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Joined 5 months ago

I’ve massively slowed down and passed the reins to a new admin, but I’ve been documenting and posting the graffiti scene in my city for 12 years. Started on Tumblr, migrated to Facebook and now it’s on Instagram.

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I've begun a new job at a ✨cool✨ (legitimately) local coffee shop. Not my first career choice, but I've moved countries and I value people over money. Anyway, that's a different story.

Why avocado toast? Because coffee is your main focus

Ex-fuckin'-actly. We prepare high-quality coffee and for a small team sourcing from farmers halfway across the world ensuring that it stays high-quality is the main focus. There are 3 bakeries within a short walking distance if you want food.

Besides that, it's the familiarity that drives coffee shops to look like coffee shops. You wouldn't expect a black metal album cover to look like a jazz record album for the most part unless you're deliberately playing a trick.

That said I do enjoy it when people twist formulas, but obviously, it's a risk for business. In my case, the cafe that I work in could be found all over Europe, but locally it remains a twist on what the locals usually do. And I think that's where the feeling of uniqueness comes from.

The article points out a valid critique that I've mulled over in my own head:

Only certain types of people were encouraged to feel comfortable in the zone of AirSpace, and others were actively filtered out. It required money and a certain fluency for someone to be comfortable with the characteristic act of plunking down a laptop on one of the generic cafes’ broad tables and sitting there for hours, akin to learning the unspoken etiquette of a cocktail bar in a luxury hotel. The AirSpace cafes “are oppressive, in the sense that they are exclusive and expensive”, Gonzalez said. When whiteness and wealth are posed as the norm, a kind of force field of aesthetics and ideology keeps out anyone who does not fit the template.

And goes to interesting places recounting the history of instagrammability, the tyranny of the algorithm and the experiences of the owners of the coffeeshops. Overall a good read.

Was about to comment that “divstobrene” is a thing in Latvia.

As always, ahead of the curve where it truly matters.

Not sure if OP meant "zero-government" because that's not what anarchism as a political theory and movement is about.

Someone more educated, please explain to me, why it’s impossible to just take the existing industry, take all the know how and engineering and direct efforts into electrifying (converting) existing cars instead of building new ones.

If the world was perfect and there was no nuance, no bad actors, no human factor involved - would it be a viable solution to cut back on the emissions without getting rid of the comfort that a car affords?

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I think downvotes on facts and upvotes on feelings is just people wanting to feel validated, but not having the energy to engage with content. It used to happen on reddit too a lot. A lot of communities there are based on dealing with human emotions and situations in life. People seeking advice and validation about their lives being the primary motivation for even creating an account on the site.

I have a little pet theory backed by some reading that people are overstimulated by junk content to the point where they just can't meaningfully engage in serious discussions anymore and that leads to the phenomena of populism on a political scale and simple, emotion-based upvoting on a Lemmy scale.

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It’s a man’s job to grill.

I mostly let my girlfriend do that. I trust her way more with food than I trust myself.

I usually just get the fire started.

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Oof. In my experience, Android phones are always better on paper when it comes to technical specs, but never when it comes to the user experience. I like technology, but mostly I need my phone to get out of my way and Apple just does it better.

I'm not blind, I know the downsides of Apple products, but I couldn't go back to either Windows or Android after about 5 years in the Apple ecosystem.

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There are good people everywhere.

Doesn’t really change the fact that Russia, more or less in its current form, has been bullying its neighbours for half a millenia. Longer, if you count the Grand Duchy of Moscow as Russia.

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Thank you for putting all of this so succintly. I’m not into teaching, but I’ve done a few workshops and I always struggle to express the attitude you described to get the pupils engaged.

I had this same attitude when I was a student. Even though my professors were older and more knowledgable, I always tried to approach them as peers and it worked out great. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but because I talked, I could use my strengths better because I was more aware of the expectations and requirements than a portion of other students.

