200 Post – 531 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I'm mostly half-serious.

Well I guess that explains it lol

These ADHD memes hitting a little too hard

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Someone didn't finish the series lol

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Kinda hard to tell because its a common misconception (for people who just read the first book). I hear what you're sayin though

What's really crazy is when you spend a ton of time editing an image because you think the idea is funny and the post goes nowhere. Then you repost some bullshit and it makes front page.

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Awesome comment. Today I learned something.

He's not really dead. Made me look though.

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Her insider trading was also drawing a lot of heat. Now we've all forgotten about it!

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Good luck on the surgery OP

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The moderation of Lemmy is equal parts inconsistent and arbitrary. That said, it's all unpaid volunteer work so you gotta cut em a little slack.

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Specifically, "casting couch".

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Not when I'm doin it

They're trying to impeach Biden and can't even keep the government running. Priorities first McCarthy, this is not a good look.

I don't think Republicans care about what Trump did. Trump is the favorite to win the republican nomination and its not even close. And Republicans sure as shit aren't voting for Biden.

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True, but this is a comedy based community. If the meme makes people laugh then I did my job. Hell, if you think this is bad, you should see the version I decided to tone down:

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[Mean insult]

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The next time you're applying for a job, post a fake job ad so that people give you their resumes. Then, you can edit one and apply for the job you want.

But idk tho

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Seems more like a Trump phenomenon that an issue with both sides. Republican voters are so loyal to Trump a debate isn't necessary. The forerunner on the Republican side doesn't even need to show up to the debates. When's the last time that happened?

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People these days don't even remember Kramer's N-word rant (obviously NSFW):

Dave Chappelle had a funny bit about it:

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I personally think the sex-workers (both trans and cis) are often sexy as hell. Hence the title.

Trans culture is more accepted in Thailand which is why their red-light district is known to have more trans people. The meme is about the awareness of this fact from western tourists visiting the area. The meme implies he has a preference but it doesn't say in which direction. Not everything that mentions queer culture is mean-spirited Lileath.

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God I hate that we have this two party system

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Reminds me of the G.E. Moore epistemological argument against universal skepticism:

  • Here is one hand,

  • And here is another.

  • There are at least two external objects in the world.

  • Therefore, an external world exists.

Philosophy sometimes goes so far that an appeal to common sense is a breath of fresh air.

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Tape over the mouse laser is always a good one

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Oh boy. Get ready for people in the comments to tell you the massacre wasn't a thing @OP

I'm an introvert with very low social needs. During the pandemic it took months of quarantine for me to get lonely, and nearly a year to realize I was touch starved.

But to answer your question, when I'm in a relationship I don't get lonely and if I'm single I rely more on family for my social needs.

I hate to explain a joke but here's the context:

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Tough break kid. Still eating that cake lol

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