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Joined 9 months ago

Yeah, it's weird, CGPGrey videos used to be the most must-watch of all YouTube for me and I subscribed to his Patreon at one point. I listened to Hello Internet loyally and I was even unhurt about how it ended. I still think he's an interesting guy and would follow his stuff again but he doesn't seem to be doing anything of interest to me any more.

What happened with Standard/Nebula?

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Sorry, do you mean the current CEO of Nebula or of YouTube?

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Nintendo Wii: as a loyal Nintendo purchaser here from the Game & Watch, to the Super Nintendo, N64 and GameCube, but the Nintendo Wii never let me back up my purchased downloaded games in a way I could transfer to another Wii without online access. I get that that's now standard but it was the first time I was burnt by it.

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So Nebula got rid of him (which would seem to coincide with his drop in output)?, Kurzgesagt seems to be doing just fine in comparison.

Begs the question what's the point in all of this? In 20 or so years of using Linux (usually maintaining multiple systems at once) I've had a kernel panic maybe about 4 times for different reasons, and on those occasions the console debug info was fine. I don't really understand the excitement around making error messages look more like Windows. It can't be around being more newbie friendly since if you're having kernel panics you probably need to be an expert or have expert advice anyway.

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Yes that's right, and I realised I could no longer be a historic game hardware collector with that generation of consoles which killed my main hobby at the time. Years of Nintendo loyalty and, dare I say it, fandom, were betrayed and the Wii itself was just awful.

Good call, never come across one that isn't a dreadful user experience and I'm confused as hell as to why they've become so popular.

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I've never owned a better inkjet than the one I've had in the late 90s on all measures; build-quality, print quality, speed, operating noise, ink consumption, ink price, overall price, usability. Everything has got worse.

What about Linux distribution repos? (in terms of where they fall in the known/unknown category)

Glad I bought AMD

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An Essex girl is involved in a car crash and is trapped and bleeding. The paramedics soon arrive on the scene.

Medic: "I'm a paramedic and I'm going to ask you some questions. OK?"

Girl: "OK"

Medic: "what's your name?"

Girl: "Sharon"

Medic: "OK Sharon, is this your car?"

Sharon: "yes"

Medic: "where are you bleeding from?"

Sharon: "Romford, mate."

(I was born in Essex so I think I'm allowed to tell these :p)

Lemmy users be like „I fucking love decentralized freedom“, until someone joins they don’t like.

No, especially when someone joins that we don't like. The ability to defederate is the freedom that comes with decentralisation. If there were no bad actors decentralisation wouldn't be so important.

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Can you not just post what the use-case is and the list? I'm not going to watch an unsolicited 20 minute video.

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It hasn't had a meaningful update in ~10 years, and the problem is it still has the brand recognition which keeps potential users away from LibreOffice. It's an embarrassment to Apache if you ask me.

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When I was a lot younger, on an old forum back in the early 00s, someone called me a "know-it-all". This sounds silly now but it really hit me in just the wrong way at the time, I was sincerely trying to fit in by showing off my knowledge of the subject with no idea that that's how I was coming across. I guess it was a learning experience.

To give a contrary answer; I think it would be a sign that Reddit has turned in the right direction and might actually become a good platform again. A reformed Reddit is infinitely better than whatever Meta are planning.

Which is of course why they won't do it.

The problem is that 3rd parties are doing the packaging both on Snap and Flatpak whereas if they had followed proper security practice ONLY THE REAL DEV should ever be allowed to package their app as a Flatpak or Snap.

Says who? If it were the case, Linux would either be a nightmare of fragmentation or become centralised on one distribution. Distros need to be able to package their own software, and these are kind of like distributions. Also since we're talking about proprietary software here, is it really any better security practice if the "real dev" packages it or somebody else, they both could contain malicious code.

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I'm used to hearing about how a lot of people are put off of Lemmy because of all the "Linux" people on it, "people pushing Linux", "elitists", etc.

And yet I see something like this and think "are we not supposed to give good advice?".

If is the kind of thing you want for your computing then go for it.

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Honestly I think I would find that one difficult. It essentially replaced conventional TV for me in the last 10-15 years. I use a privacy-respecting front-end so I'm never at itself but if they killed it off I would find it difficult to adapt.

How to install adblockers, how to detect fake download sites that give you computer aids? Show them how to use a VPN and choosing the right one (a true pirate must always choose a VPN with port forwarding capabilities, so you can still seed) I feel like this is all valuable info we all learned as pirates the hard way, and valuable information to pass on to our kids.

