Altima NEO

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Joined 12 months ago

I really hate using that term. It's very Reddit.

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Yeah but who are the Israel defense establishment? What's their significance?

The boomer minded take was, "video games are for lazy kids. Go outside and play."

Was gonna say, I never bought a PS4. My PS3 is still kicking.

It's stellar and you carry a blade, what more could you ask for?

When I was a kid in 1992/93, I'd listen to the local hip-hop station. They're play house music at night and there'd be a track that would come up that was super catchy. Being the early 90s, and late night radio of just hour long mixed music, they'd never call out the song title and there's was no internet to look it up on a playlist or something. It also didn't help that the song was basically nonsensical lyrics, so describing the song by it's lyrics was pretty worthless. Though I did try to look for it through the years, I never had much luck. It was so strange to me that a seemingly popular song just disappeared like that.

At some point in the late 2000s, I managed to discover a forum that specialized in identifying songs. I happened to have a recording of the song on cassette from the days I'd sit by the radio with my thumb on the record button for when my favorite songs would come up. I uploaded a small clip of it for them to identify it. A few days later after some incorrectly identified songs, someone says, "Nightcrawlers- Push the Feeling On". Damn! I was elated! I looked it up on YouTube and there it was, with a music video too! I was very happy that day.

Why are there a bunch of cruise ships beached on the sand?

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Tech Jesus he mentions he spoke to Louis Rossman about this in his video. So it kinda makes sense Louis would also make a video about it.

Orif you need to "prune" 'em

I was wondering why I'd not see blocked messages on the messages app, but it still sends me the chat bubbles.

Some irony there. Tik Tok wants to be more like Youtube with its long form content. Youtube wants to be more like Tik Tok with its shorts content.

Neither seems to be winning the opposing battle.

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Being privately held helps a ton. Gabe is his own boss. Once a company's public they're beholden to the investors, and investors want big short term returns so they can dump their stock and move onto the next one.

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Finally. Now my thousands of tabs will be hidden behind hundreds of tabs groups!

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Internet was better when it was a bunch of forums and personal web pages

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seriously, Fuck Ajit Pai and his smug giant mug having ass.

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Kids these days cant tell which download button is the real one

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Eh, I stopped paying attention to Linus after the whole debacle last year.

Hmm, no, actually I think I stopped paying attention to him quite a long while ago. I think once they went all in on the clickbaity titles and just non-content, algorithm filler.

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That's incredibly stupid. Good Lord.

What's next? CNC machines? Silicone/resin casting supplies? Steel pipes?

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What is it with all these mug shots having a similar scowl going on?

And looking like they were photographed with a webcam from 2004?

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That's like Bethesda fallout backpack levels of quality

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I mean WTF is a horse gonna do with prep time?

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I mean that shit was steamy. And Steve was so pissed, for a dude whose usually pretty chill, it really said a lot about the gravity of his accusations.

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Personally, I think its because its message became diluted. At least here in Portland, it started off strong, in solidarity with the rest of the country. But as the days went on, it became unclear what anyone was actually protesting. Then as the week dragged on, it became less of a protest and more of an opportunity for vagrants to join in and camp. As all that happened, there was less discussion about the protest and more about the giant camp that was building downtown, the drug use, the fighting, etc.

So the message was just never strong and clear enough to cut through the problems that surrounded it.

Wow, AAAA game for AAA price!

lol, but lets be real. Ubisoft game prices tank super fast.

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Pretty sure she's being sarcastic here. That's her whole schtick.

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This is gonna be hilarious. I bet reddit was banking on capitalizing on the whole "diamond hands" and stonks memes, but instead are gonna get shorted.

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Wait, people are still dumping money into this?

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The good guys don't go to prison for attempting to overthrow the elected government

Especially when they're watching this stuff too

Why bother still posting to Reddit?

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I like this article. Starts off good with "much hated Reddit CEO"

Phone price keeps going up but my paycheck keeps going down with inflation

He didnt get bonked in the head though. The acorn fell on the car. The guy was just plain excited to use that gun. As they say, when your only tool is a hammer, every problem is a nail.

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All I've been getting are a ton of old memes

Those guys can't catch a break. By whom or why are they getting attacked anyway?

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I think a lot of it stemmed from the sub always living in fear of being closed/banned by Reddit's admins.

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Well that's not great... They're already pretty expensive as it is.

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I think we all saw this coming.

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I bet theyre all gonna short Reddit.

Which is funny, because considering Reddit was trying to get users to buy in on their IPO, they probably thought they could weaponize the whole "diamond hands" meme again, and get everyone to shoot reddits "stonks" "to the moon!"

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