^ JD Vance up in this bitch
^ JD Vance up in this bitch
The entire fucking point of republicanism is “fuck you got mine”. It is designed to bring destruction upon the vast majority for the benefit of the oligarchy. How is this not widely understood?!?
Plastics permeate our tissues and people are surprised by this?
Gotta please the boss.
N. Carolina, repubs are fucking you and will continue to fuck you in a cynical attempt to retain their political power. Something to consider as you head to the ballots.
I alive in an affluent town. Only recently did teachers largely stop purchasing things for kids, with parents instead contributing the money for these items. We’re able to do it. But this is a fucking travesty.
lol fuckem
Huh. I guess it’s not the Jews this time.
Dude’s head has been completely fucked for years now.
The fucktards voting for Trump couldn’t be bothered to care.
Well, wouldn’t you target those fucktards if you were looking to make a quick buck?
This guy’s just fucking around. He knows Colbert’s schtick.
This went over people’s heads.
He’s just fucking with you.
As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.
Make it easy for me to get the shit that I want and maybe I won’t pirate. It’s fucking easier to just pirate shit than to sign up for a bunch of services and deal with asscunt companies. Fuck you.
The bitch caved.
Edit: Harris has racked up some serious fucking wins. I hope she can keep this up. That they are debating on her terms after trump pulled his bullshit is utterly humiliating. She fucking owned him.
Remember folks: if we do our job right, this traitor asshole will die in prison.
“I’m for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before?”
She’s fucking with his fragile ego. It’s gonna drive him to ever more erratic behavior. Shit’s gonna get even more weird.
Shit like this is another Harris win, IMO. She knows how to fight.
Yeah bruh, I try to avoid porn. Personal decision. PERSONAL. Stay the fuck out of everyone’s goddamn lives. Fucking fascist republican swine.
Good. Now imprison the fucking traitor.
AfD, fucking russian stooges.
Is she running again?
What the fuck do people not understand? This is really fucking simple: repubs will extract as much value for themselves from society, while they’re alive, with not a concern for the costs to others or the future. That’s what motivates 100% of their shit. That’s why they’ve betrayed America. That’s why they’re cool if kids get shot up. They’re soulless ghouls, utter parasites.
I love how they’re fucking with him. It’s going to cause him to do more silly shit.
The sooner we disabuse ourselves of the foolish idea that republicans work for America, the better off we’ll be.
Fkn lol, of course she did. Side note: we should really be looking at all pizza shops in the DC area for a republican-led torture cult that rapes kids and extracts their adrenochrome.
Look. Melanie’s a prostitute. She married and fucks him for money. Just telling it like it is. Not making a moral judgement.
Musk is a cunt.
Can we fucking stop pretending that republicans do not explicitly and blatantly work in Russia’s interests? They’re fucking traitors.
Fuck trump and the republican traitor filth.
You gotta be mentally defective to be a republican.
We coulda had a bad bitch.
Fuck russia, fuck israel.
he’s a traitor. Fucking string him up!