vulnerable mind eager to please his hateful parents.

I've lost four senior pets in the last 3 years, all between 14 and 23 years old.

You make them as comfortable as possible for as long as you can, and you shower them with love and treats for as long as they live.

When you have to let them go, you stay with them until their last breath and you thank them for all the years they gave you.

Go home and bawl your eyes out. Grieve for as long as you have to.

But never, ever, ever give them up or give them away. They deserve better.

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Spend some more time with the family, Joe. Thanks for grabbing the wheel, there. We'll take it from here.

This one's not landing for me, maybe I've heard this before but I'm not sure what he's implying with "San Francisco style". Is that thin crust or deep dish? Does it come with mozzarella or anti-queer dogwhistle? I only spent an afternoon once in SF and I never had a chance to sample their "style" of liberal. Someone help me out here?

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I stopped watching anything made by their network around the time they started shilling fake boner pills and sweeping scandals under the rug. I never saw RvB but I came in as a fan for a while of Let's Play and Funhaus, before they acquired it. I even contributed to First for a little while.

They had a lot of momentum in those days, but I think they tried to grow beyond their ability. Most of the new programming they developed was inferior to the lightning-in-a-bottle stuff they were initially built on. They tried to expand their business while hamstrung by their own internal limitations. They did suffer from some bad luck, but really, they mostly self-destructed in slow motion.

It's hard enough to build an internet company based on algorithms and originating on someone else's platform. They tried to navigate independently as long as they could, but really, when fans aren't responding exponentially to your investment, you can either sell out or die right away. Props for twenty years of capitalizing on early internet fame. But to me, this is an overdue death. Basing your brand around being a dick was bound to have a shelf life.

Reading A People's History of the United States put that on my radar. I hadn't given the idea any thought until a college course assigned this book. I was educated in a standard American public school during the Reagan and Clinton eras, complete with Pledge of Allegiance. The standard schoolbooks omit a lot of atrocities and smooth over the ugly reality.

Whatever legitimate criticisms you lay on it, Zinn's takedown opened my worldview and intensified my pre-existing anti-authoritarian streak.

9/11 happened shortly after and by then I considered Bush an illegitimate president. I watched him wage an unjustified war, and with the whole of our bloody rampage across the globe that clicked neatly into place. "America #1" is a sick joke.

They're jaded because America has largely rejected their social platforms and failed economically under their policies.

The GOP is unpopular, vilified, and hopelessly devoid of merit or integrity. They've decided that the only way to win America is to beat her into submission.

They're sore losers; they're losing at history, and at governance. This is their revenge.

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This is it entirely, good people do good things, and they determine if they're good people by how much they agree with them.

They have the whole thing backwards; normal people determine if someone is good by the morality of their behavior, and they can't comprehend this.

Great, now charge them interest and processing.

If it isn't, then it's worse, because that means he's only saying it out of cruelty and petty malice. And it means I now loathe him somehow more than I already did.

Two completely different standards applied simultaneously, amplified by media's fawning obsession over this narcissistic shitbag and Harris' status as a WoC

I had no idea that was Abigail. I'll have to pay closer attention and read the texts more carefully on my next run through.

But don't mind me, I didn't even recognize J. K. Simmons on my first playthrough.

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Just imagine how much progress we'll make in another 160 years, could even double those kinds of margins

It's worse than that. They have impulse control. They're weaponizing r* as a method of punishment and control. Expose yourself at your own risk. Be silent or be killed.

I'm inclined to agree.

When a sudden power vacuum appears, two things are likely to happen. One, there's a mad scramble to grab that power and two, they'll turn on each other in the attempt. But that's all that seems certain.

Leadership would change hands and divisions would deepen, but they've been on a path of retribution and violence for a long time now. Trump's exit wouldn't end that.

Like a spoiled child who won't go to bed, conservatives continue to throw a tantrum against the inevitability of progress.

They won't rest until they've reset us to 1945.

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Watching helplessly for 40 or 50 years while your parents' generation destroys everything will do that

"Remember, the dog whistle is just as effective to rile up your base, so don't be afraid to use that instead"

“He will survive [...] Kevin McCarthy Mike Johnson is gonna be just fine.”

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This fuckin guy

  • The Thing ('82)
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Spirited Away
  • Taxi Driver
  • The Matrix
  • Unforgiven
  • Nosferatu
  • Suspiria ('77)
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Psycho
  • The Wizard of Oz

He hasn't, his response is purely based on the optics of this thing.

Weird, freakish, ghouls.

World of Warcraft server. It was shortly after its initial launch. I don't know how many of the myriad relationships that spawned on that server lasted, but we've been together for almost 20 years now. We haven't played the game for a long time now, but we've survived all of life's expansions so far.

Under direct orders from the brain worm*