
6 Post – 1315 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I disagree. It's a very good game, but I think Donkey Kong is the best game ever.

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Make a public RCS API for Android. Stop trying to get people to use your app by withholding features from third party apps.

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Oh yeah, I wandered in. I was with a group of people that didn't really know each other. We were supposed to see a niche movie at the movie theater. It was a one time showing special event. It was a group of people that my wife met online that is into this franchise. Anyway, the company that made the movie forgot to send the movie to the movie theater. Or rather, they sent it to the wrong movie theater. They were going to show the movie the next day instead, and gave us all refunds and free movie vouchers. But the group was already all there, so we decided to walk to a local coffee shop nearby. It wasn't a coffee shop. It was a casino. Casinos are not legal where I live. We walked in, awkwardly looked around and walked out and went to Starbucks.

Unrelated, but their toilet was on the patio outside. Very weird experience all around.

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I would decline to answer, and if pressed, say something vague, such as, "a medical procedure". That should be enough for most people, but if it they keep pressing, I would come up with something embarrassing, such as, "I need the time off to get my anal prolapse taken care of." Then be upset that you had to disclose private medical information and ask to speak to HR.

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Lots of good answers here, but I don't see anyone mentioning the minor differences between military time and 24 hour. With military time, they don't use a colon when writing it, and they always verbally say the leading zero. So a time using a 24 hour clock is written 06:00 or 6:00 and said verbally as "six o'clock", but with military time, it is written as 0600 and said verbally as "Oh six hundred hours".

That's it. That's the only difference. Though many Americans do indeed incorrectly call any 24 hour clock "military time". I myself used to say it incorrectly when I was a kid because my parents said it incorrectly.

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Calling this game "older" is hurting my soul, though.

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This has been suggested many times, but we need a way to link comments and posts in an instance-agnostic way. Getting pulled to a new instance when you click a link is very confusing for new users. Another use case that was common on reddit that won't work without this feature is you can't have a stickied post with links to other important posts in the community. People will get pulled into the instance that the linker is in, which means people who follow the link will be logged out (unless their account is on the same instance as OP) and won't be able to interact with the post.

This isn't a nice-to-have feature. This is a must-have feature.

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Video games are (usually) designed in such a way that there is a guaranteed path to victory. You just need to find it. So failing means you found one more path that doesn't lead to victory. That mindset helps motivate me to keep trying until I find the path that the designers made for me to find.

Life is not that way, unfortunately. There are plenty of no-win scenarios. Running into those makes me want to curl up in a ball under a blanket and run away from my problems.

I'm currently experiencing this, which is why I'm on lemmy instead of working. I'm currently in database hell and I can't find the way out.

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Uh, I assumed that was a minimum viable product requirement.

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As a Linux gamer, I run just about everything in wine since proton uses wine.

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I wonder if McAfee changing their name to Trellix to escape how much the general public hates them will work better than Comcast rebranding as Xfinity.

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I was the lead engineer on an Openwrt router for 2 years at my old job. Their documentation is complete and utter shit, but their design is extremely intuitive. Whenever I said to myself, "hell, let's just try this and see if it works," it had an insanely high success rate.

I didn't know Lua going into this project, but when I left the company, it made me really wonder why more people don't use Lua. It's a really nice language.

I really enjoyed having my own open source router that I could just drop new features into by adding packages and recompiling. I was sad when I had to send all my dev units back.

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I'd like to think the Japanese government wouldn't approve that.

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I use command line a lot. I hate needing to add backslashes before spaces or put quotes around file names. It's easier to just use underscores.

Maybe Google can work with Google on implementing a user-level API for Android so manufacturers don't have a monopoly on RCS apps.

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It was lying about the Apollo developer for me. He lied, he got caught, and then said (paraphrasing), "wow, he's a terrible person for recording our conversation without my knowledge! I don't want to work with him anymore anyway!"

Gaming support on Linux is the best it has ever been. Other than select games, nearly everything works now. It's mostly competitive multiplayer games that don't work because it's the kernel anticheat that is the issue. Notably, Call of Duty and Destiny 2 don't work. Halo does 100% work now, which is awesome. But if you mostly play single player games, you are probably totally fine.

Just don't post links. I tested it myself and they will shadow remove your comment.

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I can't wait for reddit's next fuck up so we can get more folks over here!

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Just FYI, we have recently had a huge influx of electronic systems asking for tips in places that tips didn't exist before. I only tip when I sit down to eat at a restaurant and they serve me. If you walk up to the counter to order, you don't tip. If you are ordering takeout (even at a sit-down restaurant), you don't tip.

