2 Post – 392 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hope you understand how truly fortunate you are to both be able to do that, and work at a place that allows you to do that

This is how we'll get the next Bhopal or Hawks Nest Tunnel disaster

More AI in the start menu!

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It would "take time to heal", she added

That's some big "I'm sorry you made me do this to you" abuser energy there

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Data scientist here! In addition to the data points others have mentioned, there is actually a lot more data available than you would think in the form of metadata. We call the process feature engineering - essentially building a set of inputs that help determine an output, or prediction. How long you spend in the app, how long you stay on a screen before changing, how long you view a TikTok before swiping, which of the default settings you change, into what, all of this is used in machine learning models to help build a more accurate advertiser profile for you. Even if you don't volunteer data about yourself, your behavior in a way informs on you, even if you don't realize it. Through inference, a machine learning model could accurately deduce your age based on your behavior, for example.

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They really are going all in on stupid.

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They're trying to make people associate the term "AI" with its long form spelled out, which is obviously Apple Intelligence. The goal would eventually be that when people throw out the term AI, it's assumed that they mean apple intelligence.

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Minimum wage at restaurants in my state is $2.13 an hour. In such cases, it absolutely is used to pay someone's wages, which is fucked up, IMO.

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Unchecked capitalism is a real motherfucker ain't it?

I'll give you a million dollars to not make bribery illegal again

-these conservative legal groups

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Murdered. Boeing murdered whistleblowers.

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I see you're familiar with the conservative worldview

"farmer works with fox to coordinate safe escape for chickens"

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She was handy, but it was in a crowded theater.

It was also discovered that McDonald's was aware of the danger of serving their coffee that hot, yet they continued to do so because it meant they had to give fewer free refills. If you have to wait 20 minutes for your coffee to cool down before you drink it, you're going to get less refills overall

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"we've had one break fast, yes. What about second break fast?"

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Ugh...Find me one more naming standard on this entire fucking planet more screwed up than USB

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That looks too glossy to be gaffer's tape, and I've never seen gaffers tape in gray, usually always black. That looks more like duct tape.

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If you could post this when Trump is sent to rikers for 20 years, that would just be the best

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Don't do the crime if you can't do the time

"imma let you finish, but..."

Godspeed, Mr President.

whispers in ear

"Your bill is $0, we have healthcare for all here"


I think we learned our lesson with Bill Nye vs Ken Hamm. There is no good faith to be had, only a megaphone.

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Not to brag or anything, but I actually upvoted this comment using nothing but my brain waves attached to an input device

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Unless there's some data I'm missing, I would think Chernobyl was much, much worse

They're cutting from the top, right?... Right?

The best people, folks.

My wife said the same thing during the game lol

Brb searching for 100,000 domains

For the downvotes, it was a joke to cost them money.

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Don't like your teacher? Just flip your pronouns real quick and get them on the sex offender list. Problem solved.

Fuck this bullshit

I'm convinced the Republicans are trying to water down the definition of coup, so that way when they are convicted of it, as they rightly should be, it already has a much less severe definition in the common lexicon.

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"I grow tired of asking, so this will be the last time. Where is your Linux boot disk?"

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Oh I'm sorry, stable genius thought this was a fucking negotiation

Paxton’s attorneys emphasized in a statement Tuesday that he made no admission of guilt under the agreement.

Hey I did nothing wrong, but here's 300k. What a fucked system.

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Fucking yawn. Wake me when Agent Orange is in prison.

That graph hurts my data scientist heart

In the reserved TCP/IP port range, port 666 is reserved for Doom.

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Some people are so poor, all they have is money.