2 Post – 417 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

YouTube is the only streaming platform I pay for. I don't want to bother with 3rd party apps, and I use it every day. Plus I get YouTube music out of it, so I don't need to pay for Spotify. Overall 7/10 it's fine.

No judgements toward people who don't want to pay though, I get it.

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Same I like him

Oh shit, everyone this is big. This is the big one. On reddit, Reddit WAS Sync. It was why I started using reddit in the first place.

Now, Lemmy is Sync. Lets gooo

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Like I get that is what we probably are getting, and fine, he is better than whatever the republicans are putting forward, so I'll vote for him.


Come on

I wish, so much, we had a better candidate

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When I think of all the horrible shit that goes on in the world, the thing that keeps me going is that Greta Thunburg is responsible for the Tates getting arrested. Life is wonderful sometimes.

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If you live anywhere outside of the US, the question is irrelevant, because everyone uses whatsapp etc.

Within the US, if you are over the age of 30, it probably doesn't matter.

if you are under the age of 30 AND in the US, I mean, if someone does judge you for it, you at least have a great way to filter shitty people out of your life lol.

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Maybe not the solution, but the ideal answer would be a conversation and family therapy

Was Twitter ever really a left leaning platform in the first place? It pretty much always felt like it was filled with Russian bots and maga shit.

So I guess good job Musk for burning down a shit website? Lol

As a side note, Mastodon is legitimately fantastic. The community there is genuinely nice.

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Dang that's actually really sad. Omegle, for all its faults, was sort of like the weird alleyway that you could go to and know that you'd have some kind of interesting experience.

I'm sad to see it gone.

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Since when is rcs dead? More and more of the people I use texting with come "online" all the time.

Weird takes.

They are allowed to exist, but they don't need to advertise for them.

Especially in the place where casual people go to sign up. Can you imagine someone picking a random server and then suddenly seeing that shit? They would stop using lemmy completely.

I'm all for defederating from tankie instances. They suck.

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I don't like the idea of conflating falsely accusing people of being a pedophile with calling someone out for holding harmful right-wing beliefs.

The first (saying someone is supporting pedophiles) is oftentimes used as a method to support bans on anti-encryption technology. It is a bad-faith justification for harmful and 1984 type legislation.

The second, however, is an argument used by right wing extremists to justify hate speech.

To be clear - I'm not saying the government should mandate a ban on conservative media. I'm just saying that as a normal citizen, it is a justified, non-harmful act to call people with harmful right-wing beliefs 'right wing extremists.'

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Why is it that the article is about this flag, but doesn't have a picture of the flag. This is more upsetting than it should be.

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I'd recommend following the hashtags you want to see. It's sort of a build-your-own algorithm

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I'm excited for my class action award of $3

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This sounds like a joke but it actually isn't.

About 30% are openly in some kind of weird suicide pact, and the other 20% will vote for the same people as them, just while furrowing their eyebrows sometimes

We aren't going to get mods to promote us. That is just silly.

We should buy advertising though, definitely.

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I love the movie V for Vendetta.

Just throwing that out there.

Your statement is correct, but I think people are taking it as an implication that all anime sexualizes kids, which is false. There's lots of really great anime out there.

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Everyone here is on copium, not gonna lie.

Reddit isn't going to die. Honestly it has 1000x more content than lemmy.

Lemmy has a place and so does reddit.

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Motorola, while it was owned by Google, was actually quite good. The Moto g and the Moto x line were started in that era. The original Moto x was one of the best looking phones I've ever used.

Ugh unsolicited stick pics 😮‍💨

It's nice though lol

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Pretty sure Microsoft will be happy to come save the day and just buy out the company.

People who support fascist governments - specifically, Russia, China, North korea.

They will also rightly say things about how America does bad things too. And that is true. It's ok to admit that.

They, on the other hand, will never admit that Russia or China is ever doing something unethical or wrong.

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I'm currently watching "The handmaid's tale." If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's basically the story of what happens when the right wing extremists get exactly what they want.

It is devastating and tragic, and also a very stark warning about what that future actually looks like.

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Ah, so this is how The Handmaid's Tale starts.

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Because I didn't see it written in the comments yet, here is the warning:

"The sites display unproven claims that porn impairs ‘human brain development’ and ‘increases the demand for prostitution, child exploitation, and child pornography.’"

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For the lazy:

HB 1181 would issue public health warnings including claims that porn use “increases the demand for prostitution, child exploitation, and child pornography.” Claims that are included in the health warnings laid out by the bill suggest that porn use is “potentially biologically addictive, is proven to harm human brain development, desensitizes brain reward circuits, increases conditioned responses, and weakens brain function.” Or, that exposure to porn “is associated with low self-esteem and body image eating disorders, impaired brain development, and other emotional and mental illnesses.” Note how they use the term “exposure” as if a person watching porn was exposed to a real disease.

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What I've learned this means in practical terms is, "Wow! We are really good at healing mice!"

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I am all for a temporary defederation.

.world has power. It has the people and the content. Flexing a little in support of human rights is 100% a good thing.

There was never a draft for the Iraq war. It was all volunteers.

Edit - not saying I agree with anything about the war, but just clarifying that fact - people that joined the military did so voluntarily. No one was coerced or forced to go against their will.

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I did when I was 6. It was a plastic bag full of bark. I buried it in the school playground sand box one day, and came back for it a week later.

I found it, along with some cat poop. Overall 9/10 experience, would recommend.

Moderation tools. They need to drop literally everything else they are working on and build robust moderation tools for community owners. Nothing else matters more than this.

Lemmy devs NEED to get mod tools out asap. Approved posts only, whitelisting users for communities, etc.

What took so long?

As an American, if there is a law that says I am not allowed to burn a flag, I will go to the store, buy every flag available, and burn them all.

First amendment = best amendment

These articles cater to the privacy centric, super user type people, which is totally fine, but we should remember that we are not the average user. We represent... basically an insignificant percentage of the user base.

Windows is not actually having a problem getting people to upgrade to Windows 11. There is a small minority of people who see the issues and are loud about it, but I guarantee that 95% will update when their computer tells them they have to update (when it does the "next time you restart we are doing it for you" thing).

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I love how delusional people here are.

Joking lol but serious that it will never happen. Windows has waaay too much of a monopoly for that to never happen.

Like wtf, am I supposed to tell my mom to use the terminal to download ms word? Oh wait sorry you can use libre office! It's the same but...... Well it looks different. And isn't as functional.

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