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Instead, the Los Angeles district attorney's office announced that after reviewing the evidence against 18-year-old Edan On, the case was referred to the city attorney's office for a possible misdemeanor filing.

On was identified as a counterprotester at an April 30 pro-Palestinian demonstration at the UCLA campus. In widely shared videos, a masked man in a white hoodie can be seen repeatedly striking protesters with a pole. Law enforcement sources identified the man as On and video of his actions were first aired by CNN.

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It’s not just Trump’s. This is not going away. That’s my point

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When Trump starts calling for certain politicians to be unalive and even gets the ok from the Supreme Court, I hope all the people crying about the moral high ground remember this moment

The Heritage Foundation plans to enact what they can as they can. Notice the Supreme Court?

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Personal experience, speaking with the community and hearing their experiences mean nothing. Believe what the owner class says at all times.

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UnitedHealthCare was the insurer and upper management should all be put against a wall. When the music stops and everyone comes out of their haze, no longer distracted by their phone, there will be a reckoning.

Writings should be released to expose their motive. The judge could put an order any money made be given to the family. But the public is mature enough to read it.

Edit: Hollywood pumps out movies constantly with war and gun violence themes but suddenly we’re not mature enough to handle this? Or is it the writing of a bullied trans kid that bothers them so much? Well now we won’t know.

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Maybe I wouldn’t send my trans kid to that school if it’s a place known for fostering hate.

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I wanted to know why the shooting occurred at that particular school. Nothing has been done. Especially if there was anti-trans sentiment being used against the shooter daily. It being a Christian private school would fit the narrative. Totally speculative but a person who murders their bullies instead of just killing themselves is a more believable scenario

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IMHO it’s the billionaires manufacturing consent via propaganda.

That doesn’t tell the public anything about why a shooting occurred.

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motivation to this ruling is a stretch and a half

You’re presuming again, everything you said

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In what capacity does he resemble the mafia? He’s a snake. These guys want to desperately be associated with the mafia but they’re just con men. The Mafia were intelligent criminals.

Everyone needs to remember this guy shaking hands with world leaders during his years in office. In every single picture he is smiling like a pig in shit. It is only after the indictment photo he is attempting to rebrand himself as some sort of tough guy criminal instead of a slimy, smug con artist.

Incredible how relevant every word is today

Pregnancy tests at the entrance of every ticketed event. That’s two people going in. Need to be charged accordingly.

Afraidofzombies put it well “I get what you are implying but it really isn't relevant. Economics is just someone's opinion at best, more often than not it is propaganda, lying with math. Not at all the same as the vaccine nutters or global warming denying.”

So no, it’s not the same and it’s not relevant

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You’re presuming they’re a monster who did it for no reason. As they say, one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Again, speculation. You’re advocating for the Christo-Fascist withholding information

Edit: you could be right, you could be very wrong and this person may have been a victim themselves.

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With the recent rulings by judges (especially in conservative states) I have no faith in judicial review.

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It’s always projection with them. So where is itt

Their hate is fueled by manufactured propaganda, an outrage machine controlled by billionaires. The media needs to be regulated immediately and some Monopolies need to be broken up. There is no better time than now

That’s probably why all those groups mentioned in the article are suing

It is more effective to educate conservatives on why white supremacy is wrong. Buying a few little pew pews isn’t going to stop them. Maybe buy you some time to slip out the back.

Perhaps demand they craft legislation on media outlets. Have you noticed the History channel plays nothing about history anymore and is all reality tv?

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Gun regulation is control which is declined.

A judge Giving away first amendment rights seems wrong. Making an “exception” to a law made specifically for this.

Seems to me it would only be blocked if it was embarrassing. Everyone in the shooters life could’ve failed them because they’re ’good Christian’s’. The kid could’ve also been insane but now we won’t know will we.

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The populace should be angry. Everyone should riot. This blatant corruption and should be on every news station non stop

When he went to Miami to be indicted he was disappointed because not a single person showed up. Hard to square with all these supposed super fans. Grateful Dead or Phish had more loyal fans.

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The polls, they are the issue atm. Truly It’ll all come down to the election.

I believe that most of it is a bluff. There will be minimal actual Trump supporters taking up arms. We saw that at the 1/6 joke. There will be some violence but it will be stamped out. These people had children die in Afghanistan fighting religious fundamentalist. It’ll look like most of their protests where only 4-6 people actually show up. We are a nation of over 300 million.

Humans, Americans especially, have become too domesticated for unnecessary slaughter. 99% of the population have never even killed their food.

We can't just stop there, we need to collectively develop a more informed, nuanced and compassionate view

Like supporting trans, gay or poc rights or free food for children gun rights

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Tell me, who is god/deity in Buddhism? Oh look no deity No deity there either Also No deity

Coming next, But those aren’t real sources

Philosophy versus Religion

Now I’m done wasting time on you.

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Shit in one hand and pray in the other stupid motherfucker

Everyone sits around doing nothing while the rich pillage this country. Why do we let them? Because they’ve got the best psychologists advising them how to trick us. One of those tricks is disarming outrage. Outrage leads to anger, which leads to action. That outrage is neutralized when it’s framed as something everyone should know. Yes, WE Obviously know but not everyone does. They shouldn’t be made to feel dumb for being naive and gullible. I’m Sure I’ll be downvoted for this but I really don’t care. There’s so many bots on Lemmy pushing propaganda it’s become insufferable

Assuming this ruling has anything

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You’ve been defending this judge and the withholding of evidence while demonizing a child for hours now, low energy lol whatever. This child could’ve been raped for years by the Christian school administrators. That’s why the journals should be released. You’re all in on defending the Christo-Fascists while trying to depict me in a bad light. Clutch you pearls somewhere else.

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You’re a stalker

Just because it happens so frequently doesn’t mean it should be normalized. They should be hanged and their successors finances scrutinized that much closer due to the known likelihood of corruption.

Sounds like a government backdoor was sold out.

When he went to Miami to be indicted he was disappointed because not a single person showed up. Hard to square with all these supposed super fans. Grateful Dead or Phish had more loyal fans. It really shatters this die hard fan myth he’s got going.

Could you name them for me? Not beliefs, just religions

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Yeah dripping with sexism lol