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Joined 1 years ago

I have seen the picture before, but it wasn't until now that I figured out the Helmholtz double entendre.

Helmholtz resonation is a way to enhance certain frequencies by blowing air into a cavity shaped to resonate with the desirable frequencies, named after German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz.

Helm means helmet in German. Holtz means wood in German (nice name: wooden helmet?) but in most other languages it resembles the word "hold" making this a helmet held Helmholtz resonator. Say it fast.

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Yes. There's a character in the book named Helmholtz Watson.

I don't think Helmholtz is a first name in reality though, but I've seen worse.

I used to have a teacher named Dethleff Dethleffsen, so I suppose anything is possible.

The purpose is literally described as both.

It's at the end of the article.

Fuck that, but also notice "Ukraine is not Ukraine anymore". This is a dangerous part of propaganda.

People will rage against the headline and who knows if he will eventually back track on that, but he already sold the underlying message without any serious risk of backlash.

Are the stilts on a unicycle on a ball by any chance?

If you wipe your ass with a dollar bill, it will reveal the brown note.

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And February 29 doesn't happen on years ending in 00 unless the year ends in 000.

That's not correct. Centuries are not leap years, unless they're divisible by 400 (not 1000). So, 2400 will be a leap year, but 3000 will not.

Once upon a time the west. (Ennio Morricone)

Blade runner (Vangelis)

Sounds like a Tesla model or one of Elon's kids.

What's the size of the music/graphics/game code/stuff that is needed for any app to run on Android?

I believe (without knowing for sure) that you could make a similar game much smaller by "rendering" the music and some of the graphics.

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The music doesn't have to be completely synthesized.. Most early computers would simply reuse the audio snippets as "samples", and program the pitch and timing in a "tracker"

Listening to the Flappy Birds music, which I admit that I did, then all of the music could be done in a tracker, even if it might not have been originally. It's a bit of a lost art form, but there are several kilobytes to save!

Personally, I have been considering making a HTML5 game, including the sunvox DLL, to make it really easy to put tiny yet advanced music files into a cross platform browsable game. Haven't gotten around to it though..

I don't ever use the start menu for anything. I can't be bothered to look through that mess.

Instead I press the windows key and type the first few letters of whatever I need, unless it's already stickied to the bar. It's fewer key presses than clicking through the start menu. I suppose that still counts as opening the start menu, even if I don't use the actual menu structure.

I also use the windows + arrow keys to toss windows around the multiple screens. It has a lot of other purposes, like creating extra desktops etc, which I admittedly never use.

It's a useful button for sure, but it does get a little overwhelming when combined with shift ctrl or alt . I can't possibly remember all the uses, but I have the most commonly used on muscle memory.

What the thing with Swedish lutefish in Ukraine? I've seen several videos of soldiers attempting to eat surströmning as a dare.

The misstep was embarrassing for Johnson because the requirement to bring photo ID is a stipulation of the Elections Act which he introduced in 2022 while still in Downing

It's not the onion, because you can't make this shit up.

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So.. there'll be a lot of great Chinese punk music soon?

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Imagine if landlords decided to strike. The consequences would be....

There'd be noone to...

The land doesn't lord itself you know!

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The two richest people on earth whining about income distribution being unfair.

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I don't know, but guns seem to enhance it.

I miss written tutorials. I hate how every tutorial is a YouTube now. I don't want to watch 15 minutes and forget to pay attention for the second that has the detail that I am missing or it just doesn't show. Even short tutorials are 3 minutes when it could have been a ten second read. I want to skim a page and go directly to the point. Has writing really become that hard to do?

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It's a waste of time. People who bother installing Vanced are not likely to click a single god damn ad even if it's forced on them.

So yes, Google can choose to bother some people and get higher statistics on ad views, but the companies paying for the ad will not see one single fucking sale more. This lowers the value of the ad.

They're chasing imaginary revenue.

The value of exposure isn't real either. The phone might play it but I don't fucking watch something that I don't want to watch. I've been online since before online ads were a thing and not once have I bought anything from any online ads.

Just let me opt out of that circus for fuck sake.

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It's sickening how everything is suddenly "unconstitutional" since the supreme court turned republican.

It's silly how everything has to be according to a 200+ year old document, and how the interpretation of that document is arbitrarily changing at the whim of certain political influences.

The US labor board has existed for 100+ years, and now it's supposedly unconstitutional? Shut up.

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It's not complicated. It's just a really dumb move.

Ford said "It's not a lock out". Yeah.. tell me the difference then. They just don't want to acknowledge that they're even playing the game - or maybe they don't understand.

If they want to do layoffs in every department that is affected by the strikes they will shut down faster than the strikes could do it. They're literally helping the union shut down the company, except they'll make it more difficult for themselves to reopen once an agreement is done.

The UAW already announced that they'd do stand up strikes, which despite the new name is a good old strategy of moving the strikes to whatever area or department they want to shut down today.

With these two strategies up against each other, I think the outcome is already determined.

Ford can not win this by laying off people. It's not like the union will suddenly back down just because Ford says: "lOOk aT wHaT yOU mADE me dO!!11" while it hurt itself in the confusion.

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Paid holiday, paid sickness, pension, occupational accident insurance.

Things that employees at UberEats, DoorDash and Tony Delivers don't get, but that Tony should be getting.

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  • "whose role will be to ensure that the "political, regulatory and fiscal frameworks" in the Nordics "support Tesla's mission."