Historically, Russia has never cared much for the written law. They’ll just throw shit at the Western wall until something sticks or until they get what they want by violence and intimidation. Same as they always have.

The Count of Monte Cristo

Start naming 😄 I wouldn’t say most. Britain, France, Prussia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, France and Russia had their little swingers club changing partners every few years or so, but there are more countries in Europe.

I’m from Latvia. Russian chauvinism is something I know of first hand. Most other European countries that I have been to have a different, more accepting vibe than the parts that are Russian influenced and manipulated.

So it really can’t be said about most European countries. Maybe historically, but definitely not currently.

I’d like to reitarate that there are good people everywhere. Part of my family is Russian and I like them. I have Russian friends. But it can’t be denied that as a state it’s goddamn awful and should disintegrate asap.

I like this as a way of rubberducking. Not on the internet though. Don’t argue with stupid on the internet.

I would probably call it something like Нахуящик. I think it would resonate better with local audiences.

Have you got something to read up on regarding comparisons of energy consumption? Sounds really interesting, but I know close to jack shit about this.

Your comment nicely illustrates OPs observation.

Anyone can feel free to disagree with me or poke at inconsistencies in what I wrote, I know they're there, but I don't have the time to write an essay. But calling me a retarded child while misinterpreting what I said is exactly the kind of aggressive commenting I believe OP is pointing out.

Pretty much, yeah. It’s just sort of depressing seeing what people think(?) and then spend their time writing.

When it comes to Russia - Ukraine war, I think people outside of Russia’s doorstep have really weird, theorethical, warped perception of what it means and how it impacts the region.

It can probably be said about most wars, the people the closest to it are the most aware of the nuances, history and reprocussions of it, but since this is such a high profile, global system shaking war, a lot more people feel like pitching into the conversation and from what I see in the comments under articles like this, the people who decide to leave a comment either haven’t lived under authoritarian rule or haven’t lived in a post-authoritarian rule society.

I’m trying to choose my words carefully here because I don’t want to bash communism and make it seem inherently opressive, although I think there are better socialist alternatives to communism.

So what I mean is, I get bummed out when I see comments that feel completely detached from reality and I should just stop reading the comments under these threads.

Why do I keep reading the comments on shit like this?

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Care to share?

I haven’t been on dA for at least 10 years. I used to upload to Flickr regularly, but now everything I post is on IG and I keep telling myself I will make a photo portfolio someday.

axioms have entered the chat

The deeper you go in the why territory, the more abstract and tangental your axioms get.

So yeah. All facts and truths ultimately rest on foundations that are either kinda unobservable or unproven. Doesn’t make them less practical or true (by practical definitions) though.

For example cameras have been weatherproof for decades now. And you can both change the batteries and plug a bunch of stuff in them no problem.

I saw them live circa 2016, amazing band. Very energetic.

The reason why you dug your own hole of pretentiousness is because you're assuming there's a right way of owning a phone.

There's not.

For me, everything works just fine on iOs. Maybe if I was working in a tech-oriented field and I needed my phone to be very customizable and be able to run whatever I like, then I would not be happy with Apple. As an artist though I find the experience of Apple very pleasing. And this is how I have viewed the Android vs. Apple discussion for years now. Android is for techies and normies like your aunt, mom, etc. and Apple is for artists and normies who want a status symbol. Both are valid since you're getting spied on anyway unless you're wearing 5 layers of condoms before touching your phone.

I've enjoyed fucking with Android's customizability a lot, but at the end of the day it has always gotten boring to me, the UX has sucked even when I set all the UI elements to my liking and the build quality of the phones has never felt good.

And I'm perfectly fine with that being my opinion because it's based on my experience and it can change. I haven't touched a Pixel phones which, I hear, are the best when it comes to Android, I'm sure there would be much to love, but if I have to pick a corpo's dick to ride, I'm gonna jump on Apple's instead of Google's any day.

