
2 Post – 491 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Anti-nuclear is like anti-GMO and anti-vax: pure ignorance, and fear of that which they don't understand.

Nuclear power is the ONLY form of clean energy that can be scaled up in time to save us from the worst of climate change.

We've had the cure for climate change all along, but fear that we'd do another Chernobyl has scared us away from it.

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To my dying day I will never understand how anyone can tolerate this pathological liar.

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Republicans are at war with young people in general. It honestly looks like they are actively TRYING to lose as much of the youth vote as possible:

  1. Young people deeply feel the existential dread of climate change. Republicans still deny the basic facts about it, and fight all attempts to mitigate it.

  2. Young people understand that their lives have been destroyed by student loans at rates and amounts unheard of in the past. Republicans not only have ZERO empathy, here, they are actually delighting in cruelty about it. They actively tried to add RETROACTIVE interest charges to student loans as we reach the end of the pandemic loan freeze, on top of their efforts to make it virtually impossible to have loans forgiven for public service.

  3. Young people are less religious than ever, while the right wing is using the court to turn us into a theocracy.

  4. Young people have progressive attitudes about LGBTQ rights, and the Republicans are centering their 2024 campaign on a contest of how bigoted they can be in this area.

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McCarthy: "hard-right Republicans want to burn the whole place down!"

Moderate Democrats: "so you'll work with us instead, to pass legislation that keeps the lights on, and addresses some of the problems we both agree exist?"

McCarthy: "No. Fuck you. Die in a fire."

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I'm sure there were a huge swath of people who used Twitter and didn't care at all about Musk one way or the other.

Then he rebranded and threw his ego and control in everyone's face. And all the people who like Twitter IN SPITE of Elon were now forced to acknowledge that their Twitter is gone.

Just like over at reddit now, the latest move has alienated the people who really cared about the platform itself. If they rebranded to "Spez's World", though, a lot of the people who didn't give a shit before would suddenly be ready to bail.

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That's a pretty good way to go, apparently.

But there have been an absolutely breathtaking number of death row cases that have been overturned due to new evidence that had exonerated the condemned.

It seems pretty clear that the state is doing a very crappy job of determining guilt, and therefore shouldn't be handing down such a permanent sentence.

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Just a reminder that Grand Jury made up of Georgia citizens saw the evidence, most of which was provided by Republicans, and saw enough prima facea evidence of Trump's guilt that THEY felt it warranted the indictment.

Fani Willis is doing her job. The only people playing politics are the ones trying to impeach her.

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Pence: "Donald Trump tried to destroy our democracy and he tried to get his supporters to kill me. However, I don't think it's appropriate to punish him in any way, and of course I'll vote for him over Joe Biden."

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Absolutely. And in so many way. I'm only in my 40s and I feel like I'm living in a vastly different world than the one I was born into.

The rate of change is unlike anything humans have ever had to cope with in our 2 million year history.

For almost all of human existence, there wasn't even a CONCEPT of progress... no sense that humanity was going anywhere. Your life was virtually identical to that of your great great great grandfather, and would be the same experience had by your great great great grandchild.

I remember a world of rotary phones, small towns with personalities before chains homogenized the world. I remember how the United States had a whole different personality before 9-11. I remember when Republicans had actual plans for governing (OBAMA'S affordable care act was basically a clone of Bob Dole's plan). I remember the world before the Internet, when malls were packed and buzzing, when shopping in stores felt magical and not like a ghost town.

I remember analog and even black and white TVs. I remember the first video games and PCs,b dial-up Internet, browsers before tabs were invented.

I remember when acid rain was there number one environmental concern, and how we actually accepted the science and made policy to fix it.

I remember the bugs.

I remember so many more bugs. The night alive with fireflies. Windshields plastered with splatters on the highway.

I remember paper maps! FM radio. Cassette adapters.

The world is so, so, so different. It changed so fast.

Republicans became a suicide cult.

The government stopped breaking up monopolies, and started bailing out too-big-to-fail banks.

The United States tortures people now. People never charged of a crimes were tortured at Guantanamo Bay.

