
0 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

They're scared. Continue to avoid McDonald's and they'll keep lowering prices. We have the power because we have the money they want and can choose where to spend it.

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This has absolutely nothing to do with ADHD

It's kinda like the question of "how big does the body of water have to be before you're comfortable swimming with a corpse?" Like we all know that's how it works, but making a direct correlation makes it much more uncomfortable.

What is wrong with calling people unintelligent when they are doing unintelligent things that are directly causing me problems (for example, people on their phones blowing through red lights?) If someone tries to change lanes into me and I say "are you blind? You almost hit me!" is that similarly bad?

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I understand not calling disabled people the word, because mocking people for something about themselves they didn't choose (like a disability) is cruel, I am totally on board with never using words in this way to target disabled people.

I don't understand why I can't use the word to mock someone who is not intellectually disabled for choosing not to use their perfectly well-functioning brain, it seems like a very apt analogy. It communicates "you aren't disabled, you have no excuse for acting like it, start choosing to use the fully functional brain you have".

Additionally, only the "r-word" seems to be the bad one, despite there being many other words in our language that originally began as a medical descriptor for intellectually disabled folks. If I call someone a moron for running a red light because they're playing with their phone nobody bats an eye, but if I call them the "r-word" I'm a terrible person?

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This captures why I don't enjoy Harry Potter (in addition to JKR being a shitter)

The sooner we can stop being dependent on fossil fuels so shitholes like this place can go back to being irrelevant the better. Medieval opinions with unlimited money, what could go wrong?

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Ok, don't buy it online then go get it from the thrift store yourself. Oh that takes valuable time and effort? Guess that's why it was marked up, peoples' time is worth money.

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Obese people acting like they can't control it is precisely why they're obese. It's vile to discriminate against someone for their height, race, sexual orientation, and other factors because they have no control or choice over those things. But if someone makes a bad choice that negatively affects their own health and others around them, it's acceptable to tell that person it's unsafe. Shaming them is ineffective, but just pretending being obese is normal and healthy isn't ok either. These folks need help.

Don't even start with me on thyroid disorders, those are a small fraction of people who are obese and even they do not defy basic laws of thermodynamics. Eat less than you burn, it's basic math. You may not be able to control the disorder but you are in control of how you respond to it.

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Until the content I want is on another platform, I don't really have a choice of what platform to go to. Of course, I can also just go outside which YouTube has made more and more appealing by the week, but telling people "just use Peertube" isn't a solution when the content they want to see simply doesn't exist there

A wise Jedi once said, "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent"

Yeah if the US had invaded Mexico maybe it would be understandable if they sought Russian help. Your whole comment ignores the fact that Russia invaded a sovereign country in 2014 and continues to kill people every day there trying to take it over. There's no arguing with bullies like Putin, we learned this lesson with Hitler. Burying them in the ground is better than appeasing them.

My case rests, the seller of the book provided you a valuable service then by making a product available to you that you otherwise wouldn't be able to get, and you're mad that they made a little money for their time?

That's because Americans keep being told "but we're not in a recession" in response to complaints about low wages and high prices. No one gives a fuck what the stock market is doing if we can't afford to own any. We don't care that "job numbers are up" when none of them pay enough to keep up with doubled grocery costs in the last 3 years. And don't even start on "CPI figures" that are waved in our faces as if that shit even comes close to measuring the real inflation that real people are paying for on a daily basis. It's so understated it might as well exist in a parallel universe.

The reason this ends up blowing back on Democrats is they very much want the narrative to be "see guys everything is fine elect Biden again" but everything is very much not fine for the average Joe and so that narrative is irritating. Of course, Biden got handed a shit sandwich by the previous moron whose choices like absurdly low interest rates and PPP giveaways kick-started the inflation that has characterized Biden's term, but that is lost on many voters. Dems need to directly address voter frustration and stop bandying useless figures like stocks and job market and CPI about. When I see prices go back down at the grocery store because the administration shit down the throats of companies for making excess profits, then I'll credit Biden with saving us economically. Til then, it's just noise.

One could at least argue that the Iraq invasion was within what was generally understood to be the role of the president at the time, specifically leading the military as its commander in chief. No one expected throwing a coup to be within the normal role of the president, but apparently that's also covered according to this decision.

If you're one of the people in this thread insisting this does nothing to exonerate LTT, what would you accept as evidence that they're innocent? I don't follow YouTube drama much at all, I just think it's wild when people form an opinion based on on set of statements and then are never open to learning more facts about the case ever again.

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Showers vs rain is a great lesson in consent. I did not consent to be rained on, I do not want to be wet just then so I don't like it. When I turn on the shower I consent to be rained on, so I like it.

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20% my ass, CPI is so laughably understated it should probably be a crime. My grocery bills have doubled during the timeframe depicted on the chart.

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Well I guess that's where we disagree. It's clearly offensive to make fun of a blind person for being blind, no one should do that. But I do not see how it is offensive to actual blind people to call a sighted person "blind" for refusing to use their eyes. It is of course not polite to the person I'm speaking to, but that is the point, there are plenty of times it is ok to be rude to people, such as when they're harming you. Offending purposely harmful people like bigots, racists; and negligently harmful people like inattentive drivers, people who leave knives pointing up in the dishwasher, etc presents me with no moral quandary.