It's a really fucking stupid system that most of us hate, but if you don't participate, you are the asshole according to our culture (even though we know it's really the businesses not paying their employees enough that are really the assholes)

Edit: oh, and then "suggested tip" went up around the same time that these electronic systems popped up. My whole life, a 10% tip was bad, a 15% tip was average. A 20% tip was good. Now it seems the "suggested tip" says you should tip 20% minimum. I think this is bullshit, and I ignore it. The people who are suggesting the tip are the ones that benefit from it going higher. They are always going to try to increase it as long as they can get away with it. I stick to the 10/15/20% rule.

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Maybe if our politicians weren't fucking 80 years old and actually understood technology even a little bit.

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If the EU covered all their bases here and Apple doesn't find a way to screw their customers, I will be extremely happy. I just feel like they always find some way to be shitty. 😂

I used to love Avenged Sevenfold back in like 2005/2006. They used to fly confederate flags at their concerts, and even had custom guitars with the confederate flag panted on them. Back then I didn't understand the significance of that, but that's really fucked.

At least they have apologized for it and said they regret doing it. I believe people are capable of learning from their mistakes, but tbh, I haven't kept up with them so I'm not sure if they have truly become better people than they were back then.

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Pretty much. How to guarantee I will never buy your brand ever again. Not that I would ever buy a Samsung anyway. Or anything preloaded with Facebook for that matter.

Lone Star became president?

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Thank you for doing these regular updates. I find them very insightful. This is turning out to be a great release, and I'm very excited.

Is there a timeline for instance-agnostic linking to posts and comments? Link to GitHub issue tracking this.I moderate a small sports community, and the lack of this feature is really impacting the user experience. We have threads for each game, but we can't sticky a post with links to the ongoing games. Or rather, we can, but anyone not on the same instance that the link is pointing to will not be logged in after clicking it, and can't comment or interact at all with the thread.

I think this feature should be a candidate for the next major release, as it severely impacts new users who aren't fully aware of how federated/instanced services work and that they are being redirected to another instance that may look the same but their account isn't on.

We also save a ton of time in the shower. But I just spend that extra time crying in the shower because I have no hair.

So they now have two separate AI chatbots named Copilot now? Obviously GitHub Copilot is focused on coding, but this one seems like it is not. Both are owned by Microsoft. Both are called Copilot. Both are AI chatbots.

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I can't stop my cat from doing anything. So I just don't buy plants anymore.

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Hair ties leading to receding hair line reeks of an old wives tale. I would look into actual research on the topic, and if it hasn't been proven true, assume it is false.

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I'm a programmer. Sometimes I solve a really hard programming problem in a clever way with very few lines of code, and I feel like I'm the smartest person in the world. Other times I can't solve a really simple problem and I realize that I'm actually a moron that gets lucky sometimes.

My buddy once showed me a funny interaction in the comments under a Top Gear video about the Corvette Z06. Being from the UK, the called it the Zed-06. But someone in the comments claimed that it should be pronounced Zee-06. The conversation went something like this:

"Why does he keep saying Zed-06? It's Zee-06."

"Because in England, where this video was made, we say 'zed'"

"Well, in America, where the car was made, we say 'zee'"

"Well, in England, where English was made, we say, 'zed'"

I legitimately don't know how people shower quicker than that. Like, if I'm in a rush I can, but I know I'm missing areas and not getting as clean as I could be.

But to be honest I have OCD that mostly manifests as germaphobia/obsessively sanitizing. I'm not good about understanding how normal people clean themselves.

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I host my instance in my house on my old PC. I'm going to pay my power bill either way. It actually autopays. So if I had a medical emergency and couldn't do my admin duties, my instance would keep on going for a very long time.

I don't have any users on my instance other than me, so I don't need to worry about this specific thing. But paying the miniscule amount of power that my server consumes would be trivial.

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No. It's about being able to voice your opinion without going to jail for it. No one is going to jail for making transphobic memes or comments. But that doesn't protect them from me blocking them or banning them from my instance.

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I think the jury is still out on this one imo. If Apple does what the rumors are saying and limit it to 500mA @ 5V and 480Mbps transfer speed unless you have a MFI chip in the cable, then I don't think these regulations worked.

Also, if a hypothetical USB type D comes out some time in the future and blows USB type C out of the water in every category, but phones can't use it because the EU said, then these regulations didn't work. It's my understanding that the EU protected against this possiblity, so I'm hopeful that this won't happen. But I haven't actually read the bill myself. I have only heard this from comments on the internet, so I don't know for sure.

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Dang, it's almost like it was worth all the research money the government crammed into it in the long run, unlike what my dad said to me a million times.

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I have a very close friend who suddenly developed a mental disorder, and before he started his therapy and medication, he did this. And then they called the cops (rightfully so), and they came and arrested him. IIRC, they got a restraining order as well. I can't say I blame them at all. This is absolutely terrifying.

Luckily he got help and is doing awesome now. He's back to his old self and wouldn't hurt a fly.

Since I can't know which phone is being talked about without watching a video, it is absolutely clickbait.

Currently in a meeting, so I couldn't watch it if I wanted to.

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