I grew up in a home that my parents bought cheap. They had two cars. They took us on vacations every year. They saved up for retirement. My dad had a PhD. He did well.

I have a law degree. I will never own a home. I will never be able to afford even a single vacation. I will never be able to retire.

They rolled back Roe.

They staged an insurrection.

I've been working with GPT-4 night and day since it was released to the public. I'm 100 percent convinced that with a little supplementation, it is the first artificial GENERAL intelligence.

It can already create better writing and code than MOST of the human population.

Where will it be in 5 years? 10? 20?

It's going to be smarter, funnier, more creative, more thoughtful than all of us. In our lifetime. WHY, then, are we even HERE at that point? Why do we even exist?

These were questions for science fiction. For the future.

It's happening NOW. WE, of all humans in the span of history, are the ones who will see our species become obsolete.

So yeah. Let's take moment to realize how cosmically, historically insane it is to live in this moment.

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That headline makes it sound like both sides are doing this. That's just simply untrue.

Democrats impeached Trump twice for high crimes that they could clearly articulate, and for which there was abundant evidence in the public record. There was even limited bipartisan support for both of these.

Republicans are the only ones who are weaponizing baseless impeachments.

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I will never, ever understand how the entire Republican party lined up behind this guy.

Before Trump was elected, they were all vocal about how unfit he was. Too stupid. Too rude.

Then he got the nomination, and they all bent the knee, and became so loyal to him that they protected him from facing the consequences of his insurrection, even when he put their lives in danger.

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It doesn't matter

Their viewers literally do not care about the truth.

Their entire belief system would be unraveled in minutes if they took the time to look at any original sources.

The "do your own research" crowd isn't smart enough, or isn't inclined to do even the slightest bit of actual research.

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This is what Republicans want for all of us.

If Republicans win the next election, they will institute a national abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest.

If you want to stop this, the only way to do so is to vote for Biden. I really hope people understand this.

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Republican officials, even after the insurrection, are using violent rhetoric. This is deliberate. They want the crazies from their party to engage in terrorism.

This is a party who wouldn't even impeach and remove Trump after a violent coup.

It's insanity that we're not treating these people like the full-blown fascists they keep showing us they are.

That entire party needs to be purged from every level of government.

People who still call themselves Republicans after the coup are a disgrace. They are traitors.

There is no honor- none whatsoever- in the Republican party.

They want power, and they will destroy any good person who stands in their way.


Sure, faith in the Supreme Court is down, but that's only because the court is dominated by judges who were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote and didn't represent the values of the majority of Americans.

... Well, that and the fact that the conservative justices on the court openly lied about their positions on important issues.

... Or is it just that many of us are still pretty fucking outraged that they stepped in and gave the presidency to George W. Bush, who lost both the popular vote, and would have lost the electoral college vote, too under ANY AND ALL of the proposed ballot counting measures in Florida, had the court actually... You know... Not forbidden them from counting them.

... Of course it might also be a little bit about the fact that Republicans rigged the judicial appointment system to block a Democratic nominee a year from the end of Obama's term on the grounds that it was too close to an election, and rushed Trump's nominee mere weeks from an election, in the most nakedly hypocritical moment in Senate history.

...Then again, maybe it's just because the conservatives on this court have turned the court from an institution that protects the citizens and safeguards rights into an institution which strips rights away.

... Or perhaps it's just that they've thrown away any attempt to even pretend to be a serious judicial institution when they did away with the entire doctrine of standing when it suited their ideological purposes.

... Or maybe it's their use of the Shadow Docket to massively alter the laws of the land with quick, secret rulings with little deliberation or explanation, and which they don't even sign their name to.

Or, maybe it's just the tiny, tiny issue that they have been caught red-handed taking bribes in exchange for their votes.

Or, no... Could it be that AFTER being caught doing this, they have absolutely refused to step down, and refused to regulate themselves in any way, and ludicrously declared that even Congress can't regulate them?

Any of those things?

