0 Post – 309 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This article is clickbait garbage. What they said is SO MUCH WORSE, but calling it "Menstrual Surveillance" is fucking stupid. While menstruation and pregnancy are obviously related, they're not the same thing.

What they actually said is that they want to have states he able to monitor pregnancies so they can know if a woman becomes pregnant, but then suddenly isn't anymore, so they can question them for an abortion, either illegally in state or out-of-state. Given they're also pushing to monitor menstrual cycles alongside pregnancies, it's full on police state shit that goes even further than what is described.

Clear. Concise. Factual. That's all you need. The right already gives you what you need to show how fucked up they are. You don't have to clickbait. It's dystopian enough on its own.

I mean .... Vance is an idiot, but I have three boys. Between me, my wife, and my three kids, we each eat 2-3 eggs worth of scrambled eggs some mornings. 5x2 is 10, 5x3 is 15. That's right in line with his claims, if he counts himself and wife, which he probably is and just being an idiot again.

That said, I don't have eggs EVERY DAY. FFS my cholesterol would be sky high. I do buy 10-15 dozen eggs at a time, though, because the local farmer's market sells 15 dozen for $25-30 and eggs will keep for 6-10 weeks in the fridge that is consistently the same low, near freezing temp (perfect for the outdoor, secondary fridge).

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Want to know what I used to pirate, but don't anymore? Video games. Steam makes tons of money off of me and everybody else and has reasonable DRM with an easy to use store.

Piracy is a delivery problem. Make content easier to get for reasonable prices and you'll make money. Don't do that? OK. Piracy it is.

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Who knew pissing off leftist people by being a douchebag when your company sells electric vehicles that are typically championed by said leftists could hurt your sales? So mysterious.

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As a straight dude, my first internal knee-jerk reaction was "this is such a stupid solution to a stupid problem", but then my mental "Don't be an asshat because not everybody is like you" guard rail kicked in.

Clearly this is a product for a market of people that it works for and I'm happy for them. Enjoy your neat keyboard thing, long nailed peeps.

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That's impressive.

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I'm not one that usually calls for the "Hail Corporate" BS where people lick the boots of big companies. In fact, I typically am very anti-corporate in every way, but Valve is one company I honestly have very little problem giving my money to. They very rarely have any anti-consumer things that crop up and every one to memory they've taken feedback and course corrected very rapidly. I'm afraid for the day Gabe Newell dies or retires, though. Whoever takes over Valve is going to have some big shoes to fill.

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I'm not even surprised by the racism in the Republican party anymore. It's just sad how hateful these people are.

I run an HTPC that works fully with my AirMouse Remote I bought for it for ~$15USD. It uses Flex Launcher running on Debian.

Basically, I use it for Plex, some Netflix, retrogaming, and Steam.

I was in a similar boat to you were I looked at Plasma Big Screen, LibreElec, etc. Plasma BigScreen was too buggy or unmaintained. LibreElec is great if you want to play local stuff, but terrible for streaming things like Netflix. In the end I said "screw it. I'll make my own". Now it's the center of my living room.

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If you want a smart home/devices, only opt for locally controlled, non-cloud, open source, and self hosted options. Home Assistant is great for home automation.

My mini splits used to be controlled by an Alexa dongle with no other choice from the manufacturer. After some research, I discovered that there was an ESPHome module for controlling them with about $8 worth of stuff. It's more responsive, reliable, will never stop working because some company decided it's no longer worth their time, and has more elaborate controls than anything the manufacturer provided. And I can control three mini splits for half of the cost of one "cloud dongle" from the manufacturer.

The best way to combat enshittification is voting with your wallet. Support projects by people who produce open source solutions. Donate the money you would have spent on the "turnkey cloud" option to help fund the open source project through donations. Until we stop giving these companies money, they're not going to stop screwing us.

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What an absolute piece of shit.

They were:

  1. Warned ahead of time they couldn't film there
  2. Tried to do it anyway.
  3. Got indignant when they were forced to follow the rules like a bunch of fucking children.
  4. Then claim the service member had "mental health issues" like that somehow makes them not in the right, assuming it's even true (which it almost certainly isn't).
  5. Claim they're going to release footage of the incident, but then never do (likely because it's exactly as bad as you'd think).

Our dead servicemen and women are not your fucking pawn piece for your shit stain campaign, asshole.

I look forward to seeing Kamala curb stomp his sorry ass in the general election.

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All of the Fox News crowd are getting bent out of shape because it falls on the same day as Easter this year......can't make this up.

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Meanwhile the Steam Deck is selling like gangbusters.

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The fact things are this close is amazingly disappointing in humanity as a whole.

On the one side, you have Trump who wants to be a dictator, actively hates anyone who isn't white and conervative, said he wants to kill his political opponents, tried to overthrow the government, had a 4 year presidency that was basically an episode of Jersey Shore everyday, and idolizes Putin/Hitler/etc.

And then there is Biden, who isn't super "exciting", old AF, and supports Israel too much for political reasons, but otherwise has done an alright job as president for 4 years.

How are the polls and the race even remotely this close? It's no wonder we can't do something like fix climate change as a society when people are this fracking stupid.

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Not on by default..... For now.

