76 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A transferee from Reddit. Also the person who does those imgur meme dumps.

As a Scot I'm kinda worried that drunk walking is illegal. Like how the fuck do you get home after a night on the pish, fuckin' flying?

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I actually had to look this up. You mentioned wework in Edinburgh and compare it to a gay sauna in Glasgow. Have you factored in the commuting time between going from Glasgow to Edinburgh park?

So (not so) fun fact: Keffals, who was targeted by KiwiFarms for being trans (yes that's all) and got Swatted. She then went to stay with another streamer (EllenFromNowOn) in Northern Ireland. Just for information sake, Northern Ireland is still a bit rocky security wise, Police there still carry guns on the regular. So when she went there, Ellen called up the police and explained the situation to them (they had never heard of Swatting weirdly enough).

Sure enough, someone found her flat, posted her address (with a message referencing a Unionist Slogan, Ellen was from the Catholic Community), and sure enough, the police came. Instead of raiding her all guns blasing (which they normally would) they saw the warning, knocked on the door, saw nothing was wrong, called off the squaddies, and came in to basically make sure everything was okay.

Bare in mind, this was in Northern Ireland, a place where the Police still drive Armored cars and have regular riots, and they handled this better than the Police in London, Ontario.

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Imagine seeing a sign demanding ending a genocide and calling it antisemitic.

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yeah but your family seems to make your problems our problems so we wanna know just how fucked we are.

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Wanna know the funniest part? All this bullshit is based on a disproven theory about wolves, but then 4chan adopted as a kinda meme and then these fuckers took it seriously. Absolute fucking clown shit.

In my experience the people who describe people as "Alphas and Betas" are almost always described as "betas" by their own language.

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Know what's funny? The way politics is going, this could happen but with whoever becomes PM after Sunak because HOO BOY SHIT'S GETTING REALLY FUCKING WILD HERE.

Like the current PM made a transphobic Jibe to the Leader of the opposition WHILE THE MOTHER OF A MURDERED TRANSGENDER TEENAGER WAS IN THE FUCKING GALLERY and refused to apologize. Not to long ago we had a scheme to make kids sing this fucking bullshit in schools because people identify with their home nation more than the UK, not to mention all the absolute horseshit that regularly comes out of the UK.

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Fucker looks like the Chad meme face IRL and they're saying they're a woman lol

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to be fair, when a transgirl passes, transphobes will say they'll never be a woman and look like a man. Hell, transphobes will do that to cispeople in general because they hate anyone who doesn't fit exactly into their mold. There's even whole transvestigation groups that claim certain celebrities are trans because of slight features of how they look.

Literally saw a transvestigation post claiming Andre the Giant was trans.

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Climate Change Activist


I know the recipe is for weddings but know what, this could also be done for protests.

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The idea that a simpler system of weights and measures that operate in base-10 will somehow cripple America is somehow fucking hilarious.

You can tell this was made by a Dog owner because the parts of cat's brain are:

  • Food
  • Sleep
  • I N S P E C T
  • Protect Territory
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This man is basically saying out loud "Don't date me, I just want a servant I can fuck."

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Ok so a trans woman transitions too well for their liking and thus they declare they must have been cis all along?

Fucking Kek.

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Fucking this. The amount of Evangelicals who cite Paul as if he's CHRIST HIMSELF really fucking boils my piss. I have to stop and tell them "that's not JESUS you're citing, but Paul, try again."

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but when your “peaceful protest” is causing deaths by causing car crashes and delaying ambulances I think you both deserve some sort of repercussions and to lose the right to call it a peaceful protest

How many people were killed by ambulances being delayed and car crashes due to protests exactly? Genuinely curious.

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OK so I have questions about this cartoon. I get Hulk, Mr Incredible and Goku, but why Mighty Mouse?

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Ok so we can add pedophile sympathiser to transphobe, racist and anti Semite.

Next stop, we will make installing Linux on a Dead badger a reality.

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The Slovak PM is a pro Russian anti-queer strongman type who has divided the country.