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Moderate Republicans ARE NOT being held hostage by the alt-right Freedom Caucus. They could end ALL this nonsense by working with the Democrats instead.

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Forbes has never attempted to verify this list anyway. It's all self-reporting, and it's well established that Trump lied to get on the list.

The guy is such an embarrassment that he even pretended to be his own assistant, calling people to tell him how great he was.

And they recognized his voice. They knew it was this loser pretending to be his own assistant.

Think how sad that is, for a guy who legitimately could have just hired a PR person to do this.

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Pence: "Trump tried to overturn the election. And when Democrats wanted to investigate it, I refused to testify. Anyway, vote for me!"

I pay $22 per month for the family plan because I don't want my kids or my folks to have to be constantly inundated with ads. And I enjoy being and to play free music that is exactly the songs I want.

I was really upset when they raised the price on me, and kicked me off the grandfather plan. But in the end I decided it was still worth it.

But what the real cost to Google is here is that they have evaporated my loyalty and good will. I now see them as a company that will squeeze me when they know they can get away with it, and that my loyalty and being an early adopter means nothing to them.

That will definitely affect every future buying decision I make for future products and services.

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The guy attempted a coup. He should be on trial for his life right now... and still 30+% of Americans might support him.

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MAGAts are traitors.

They tried to destroy our democracy and install Trump as dictator. They trampled and beat hundreds of police officers in an attempt get their hands on the vice president in order to lynch him.

Republicans are so lawless and disdainful of our justice system that they aren't even a little bit bothered that Trump was found liable for rape and fraud. They don't care in the slightest that Trump is out on bail for trying to steal the election, and for stealing classified documents.

Republicans are attempting to impeach a newly elected judge for the singular reason that she acknowledged the legally decided fact that Republicans cheated and gerrymandered their state to seize power without the consent of the governed.

Republicans have become echo chambers for Putin's propaganda, openly siding with our enemies over our allies.

Republicans are openly plotting to replace all the NONPARTISAN long-term government employees with violently partisan stooges who don't come anywhere close to meeting the bare minimum requirements for doing these essential jobs.

Make no mistake at all: Republicans are a minority party with no interest anything but seizing power and harming anyone who they decide is an enemy. They can't win over the voters with their perverted ideology, so they are determined to do ANYTHING inside or outside the bounds of the law, or even basic human decency, in order to steal the country from real Americans.

Republicans must be stopped, because if they gain power, they will make sure we never have anything close to a real election again. We will be living under a Christian theocracy, every bit as sick and hateful as the Taliban.

This is the nightmare that the GOP has become.

Here we have a guy who is definitely smart enough to understand that climate change is an existential threat, and he certainly understand that if he went to a "small town", white supremacist would be a very dire threat to him and his family.

But he learned from Trump that the cheat code for hacking the Republican electorate is to just tell them exactly what they want to hear, no matter how ridiculously untrue it might be.

Utter shamelessness.

This man has no integrity and no honor.

The GOP is an existential threat to this democracy and the human race.

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There is not one ounce of honor or decency left in the Republican party.

They've investigated this to death and found ZERO evidence and ZERO witnesses of any criminal activity, and yet they are moving to impeach.

They are cartoonishly stupid and evil, and we're forced to watch them destroy our democracy in slow motion.

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Just a reminder that there are a far more allegations against Trump, and Trump has been found liable for rape, and yet Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination.

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"They didn't stand up to Trump" makes it sound like Trump is something that happened to them.

No. They welcomed Trump with open arms. They bent over backwards to defend Trump.

They changed their entire identity to become all about Trump.

When Trump cozied up to Russia, they started loving Russia.

When Trump tried to overthrow the election, they stormed the capital for him, and protected him from impeachment.

They are all as culpable as Trump.

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No orange jumpsuit. No prisoner number. No height lines in the background.

Very unsatisfying mugshot.

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Seems like to a certain extent the media and the public are humoring the Republicans about Hunter, because there's a sense that allowing him to be treated extremely harshly in some way justifies throwing the book at Trump.

But that isn't the case.

