Aniki ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ

@Aniki ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ
0 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ Use Linux. Ride bikes. Eat plants. ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ


Imagine needing to use a Google search app... Cellphones are a mistake

16 more...

Every single member of that organization should be afraid of showing their pathetic little fucked up faces in public for the rest of their lives.

I do miss the "making of" features that showed behind the scenes but as computers got better and movie execs got cheaper it wasn't that interesting to just be like "well we did it with a green screen and then in post." for fucking EVERYTHING...

It was much more fun watching pure artists at their craft making models and explosions and trick camera work for practical effects.

My theory is that practical effects takes a monumental amount of knowledge and skill and as those people got more and more expensive it was cheaper for the vultures to just hire college grad artists and grind them into the ground than pay the union salaries.

12 more...

Audio is one of the easiest if not THE easiest to do wirelessly. Why ANYONE would use this proprietary bullshit is beyond me. I'm looking at my girlfriends Sonos that we never use anymore once I put a shitty sound-bar on the theater TV which sounds better, and we can chromecast anything we want to it or just flip to the HTPC and use it like a computer.

Eat billionaires. Fuck corporations. Open. Source. Everything!

6 more...

That's what I've been saying. I was voting against Trump but now I'm voting for Harris.

Do people really think Nights is on the same caliber as Mario?

Which ones, in particular? Be specific.

4 more...

Why not just call out their tankie bullshit? It's fun, entertaining, and rewarding.

Is this defederation bullshit going to be the next post that every newbie makes? You can do it yourself -- don't tell me what to do.

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So is it time for a new news community then if the admins don't want to listen?

Your bot sucks and you should feel bad. Where's the source?

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When the threat of fascism isn't enough -- what else is there?!

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That federal response should be "go fuck yourself JD Pants."

Fine. You want two?! Will that be enough??

Hope they fucking croak from the stress of being investigated by the DoJ.

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Don't worry merric garland will issue a strongly worded letter of condemnation and then do fuck-all about it.

If you donโ€™t show your face in a political protest in a free country

OP sure did.

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Baseless fearmongering.

All rights are won through violence.

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[Citation needed]

I was always a cheap Nexus/Pixel A guy that traded up when the new budget phones went for sale on the Play store. I got my 6A for like 150 bucks brand new. When the 8A was announced for 500 dollars and barely better than the 6A I jumped to a refurbished 7 Pro and I'll probably just keep this phone until something really special comes out or I just abandon carrying a cellphone all together [most likely.]

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Mate I woulnd't tune in if Jesus was giving a speech. Both of these conferences are just hot-air extravaganzas -- absolutely worthless.

If racing to the bottom was a competition, you'd still be second behind Yugthos and their army of Canadian-based hot-takes. The only thing you're winning is second place, always.

Sounds more like Apple makes a MAC like string that identifies an iPhone and Snap is creating a database of IDs against Apples wishes.

Its on github so that's about as solid as play-doh. I bet it doesn't last a week.

If I made the executive decision to design a system without any safety measures that could potentially push unchecked, malicious code to 90% of the computers that the business world runs on, I would be sued into dust.

Or made a MS CEO....

/me glares at steve balmer

best we can do is neoiberal handouts to rich people...

Kremlin poster got confused for a second and forgot where they were.

Then I guess we'll continue until you remove it.

I have yet to see these so called independent voters. No one is 50/50 on Trump.

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We New Englanders don't get it either... It was a good idea and someone should have stopped it long before it got made.

Do you know what kosa stands for?

Neither one is our fucking business.

The internet isn't real and Twitter is somehow even faker than VR.

๐Ÿคฎ I'm going to the mountains far from any signal save short wave radio.

You'd think maybe not being reliant on a 90 billion dollar company to un-fuck security would be a bigger deal than it is.

So you just have 99 other problems because you use Windows. Cool flex bro!

I refuse to believe there's any swing voters in this election. Absolutely no one is 50/50 on Trump. The media just loves to parrot old talking points without any evidence these people actually exist. Stats are so easily fungible that you can make them say anything you want.

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Disagree. I'm progressive and fuck republicans. Not all voices are important. Like Nazis and Nazi adjacent.

Brakes yo. They get HOT

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