Oh, so I shouldn't feel too bad for him.

The guy who shot him is a pro Russian writer who has links to a Pro Russian Paramilitary group.

Hmmm, ah, hmm.

Listen, if I had a kid who turned punk I'd be glad because as subcultures go punk is pretty based.

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As is being homeless. Basically you buy a house or rent and if you can't afford that, you're expected to die.

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That's basically the idea behind these laws.

Conservatives want to make porn illegal, which isn't easy under traditional means, so they're taking the "Putin" approach as I put it, make viewing porn hard, unattractive or even dangerous and make delivering porn to people hard, unattractive and dangerous.

Requiring an ID from the government to view porn means the government can tell who is watching what. If one of those people happens to run for office or get a little too campaigny, their porn history can be named and shamed.

And porn providers know this, and know that will drive people away from their sites, and on top of this implementing this will likely be bureaucratic and likely expensive, so they'll stop serving an area.

And when this is applied to non porn sites that have porn like Reddit or twitter or Tumblr, well guess what's going to happen, those sites will ban porn from their site.

It's basically banning porn by making it impossible to get porn in a way that doesn't end up with you getting blackmailed. Children have nothing to do with it.

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Right right so DEI just means "anyone not white, male and cishet".

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Do you hear that Linux users?

There's only one Firefox, there's fucktonnes of Linux Distros. I am even willing to move to fucking Arch if push comes to shove.

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I say this a lot but get Firefox.

Ok ok ok, I'm going to lay this out for you.

Elon Musk wants people like me dead. They cannot be convinced otherwise and be giving them the time of day to try convince them not to kill me is, genuinely, a waste of time. They have made up their mind and believe that I am irredeemable.

His ideology itself is a declaration of the will to kill people, this isn't a case of "his opinion", his ideology in itself declares people like me unworthy of a happy, healthy and full life.

Wishing harm upon people like these is an act of self defense, not an act of wanton cruelty.

They're using child safety as an excuse to pass this bill, which is funny because criminals don't tend to care about the law and thus will just move to (now illegal) encrypted services.

It's doubly interesting because Boris Johnson (the former prime minister and head of the party who came up with this bullshit) is literally hiding behind the fact he can't find the passcode for his encrypted WhatsApp messages to stop the COVID enquiry seeing evidence he has in regards to how COVID was handled, and members of his party, who proposed this bill, are saying it's an attack on democracy that he hands over these encrypted messages.

In short, the government is coming for YOUR encryption but they'll keep using it to keep info they don't want you to know, thank you very much!

Teachers can make this backfire by teaching kids about how Jesus said, among other things:

  • Rich people don't go to heaven
  • Jesus's answer to religious people not wanting to see things was for the people complaining to pluck out their eyes.
  • How Jesus told his followers to sell their shit and give it to the poor.

All things republicans hate because it goes against their ideals. Also they can talk about how in Acts it says Christians lived communally or just read James 5:1-6 verbatim.

But I guarantee the schools will force their teachers only to read parts of the bible that the state demand, because it's not about Christianity, it's about using religion to control people.

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Tesco App: We have coupons and deals for you. :)


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I like to think he's just regularly commuting between Paris and Germany for the Legal Weed. Just commuting between Saarbrucken and Paris.

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Menstrual Clown nudity could be a band name, a tumblr username, or a w3w address.

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Oh they understand people fuck, and the people who want to ban abortion and contraception want people to have kids they didn't want for various reasons.

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OK but my whole browser history doesn't get sent to Microsoft to be processed by an AI.

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Back up all your data onto a drive, install a simple-to-use Linux distro like Linux Mint or Ubuntu, tell Microsoft to get fucked.

Holy shit, really? I have had some people genuinely try defend this by saying it's going to be done "on device" (kek) but holy shit.

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If you think Linux users I'm general are like this, wait until you encounter Arch Linux users.

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I mean...yeah

The fact that a company can get away with killing someone because someone else in their household subbed to their TV service is fucked and we need to fucking kill that fucking bullshit, whether we will is another thing entirely.

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