Maybe someday I will switch from macOs and iOs to Linux and [blank], but that day is not yet here because I don't feel like jumping through hoops to get stuff working and then fixing it whenever it inevitably brakes. Apple...just works. And I know that's the most banal, cliche thing to say about it, but in my experience, it does. For the most part at least. There are a few things that annoy me.

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I was just commenting on this to my gf a couple of days ago - I’m browsing and posting on the internet less so I feel more free to do things in a way that I like without thinking about the what audience they’re for.

In a way the awful state, and what I view as a downfall (remains to be seen), of big sites that everyone has been tied to for essentially a decade feels like shedding chains. I hope more people quit and spend their energy elsewhere. It doesn’t have to be another site, it can be any offline endeavour.

I’m on Lemmy because I’ve come to a realization that the reason I enjoyed internet back in the day was, as you said, a different type of engagement. And I don’t think it will ever be as it used to be. But a big part of that engagement was conversations like we’re having right now. At least in my algorithm enclosed corner of big social media sites I don’t see people reacting and having a conversation. It’s just a reaction, thanks, like, bye. Sometimes there’s arguing. But never a conversation.

Hey. I was going to make that pun.

Tbh I don’t see why we would need much balls for this. There are plenty of alternatives in case Apple or whoever decides to pull out. Besides slight inconvenience there’s not that much reason to keep dancing to the fiddle of foreign companies.

Is “kinda” a legitimate answer?

I’ve got a fake FB account for the marketplace.

And I’ve got 4 Instagram accounts. But I don’t really use instagram that much anymore and haven’t since the start of pandemic when it just made me feel awful. I install the app when I need to/want to post a reel or a story. Otherwise I sometimes post pictures from my laptop and do some lurking.

So I feel like I’ve broken free from the scrolling prison, but I still use the platform. Sometimes.

What makes a good portfolio? I feel like I’m constantly lying and it’s a pain in the ass to find clients, even though I’m confident in my technical skills.

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I only use google maps to find bussinesses. It’s pretty awful for navigating, which is kind of what maps are made for.

I’ll plug here. I’ve been using it for about 7 years now. It has even the most obscure paths that you wouldn’t believe would be on a map (at least in Europe) and the bussiness search is alright.

No idea if it’s based on OSM or is its own thing, but if I were to guess, it is.

Ye I never knew about the phenomenon. As other posters have pointed out - must be an American phenomenon. I don't even use SMS.

You're aware that there are more Slavs than Russians tho, right? For example, Ukrainians are Slavs.

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Well ACTSHUALLY, depending on your definition of the middle ages, you wouldn’t be very likely to be killed for being a witch, since the witch hunt came into being after the Reneissance.

That said, I would also take the spices. The amount of spices in that picture would probably set me up for life. Buy a nice place somewhere in Northern Italy and live out my days learning to play the moog, amusing my medieval friends.

I know this yet I still do it. I guess this should be preceeded by “gauge your entry speed”.

This is really interesting and a good way to think about a bunch of things. I’ll try it out. I do pay some attention to processes, but not to granular detail.

This is a very rationalistic worldview though. Surely you don’t look at everything as a process?

I’m thinking of dual-booting Linux on my M1 Air to play this. I assume it’s going to be capable enough to run this game?

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I already changed my mind and decided to abort the mission. I foresaw that if not for the GPU then I would have a bunch of other issues that I really don’t have the time to waste on fixing just to play a game.

It looks like a great game tho, I’ve wishlisted it until I get a gaming PC.

I’ve been using Searx for a couple of weeks now. It seems to be working well.

How’s the performance, size and features compared to Premiere?

I find Premiere to be a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes and pretty slow, but I didn’t like Davinci + I’m paying for Adobe anyway.

As sad as it is, this is the realest take in the thread.

Honestly, I’ve no idea what could dislodge the current social media giants. X [now XXX] seems to be doing a decent enough job at losing users, but besides that cesspit of a site, there are no indicators that the others are going anywhere anytime soon.

Facebook might be the next in line after X tho, just because the user base will literally die off.