Absolutely, I would say whether you're teaching piracy or not, those are essential things that everyone online must know about; it would be unethical to allow your kids to go online without that protection.

You want a corporate entity to recommend things to you based on a closed algorithm you have no control over?

Each to their own and I know a lot of people do it, but that's really weird to me, absolutely crazy.

In any case, it's open source so you could probably hire someone to develop that for you if you really wanted. You know, have it serve things up to you that manipulates you to stay on the platform while best aligning with their corporate interests. You do you.

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Surprised to see no mention of RedReader?

This is the app that I used before I left Reddit and I heard they got exempt from the API charges. Is that still the case? Still seems to be on F-Droid.

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You don't seem to be a very nice person...

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I knew my comments were crap but wow... :)

I want to be a good enough friend to encourage my friends to stay away from Meta. I don't want to enable them.

Remember the first time you used Google search? It was like magic. After years of progressively worsening search quality from Altavista and Yahoo, Google was literally stunning, a gateway to the very best things on the internet.

No, I'm not having that! That's rewriting of history. I remember when Google came out, it was pretty much as good as Altavista and no more. It had the additional appeal that it looked (for the time) unique and fresh and had a weird name, I remember getting my friends to try this "weird new search engine that might someday beat Altavista" but it never revolutionised anything in terms of search results at the time.

Also Altavista was not getting progressively worse, I still remember the days when you could type a simple dictionary word into a search engine and have it return 0 results. Altavista is what changed that, not Google.

Depends what it's on, they're completely non-interchangeable.

It feels like the Twitter from just before Elon when it was still bad but not terrible, I was hoping it would be more like the Twitter from 10+ years ago when it was still reasonable.

I waited 4 months for my invite, took a look around and went back to Mastodon.

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I really like the default look of Lemmy, it's refreshingly clean and functional unlike most social media sites these days. And it doesn't have infinite scrolling which I hate.

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My concern is that the toxic culture from Meta's platforms will be imported here, and the only way to get away from it would be to not only defederate from Meta but to defederate from anything federated to Meta (essentially creating two fediverses). I hope it doesn't come to that, but that's my worry.

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I really don't need to but I frame it the other way round to your question, I've never needed to, so I don't need a reason to not drive a car, I'm lacking a reason to.

I'm also wondering who this is actually for. There's no shortage of binary distributions, I thought Gentoo's whole use case was if you want to compile everything.

I use a content-blocker to block ad-networks that track me. It was never about blocking ads, but taking a necessary security measure against being tracked. They could still put ads in videos, like on TV, that aren't part of ad-networks and don't invade privacy - but they don't do that, they want to invade users' privacy instead.

Oddly I have noticed, albeit anecdotally, more mainstream people using Reddit as enshittification has increased. This whole experience in the past year has taught me that people are less understandable than I ever imagined...

I would say Essex is stereotyped as being relatively affluent but lacking class, and is often a source of jokes.

I tried to find a succinct explanation but couldn't so if you want a long read

Fair, and if I was a little harsh there I apologise. It's not a thing, and in absence of that the best thing to use is Mastodon which while doesn't provide recommendations the way you want but at least doesn't provide recommendations that are biased against your interests.

Valve are not going to put malicious code on their app. Neither is VLC or any other FOSS developer.

How would you know that? It's not like it's something that doesn't happen.

Or 5 Bob’s all doing the same thing with 5 copies of Valve on the Store.

It’s crazy. This is what causes fragmentation.

I don't know what snaps are like but that's clearly a non-existent problem on Flathub.

Flathub should vet every app and if you are not the dev of the app, you may not host it on Flathub. You’re still welcome to make a Flatpak for home use on your own pc but not for wide distribution.

I don't know why you feel like there's permission involved. You don't have to use Flathub, therefore Flathub can have what ever policies it likes. Users can set up a different flatpak repo if there's a need.

Never bought a good printer since 2003. In 2003 I remember you could get a good printer for a reasonable price with reasonably priced cartridges. Ever since then printer technology doesn't seem to have improved but they all seem to have become much worse quality and incredibly scammy.

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!w List of search engines

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I wouldn't go that far, there's not a snobbishness associated with Essex people that I imagine there is with Beverly Hills (though I've never been to Beverly Hills). There is classism in the stereotype but people from Essex are generally looked down upon, not (so much) the other way round.