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I appreciate the efforts Biden is making here. I was looking forward to the $20k loan forgiveness for my wife's student loans, but the new IBR plans reduced my monthly payments by 85% and has them going to be forgiven entirely in a few years. That right there sealed my vote for him, even though he hit roadblocks to the original plan.

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Bear in mind that in-video ads that Google is experimenting with will still cause 403 errors. There is another bug report for that. However, this fixes most playback issues.

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The irony of this is being put on administrative leave and ending up on the news is likely to make her OF blow up. Probably a win/win for her.

pfSense = Firewall and router system based on FreeBSD. Has both open source and commercial versions. Built for SMB to Enterprise uses. Extremely powerful with all of the bells and whistles you'd expect from a professional firewall product.

OPNSense = Basically pfSense with a different UI. It's a fork of pfSense. Much of the same capability, but is built by a smaller company.

OpenWRT = Replacement firmware for embedded devices (as well as x86). It's open source WiFi router firmware that runs on tens of thousands of devices. Many vendors will even base their custom firmware on OpenWRT and put a different skin on it (GL.iNet, for example).

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Anybody talkin' bad about Dolly gets a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin'. She's a national treasure on the level of Mr. Rogers.

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As long as their demonstration is against military targets (and not what Israel would classify as a "military targets"), I say let them. Bomb every Russian military base within 200 miles of Ukraine into a crater. Russia only seems to respond to a show of force, unfortunately with its current leadership, so give it to them.

I just feel bad for the Russians who have to live under Putin's rule. I know several Russians who have fled Russia to avoid drafts or persecution. Hearing them talk about how they "probably will never be able to go home again" is heartbreaking.

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"I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."

Romans 16:17-18

If only MAGA Republicans could read, they'd have seen this coming.

$20 says that the majority of the voters purged were non-white and/or non-male Democrats.

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They also are forcing US users into arbitration unless you opt out by May 15th by emailing, so you can't sue them. This is similar to LG with their compressor fiasco in their fridges where they put arbitration agreement crap on the box.

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As someone who lived full time in a fifth wheel voluntarily with my family, living mobile in a tiny home, RV, or camper van can be pretty awesome. However, many of these people aren't doing it by choice and that should never be the case.

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Google Play Music users: "First 600th time?"

I know the latest thing to call Republicans is weird....but this dude is a whole 'nother level of fucking weird. What the actual fuck.

As a Texan, not sure what part of Texas you think is so ugly. There is a lot of beauty here.

Our politicians just suck.

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West Nile isn't spread airborne, dumbass.

Y'all hitched your wagon to this shit show. Now you get to live with the consequences, ya Republican gits.

Last night, to my wife: "He's going to claim ABC was rigged against him and that the debate moderators were slanted against him"

This morning:

So predictable.

As with anything GOP-related, if they're projecting it onto Democrats, they're guilty of it themselves.

Grooming children? Catholic church, which is largely Republicans in America

Anti-LGBTQ+? The number of GOP members who have been caught with same sex partners of both underage and adult varieties makes that laughable.

Pro-life? Several GOP members have secretly paid for abortions.

Economy crashes or stalls? It's because of policies that a Republican-led government made before handing the mess off to a Democrat.

I'll bet cash money this guy has a clan outfit in his closet.

Because they're domestic terrorists. If you had someone from Russia, the Middle East, etc. they'd be calling these people terrorists. But since they're white they're "white supremacists" or "far-right extremists".

I know terrorist is thrown around too often, but in this case call them what they are.

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Honestly thought that Dodge Ram drivers would carry Dodge to the highest DUI and accident rate combined. You have to really screw up to beat that.

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I think it's more important that it gives Valve a method of avoiding being shoehorned into a "Windows only world". The Steam Deck is largely why Linux has pushed past 2% market share on the Steam Hardware Survey consistently now. Holo, which is the codename for SteamOS on the Deck, makes up over half of Steam on Linux.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not dillusional. Windows is still far and away the majority platform and will be for some time. However, there is a real, functional choice now that didn't exist a few years ago.

16 more...

Instant Pot (on sale): There is legitimately so many things you can make in these. Many of them do sous vide too, which is one of the best ways to cook meat.

Powered ratchet: For anyone who works on their own vehicles, a cheap powered ratchet is a godsend. I bought one for oil changes and car repairs and it's my most used tool in my bag. I'm mad I spent so much time without one. Walmart's Hyper Tough brand powered ratchet is $40 and holds up very well. Extended reach one is often on sale for $50-55.

E-Ink reader: Another often on sale item. If you have someone who loves books, having an entire library in your pocket with a built-in backlight for night reading that's also easy on the eyes is a great thing. Coupled with Calibre and some....sourced epub files.....and you can read a lot for free.

Vacuum sealer: Never have freezer burned stuff again. And keeps things fresh in the fridge longer. Also works great for sous vide for the above-mentioned Instant Pot.

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Actually you can, as long as you own the game and are playing a backup of it.

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I stopped using Windows and converted to Linux. I'm not going to be "one of those people" and tell you that you should too, but I've been using Linux full-time for 3 years for gaming, work, and personal stuff and never felt the need to go on Windows except to use my VR headset, which I haven't used in months. I just built a new PC and haven't even bothered installing my Windows SSD into it in the last 4 weeks since I built it. I may never and just sell my VR headset.

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I've always wondered what LoL is like and if it's any fun. Now I'll never find out.

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