TRUMP is actually being treated with kid gloves. He staged an insurrection (potentially a coup), and should have been behind bars ever since. Actually if he had been treated fairly he'd have been indicted for the obstruction of justice charges laid out in the Mueller report.

With zero evidence, Republicans have been digging into Hunter Biden for years and they found ZERO evidence to support the allegations that they were investigating.

They stumbled into minor tax issues, and Hunter lying about his drug addiction on a firearms permit.

And then, when Hunter got treated like any other person facing such minor charges, the Republicans flipped out decided that Hunter didn't deserves JUSTICE. No. These Republicans are out for some misplaced revenge.


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Slow motion suicide.

This is almost as funny as when Drew Curtis killed Fark.com, or when Digg killed themselves.

They all forgot that they only thing keeping them successful was that users liked them better than the alternatives.

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That's silly. Vampires can only enter when invited. A warrant is not an invitation.

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I used to love watching primary debates, but these people are so disgusting and anti-American it makes me physically ill to watch them.

The entire Republican party is a cancer on this country.

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They caught him only because he was riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Hence the rule, "only break one law at a time."

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They. Don't. Care.

Republicans have become a fascist cult.

They literally tried to overthrow our democracy.

It's insane that we're treating them as anything less than a modern Nazi party.

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Fortunately there are 3 other criminal trials against Trump that she can't ruin with her corruption.

The issue really isn't Trump. The issue is Trump's supporters.

It literally does not matter what Trump does or says. Truly. Their support is UNCONDITIONAL.

Trump is inarticulate. He has no policy platform. He has almost no accomplishments from his first term.

Then of course there is all the crime. He's been found in civil court to have raped a woman. He confessed to cheating a charity.

And now he stands accused of the most unAmerican crimes you can imagine: conspiracies against the US to steal classified documents, and to overthrow an election that he KNEW he lost.

Can we give Trump any credit for being a formidable candidate when literally nothing he does matters? Kill a baby? They'd just vilify the baby.

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We're well into the Republican primary, and I have never heard any of the candidates talk about how they want to solve our economic problems.

They simply do not have any policy platform at all. They have no plan.

They have unsubstantiated conspiracy theories against Hunter Biden.

They have endless excuses for Trump.

They have a fierce hatred and fear of the tiny fraction of the population that is trans.

They have fierce hatred of immigrants.

... but they have no plans to make anyone's lives BETTER.

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Getting rid of misinformation is great.

Getting rid of accurately reported, gruesome images because of a government mandate flies in the face of the core principles of free speech. And it would cause real damage to the world.

Remember that it was only when the world actually saw images of the Nazi concentration camps that the world actually believed it. They'd heard about it for years, but it was largely ignored.

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I believe that Russia has dirt on a number of prominent Republicans. Trump is a given, what with his shady Russian financing, his connection to Epstein, the tape mentioned in the Steele dossier. But I think that there were a number of anti-Trumpers who turned on a dime. Lindsey Graham, for example, was very anti Trump for months and then became his biggest cheerleader literally overnight.

I think Russia had planned to damage Hillary in 2016, but never imagined that their man Trump would actually beat her. I think when they realized they had their man in the white house, they went all in, and used every bit of leverage they had to help him gain control of the party.

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The thing that cracks me up is that you have these Republican candidates running against Trump, and they are all too scared to actually attack him on the fact that he's going to prison for trying to rig the election.

In the history of the world, has there ever been an easier line of attack handed to a political opponent? But they are all cowards.

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I really don't understand Republican politicians at all.

They HATE Trump. They are almost all in record taking about about how stupid and unfit he is.

Trump LOST the last election. He hurt them badly in the last two midterms. He is dragging the party down.

I understand they are too afraid of his cult to go after him, but they could have just gotten out of the way and let him fail.

There second impeachment could have been the end of him.

These criminal charges could be the end of him.

All they had to do was say: "these are extremely serious charges, and we're reserving judgement until the judicial system delivers a verdict."

But instead they are pledging to pardon him, pledging to support him even if convicted, and trying to stop the trials.


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