I'm not sure if you're saying it's offensive to disabled people to make the comparison, offensive to the abled person you are speaking to, or both.

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It's only an "established slur" to some people (mostly in online niche communities), to a lot of people it's just everyday speech. Words such as retarded, special needs, intellectually disabled, moron, imbecile and more are all terms used to describe a disability, just like "blind". I'm tired of this artificially accelerated pejoration sped along by people who just want to correct others to feel good about themselves, the euphemism treadmill for people with intellectual disabilities in particular spins faster than for any other topic. We haven't invented 15 different phrases for blind in the last 50 years, there's no reason to do it for disabled brains any more than for disabled eyeballs.

Instead that energy should be focused on ensuring people don't use someone's disability to put the disabled person down. Those people are the real problem, not normal folks criticizing people for their shitty behaviors they can control, not immutable characteristics about themselves.

Ok, show us all the free PT content you've made without getting paid. What's that, you can't pay your rent with PeerTube views, you need a real job you say? Well that's why there's no content, creators need to eat too.

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Yes, I unironically enjoy NATO propaganda. Stay mad commie

Insane that we even have to ask, and also I'm not believing polls after what happened in 2016

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It sounds like you have a sensory perception disorder, that is not most people's reactions to those situations. A good home theater system will probably be more comfortable for you.

Piss off your local conservatives by telling them you support an organization that takes unskilled workers and gives them free housing, free healthcare, job training, cheap mortgages, and tax-advantaged income. When they start going on about how that sounds like some "commie bullshit" reveal that you've just described the US military. Your mileage (kilometerage?) may vary in countries with a functional healthcare system

This article is a great example of the post hoc fallacy; it's more likely that people anxious about their heart condition are purchasing wearable monitors at an elevated rate compared to the rest of the population

I'm gonna go drop the kids off at the pool

What a nonsense article. Try to draw any curved mile-long line through Baltimore that doesn't run through a predominantly black community, I'll wait. There are unfortunately plenty of real racial issues to deal with, this NIMBYism posing as racial equity is just a distraction.

It's not stating that group has less value, it is stating that that group has less ability to think which is just as true as blind people have less ability to see, or physically disabled people like me have less ability to walk than people with normal feet.

That doesn't inherently make someone less valuable, and my point when using such a term as blind or retarded directed towards a non-disabled person isn't to attack their value but instead to attack their behavior, specifically to point out that they aren't utilizing their abilities to their full extent. If you hear the word retarded and think that means the person is less valuable, maybe check your assumptions about disabled people's value.

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I think the term you might identify with more is "gender nonconforming" meaning you enjoy things that are not traditionally associated with your gender, but you're happy with your gender and body the way they are. If you felt dysphoric/uncomfortable with your body that would be more trans. Hope that helps, whatever you choose to label it doesn't matter too much just be what makes you most comfortable!

Unironically yes, at least the US government is something we can openly criticize and attempt to change while living within its borders. Try criticizing the Chinese government from within China, let me know how that works out for you. I'll take homegrown American spyware any day.

The only people this should ever be used on is the assholes who came up with it. Black Mirror wasn't meant to be a playbook people!

Imagine how much he will have grown 20 years then! Maybe he won't be a traitorous piece of shit when he comes out

Dumbass article, if you go to an airport your face is all over the security cameras and the checkpoints delete your image immediately after scanning so they are the least of your worries.

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Ah yes sweet manmade horrors beyond my comprehension

I consider myself fairly terminally-online but now and then I see a post like this that may as well be a foreign language, and I go to the comments for clues and they're all just random words strung together and it makes even less sense. What a time to be alive!

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The Russian SVR hacked both the DNC and RNC. Russia chose to release only the DNC files, to damage Hillary and support Trump. This is established fact per detailed indictments based on a mountain of technical evidence.

So just because what they released was authentic documents does NOT mean they're some sort of impartial source as they claim here. Julian Assange is and was a Russian asset, he contributed greatly to the damage of American democracy brought on by Trump, and I hope he rots in prison right next to Trump himself and every other traitor and foreign intelligence asset who supports him.

Source: the signs on the device itself at an airport I saw last week, also the TSA website https://www.tsa.gov/digital-id

The photo is immediately deleted unless clear signage is posted ndicating that the checkpoint is undergoing testing as results may be retained for up to 24mo.

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I was faster than an ambulance as I could take her to a closer hospital than the one they'd be coming from and I could leave immediately, no need for a phone conversation first. Sometimes ambulances are quicker but in some cases like mine, they wouldn't be.

It's worse than "allowed" to use, in the US it's more like "required to use". Newer engines that work on unleaded gas exist, and even some older engines are perfectly capable on unleaded gas. However, the FAA has to test and approve each part that goes on an airplane, and it's a ton of work to do that for every type of airplane engine. Unless the government subsidized such testing and paid for unleaded fuel tanks to be installed all over the country, it's unlikely to change anytime soon.