anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]

@anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
0 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I was also thinking I'd love to hear some adagios being sung.

Parking enforcement?

Yeah, where the fuck would anyone get the impression that guy had a "good life"?

Maybe. The US would have to first begin to feel actual shame about colonization and slavery though, which hasn't really begun in earnest.

I don't know if the US has the capacity for feeling the weight of its true guilt.

Maybe I've unknowingly downloaded a bunch of viruses but I just tied qbitTorrent to my vpn and downloaded tons of movies from 1337x, torrentgalaxy, or ocassionally from PirateBay if I found a good one. I've been fine, but maybe I'm actually not. Who knows?

Either way, no letters or Summons so I'm doing all right.

The day Newpipe and all Inviduous instances die is the day I never use YouTube again.

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This is how I found out. RIP to a real one.

I thought this was a joke for a second.

Who are "actual Marxist-Leninists" as opposed to Lemmygrad Marxist-Leninists?

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Thank you for working on this in addition to Lemmy! order-of-lenin

It hurts when I pee.

First of all, as others said, the Bible is a book composed of many books and letters written by many people over an incredibly vast span of time. Consistency is almost impossible. But, for what it's worth, where does the Bible say "that no one should make a dare to edit or correct" it?

I believe you are referring to Revelations which is, arguably, one of the oldest youngest if not the oldest youngest book in the canon (I don't remember for sure but I believe it is) and also not universally appreciated. Luther famously criticized Revelations, and I think rightly so. There was also some contention at the time of canonization in Nicea around Revelations. So, just because one book says it, doesn't mean it's the final word on the issue. There are Christians that don't see much weight or value in Revelations. I certainly don't, I don't believe it's an eschatological text revealed by God. I think the only way Revelations makes sense is to read it as an historical text and critique of Nero that was written post hoc to rationalize and comfort Christians for what they suffered by explaining that they will soon be rewarded for their faith because they are in "end times". Of course, we now know, thousands of years later, that they weren't.

Besides, I'm not entirely sure I know what you mean by "edited" or what "life" you're referring to, although I'm assuming you're talking about Jesus. Have you read the Scriptures in their original languages? I have at least read and translated the Christian Scriptures in and from Greek, and they need editing. It's not possible to have a transliteration of it that reads well, it takes some finesse and art. Even the Scriptures in the Greek are compiled from different manuscripts and codices because there often are errors or damages in manuscripts so you can't just find the one "Gospel of Marx" manuscript, for example, and use it to translate it perfectly. You need to find several to get the whole story of one gospel together and then translate them into a single text, so you're using several sources to put the story together in Greek and then translate into a different language thousands of years later. Naturally, this creates issues and makes it so that the Bible isn't an unaltered text in its final form. Unless you read it in its original language, this is unavoidable—and, as I said, even if you do read it in Greek, you will still have an "edited" text.

Does it matter? I think it creates issues and one should be able to critically examine these textual criticisms in order to form a better picture of the origins of their belief and better parse what and how to believe, but I don't think editing or inconsistencies inherently invalidate Christianity nor Judaism.

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the-deserter Political consciousness has eroded. The poor root for their capitalist billionaire oppressors. They no longer care to have the pride to fight for themselves.

Good day to everyone except to the neo-liberals always btching about .ml being a communist instance, we don't care about your opinions


Wow, thanks for letting us know. OP sounds incredibly cool. Very based. stalin-heart

Lord of the Rings, but as an open world game similar to Skyrim and with the entire map of Arda as explorable. All of it! Including Harad and Rhûn. Make it, for the love of God! Take my idea and make your billions, I don't care, just let me FUCKING PLAY!!!

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I fucking LOVE crosswalks!

Where did they say something like that?

Probably nowhere.

But Fudoshin themselves called for the death of "the poor" not too long ago. Very unbased.

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Castro lives eternally in the hearts of cool dudes everywhere. fidel-cool

I thought it was because closed registrations?

My original account is on, but then I made this one on which now I use as my main, and I remember was open long enough so I was able to create mine right before majority left reddit and then they were closed as it really spiked. I'm not sure if registrations are open again but when most people were seeking to join Lemmy and was closed then it seemed like was the default by default.

I meant Gospel of Mark, but I'm not going to change it and no one better dare edit or correct it or a spectre will haunt them.

Typical Switch.

Of course.

Well, if it helps, and I hope it will, the author of Revelations wrote Revelations before there was canonization into the Bible we know today. In other words, when Revelations was written it was a stand-alone "book". The Bible didn't exist at the time.

So, when the author of Revelations says 'don't change anything in this book', they mean and are talking about the Book of Revelations—not the Bible as a whole which didn't exist.

In terms of the ethical value of things like the Gospels, the value is still there. The teachings we have are the teachings we have, if they are valuable to you then that's great and you should follow them! Jesus says a lot of things which are great to practice. But it's ultimately up to you to decide whether to believe in the teachings, and then it is up to you to struggle to put them into practice. That doesn't change.

If you found out there were some changes to the Bible, would you stop believing in "love your neighbor as yourself"? No, because it still has value as an ethical teaching. If you want it to be the direct word of God, then that might be more difficult to prove as fact. But I choose to believe that what Jesus says sounds like what I would expect from a God anyway so I don't personally have an issue. I hope it helps you though, it is ultimately your decision to choose what, how, and why to believe in something.

Not a book, but as a kid I absolutely loved The Land Before Time.

It's such a terribly sad and traumatizing movie for a young child.

Were you spelling slave and misspelled it or am I missing something?

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Besides capitalism?

You're not supposed to use your legs for walking. That's wrong.

You better keep our Communist COCs out of your fucking mouth.

I think they're joking.

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I got a game where you play as a piece of bread. I think it was called Toast?

Yeah, that didn't last too long as an installed game.

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Use Spotube. It's free and basically like premium Spotify.

My aunt and an uncle (coincidentally, the same aunt's daughter's husband) are both born on Leap Day and they celebrate the 28th.

Although their shared party is on the 2nd this year since it's a Saturday.


I think SearXNG is best.

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Pop OS?

Yeah, that's definitely a skewed demographic. Haha

Genuinely wondering, what does that even mean? How do you think a person who is homeless or poor would "take advantage" of $5 or food you give them?

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God, I hate the Linux app.

They really went with the poop emoji.

It doesn't have swipe functionality, right?

I tried it but couldn't find the option.

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I don't normally get upset if people forget my name. But I did get upset once when I met a guy and he forgot me. I was hanging out with a mutual friend and was quickly introduced to this guy at a bar, then the same mutual friend and I were at the same bar when the next time I saw that guy he forgot he met me already but I shook his hand and reintroduced myself, this happened another time at the same bar which annoyed me but I went through the process, then the next time this happened at the same bar I told him we already met several times and refused to shake his hand because I already had shaken it before. He awkwardly laughed it off as I just stared him down, then he eventually left my friend and I to hang out alone.

Our mutual friend thought that was excessive on my part, but that guy sure as fuck remembered me after that.

If he had forgotten my name, that's understandable. Totally forgetting me several times, fuck off.