LOL. Lets hire 1 person to change the politics in 4 countries to support a foreign private company..

(Also.. .. The primary point in all the nordic models is that politics shouldn't interfere in the labour market.)

It's ridiculously amusing to see the world's richest man attempting to throw money at a problem that can't be solved with money. I like it a lot.

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1.2. and 3. worlds are terms from the cold war.

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Shoppers are quiet quitting. Nobody wants to shop anymore

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The top poster's wife is correct. Electronegativity is the key. It seems kind of intuitive, but very difficult to explain.

One definition is that metals can conduct electricity - as in exchanging electrons.

The periodic table is two dimensional. The vertical axis or rows tells how many shells or layers or orbits of electrons an atom has. As we go downwards in the table the exchangeable electrons are positioned further away from the protons, so the electrons are less attached and more likely to be exchanged by close proximity of other atoms.

The horizontal axis is the number of electrons in the outermost orbit. The rightmost ones have full outer orbits and don't have vacancies to exchange electrons, but as we go left, the atoms are more and more short of electrons to fulfil the outermost orbit = electronegativity= missing some electrons.

Combining this shows that the atoms most likely to exchange electrons are in the bottom left corner of the table, which is also the previously mentioned definition of metals.

Someone else pointed out that the actual distribution of atoms is very much not metallic. In the entire universe there is 73% hydrogen, 25% helium and only 2% of everything else including all metals. Even on a planet consisting of "everything else" very much, it's still rare to come by metals, hence their value.

The reason why metals take up so much space on the period table is simply that metals have a lot of different configurations which need to be described because they are different from each other.

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All the empty communities without any motivation from the creating user to actually be involved in their own community. I honestly think they should be deleted if they're not active. Inb4 "be the change/create your own". No, I don't want to run a community so I don't create a community. Neither should you. Nobody benefits from all these empty reservations of space. It might actually hinder the people who have a need for a community. It's like showing up at an empty store. "Oh I guess I'll go somewhere else for this then"

The only reason they use the word "constitutional" is because they want the conservative supreme court to make a ruling to allow hate speech.

Meanwhile, conservatives also want to ban books about love.

This really has nothing to do with technology though. Quite the contrary. Twitter isn't technology. It's a tool for making dark age politics.

Goes to show that it's only human.

Unfortunately it's a photoshopped picture. Notice that the items have mismatched sizes. It was made about 6-7 years ago.

That's all there is to the story of this picture. There are actually no "cute semi naked skater chicks willing to get drunk and browse the internet in candlelight" in the local drainage pipes near you.

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It makes much more sense to put the chargers in places where you park your car: At home, at parking lots and at work.

Gas stations. No.

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Never mind Russia, I'd be happy with anyone making a "special military operation" on Putin's whereabouts. NATO doesn't have to fight Russia. They only need the head of the snake.

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Yup. The whole thing is playing out like a 4th. grade argument.

Yesterday he didn't want to do it. Today he will totally do it. Tomorrow he will be prevented from doing it. Next week he will already have done it while you were on holiday, yeah it happened in that town you probably never heard of.

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(or how to understand those who cannot be understood)

The subtitle really highlights his superior understanding.

I think I get it. Listen. There are four types of people: Red person, yellow person, green person and blue person. And they're all narcissistic psychopath idiots. Easy.

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There's a lot less commercial interest.

Not just no ads, but also no users trying to push products or gain karma for account selling and all that crap.

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This might be pedantic, but the use of the word "need" pisses me off more than the unrealistic requirement. It's so needy.

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The advantage is folding.

When folded at the middle it becomes the next size.

So if you have an A4 paper but don't have the proper C4 envelope, you can fold the paper in half and put it in a C5 envelope. This is standard.

Let's then imagine that you don't have a C5 envelope either, but only have the remaining Christmas card envelopes, which are C6. So you just fold your paper one more time at the middle and it'll fit again.

Also, the area of A0 is 1 square meter. You probably don't nornally have an A0 paper around, but that doesn't matter, because you can take 8 pieces of A3 or 16 pieces of A4 papers, tape them together and it'll be A0.

Now it isn't actually a square meter. It's the same area, but it's not square. No, the length and width makes the golden fucking ratio. This might be irrelevant for a legal document, but it's pretty neat if you want to make a nice drawing.

Paper come in reams. Reams come in boxes. Boxes come on pallets. The paper boxes fit perfectly on a pallet in both length and width, so the layers of boxes can be placed either way in an interlocked pattern. This is mostly a box design thing though. American paper also fit on American pallets, but without the connection through the sizes, you cannot make a pallet with mixed sizes and expect it to fit.

Forgot to add: the real beauty isn't the paper size. It's simply having a standard. Cans and bottles and lots of stuff follow similar metric standards. It's possible to mix everything and still make it fit snuggly on a euro pallet.

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Nobody in my feed mentioned reddit until you did.

When filtering by "all", I usually come across post from c/reddit or whatever it's called because it is a popular community, but I don't see any mentions of reddit in most other communities unless it's relevant.

So.. my first question was: Why'd they even want the information? It's answered in the article:

In a statement Thursday, Paxton’s office said the information is highly relevant to investigations into whether medical providers are committing insurance fraud to circumvent the ban.

Ok.. so they know something about the possibilities of insurance scams. I wonder how they know about the methods of insurance scams? Perhaps now would be a good time to investigate how Paxton knows so much about insurance scams.

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