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Joined 4 months ago

It wasn’t a very long initial question (only a few sentences), but you somehow missed the only qualifier to the whole thing, “…Besides AI,” within that short intro.

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I remember back in 2017, talking to the director of marketing at the company I was at at the time, and she was telling me about how she spent all day getting bad reviews removed from Glassdoor. I didn't use it much before that, but I haven't visited the site once since then.

Sounds to me like they still haven’t rectified the breach. Cool. 🤘

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This is a good way to have that kid growing up disrespecting authority in general.

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Just skip this idea. No one wants this.

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Can’t have homeless people or people with limited means actually voting. A republican would never win again.

Do the Gay Furry Hackers accept donations?

I’m sure CrowdStrike is absolutely prepared to admit they fucked up. What’s the point of this?

Will we be bringing in every CTO/CIO that decided to implement CrowdStrike for a congressional hearing as well?

How about every CEO or board member that voted to hire the CTO that decided to implement CrowdStrike…?

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CrowdStrike absolutely fucked Linux in the past.

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I don’t trust Newsweek, you probably shouldn’t either. However, with that being said… if the debate would have gone differently, and let’s just say Joe had a bad sore throat instead of “a cold,” and Joe went up there and said nothing at all, he’d still have my vote in this election. Honestly, I think if Joe would have said nothing, and just let Trump lie, that would have been better than how it went.

He appeared as weak, and a bit incoherent up there. He resorted to name calling on multiple occasions.

Trump lied about 90% of the things he said. Trump sounded better, and didn’t really take the cheap shots at Biden that we expected.

There was nothing about that debate that would have swayed “undecided voters” (who’s that by the way) to vote FOR Biden as a result of the debate. The number of lies coming from Trump may have persuaded some people to vote against him however.

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Didn’t they just elect a president that leans left, right after they got rid of Bolsonaro? What a coincidence…

It’s biased.

Are you asking why we convict people that commit hate crimes?

What year is this?!?

I’m in my 40’s now, but as a teenager that used to go to a lot of punk shows; I can assure you the sentiment is literal. A group of anti-nazis can give a few nazis a really bad time.

You could save yourself some time if you get your clothes out of both the washer and the dryer immediately after the cycles finish.

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It’s in honor of Deadpool & Wolverine being released on Friday. Mutant healing ability pride weekend.

Every bit of news around (which old fuck is in the lead) is complete horseshit. Real polls can no longer be done. There's an insane self selection bias and beyond that there's an inherent participation bias.

I generally feel bad for Caitlin Clark in the amount of complete bullshit this woman has had to endure this year.

Using the term “universally agree,” on the fast and loose I see.

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I mostly agree. As someone that’s worked with both Windows and Linux for over 15 years, I think we need to ask the question of “why do we see so many incompetent admins?”

If you aren’t paying people enough to give a shit about what they are doing, they won’t.

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I was anti-gun up until about 3 years ago, but I’ve been training semi-regularly since they began making these types of threats. I also have good reason to believe they’re more than just threats, but actual plans. I would encourage you to start getting familiar with firearms and train sooner than later. A lot of people have a misconception that you can just pick one up, aim, and fire but there’s significantly more to it than that.

Good writers don’t want to give Marvel their ideas or characters… so we just get dumb shit like Mary Jane as Jackpot now.

Windows 7 was the last one. Windows 10 is usable, but it was created with advertising in mind.

Bernie must have watched South Park.

Other than AI, it’s automation. It’s pretty good when it works but has the same overall intent as AI (in reducing the human labor force), just on a smaller level. At least automation isn’t consistently delivering inaccurate information.

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Ohh... Rupert Murdoch's thing... gotcha.

Stein is a Russian asset. While this set of actions may superficially seem a bit sketchy; this problem really shouldn’t need to be addressed in the first place.

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Let me tell you how absolutely "shocked" I am to see Wasserman Schultz on the list of dems that voted for this. /s

Probably thinking that’s the closest he’ll ever get to it.

Reddit hasn’t completely failed yet. If it had, it wouldn’t have so many users. The users are preventing it from failing.

Yea… let me tell you about how shocked I was to read that the shooter was driving a truck.

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Let’s target them in order to lower the demand for fossil fuels. The drivers of these vehicles are the ones driving up gas prices; and then subsequently crying about gas prices.

At the time of your response, my “lmgtfy” link is exactly 3 minutes old. You very obviously did not read any of the many articles that came back.

Go back under your bridge.

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People on the left, please get a rifle, and learn how to use it…

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. We’ve got political violence on the horizon regardless of the outcome of the election.

Ok between those two, I “like” Kelly the most but Shapiro is the better choice. Don’t give up the senate seat.

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This is a thread about Trump incoherently rambling.

A current Democratic governor. I don’t want a senator to give up their seat. Ideally, they’d look for a southern Democrat governor, but I don’t think there are any.

Maybe the NC governor, Roy Cooper? NC isn’t exactly southern but it’s south of the Mason-Dixon so it’ll placate older voters.

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I’m not ok with funding student religious groups that don’t discriminate; I absolutely take issue with those that do.