6 Post – 208 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thus, Docker was born.

"Works on my machine, ship the machine."

Being fat is a choice the vast majority of the time, and I have a huge bias against big people.

I used to be fat (250ish lbs (110ish kg) at 5'8"ish (172ish cm)), and as much as I would like to blame my shit on anything else, the person feeding me, the person sitting at the computer for hours, the person actively avoiding all physical activity was me and no one else. After I got diagnosed with some weight related shit, I turned my entire life upside down, am at a much healthier 150 lbs (68ish kg), and feel so much better, both physically and mentally.

I'm aware of my bias, and I make every active effort to counter it in my actual dealings with bigger people. Especially because there are certain circumstances, however rarely, where it may not actually be their fault. But I'd be lying if I said my initial impression was anything except "God, what a lazy, fat fuck."

Edit: Added metric units

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As much as I disagree, I upvoted you just for being brave enough to say that.

I like Ruby most of the time, but honestly, I'm not surprised at "sometimes" behavior from the language created by someone who, when asked for the formal definition of something in the language, said he's "not really a formal kind of guy."

If you're using Wayland, you can go to Settings -> Colors & Themes -> Login Screen (SDDM) and click "Apply Plasma Settings..."

If you're using X11, it looks like you'll have to resort to hacky scripts, unfortunately.


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Of course they are. How else are they going to post record-breaking profits for the shareholders?

I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds like classic "constructive dismissal", which qualifies for unemployment in most states. Of course, you'd have to fight for it, which as a college student, would've probably been too expensive and time-consuming. Sorry about the shit boss.

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You also don't have to reboot when Discover says to. It's just saying that the updates won't take effect until you reboot. It could probably be worded better, for sure.

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I mean. I can't because I defederated from Threads. But neat, I guess.

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I'm out of the loop on DDG, what did they do?

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The obsession with Hunter is fucking weird as hell. And he seems to live rent free in their heads.

I was talking to my conservative brother and made a joke about drugs or something, and he immediately said "Just watch out for Hunter Biden! Hahaha!"

It wasn't even a political conversation, I just mistook a smoke shop sign for something else and joked about it! I don't even think I can name Trump's kids except Eric. And I don't know fucking anything about them. Why do they care about Hunter when he's not even the fucking president, it's so bizarre.

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Yesterday they made higher education less accessible to non-whites, today they made it harder for the poor...

I wonder if there's a pattern here.

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Text is copied to your instance's database, but any images are hosted on the other instances and simply linked to. Worst case scenario, you get told to delete something that's illegal in the country in which you host the instance, you comply, and everything's peachy.

Edit: That being said, I'm currently hosting an instance for myself and a few friends, and it's been smooth-sailing. Just make sure to require email verification or admin approval for new sign-ups (or disable them entirely) if you don't want to be overrun with bots.

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Never knew I wanted a Blade game from the Dishonored team, but now I need it.

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Good God, where's /c/cringe when I need it.

That's crazy, Korn is still relatively popular. They headline festivals, even.

That sounds like the default GitHub boilerplate message, to be fair.

I remember as a kid hearing that Marilyn Manson had his bottom two ribs removed specifically so he could do this.

I wonder how popular that rumor was.

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Aspyr is the company behind KotOR's mobile, Linux, and modern ports. Bioware was behind the original KotOR, and they were bought and ruined by EA.

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Relieving debt for the poor would allow them to spend their money on other things, or save it. Best case scenario, they're able to support their kids' educations and help break the generational cycle of poverty.

Skimping on cost is how disasters happen. Ask Richard Hammond. "Spared no expense" my ass, hire more than 2 programmers, you cheap fuck.

Edit: This was supposed to be a Jurassic Park reference, but my dumb ass mixed up John Hammond and Richard Hammond. That's what I get for watching Top Gear and reading at the same time.

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I mean, if you really want it, HoloISO is almost the exact same thing, just without any support from Valve.

Edit: Looks like Bazzite is a much better option nowadays.

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Don't forget the Billet Labs stuff. Obviously not as bad as the SA, but definitely worse than the shit benchmarks and bad reviews.

Visiting Japan was incredible, every price was transparent and you paid exactly what the menu said. Wish we could get that going here.

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Snaps are disliked because the store is closed-source and run by Canonical. Snaps are also disliked simply because Canonical is pushing them so hard, forcibly replacing native packages that exist and work fine. For example, there was a debacle a while back where running apt install firefox still installed the Snap version instead of the native version.

Flatpaks are disliked because they sometimes struggle to integrate into a system well. For example, Discord Rich Presence doesn't work for the Flatpak version of Discord unless the thing you want Discord to detect is also a Flatpak, and even that detection is shaky.

Snaps and Flatpaks are both disliked because they contain frameworks and runtimes that some users consider bloat.

To further explain, when you use a native package, it and its dependencies get installed on your system. If any other package in the future requires one of those dependencies, awesome, it's already there. But for Flatpaks and Snaps, each app has to bundle its own dependencies. Sometimes they can be shared with other Flatpaks/Snaps, depending on the dependency, but they still require at least a little extra storage space.

There are probably details I'm forgetting, but those are the main arguments. My advice is if you're happy with the way your system is running, don't worry about it. My personal preference is Flatpak first, native second, Snap never. I don't have anything against native packages, but some software I use is exclusively distributed as Flatpak, so I switched most things over for consolidation.

They probably should've disclosed that beforehand, or as part of the video, but anyone with any experience with AI (ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc) knew the voice was staged to make for a better presentation.

Aspyr has a history of laziness and incompetence, unfortunately. I really want to like the company because they were one of the few companies bringing my favorite games to Linux (KotOR and the Civ series) before Steam and Proton got so damn good. But their Civ ports were always plagued with weird bugs not in the original games, not to mention they didn't have cross-platform multiplayer, preventing me from playing online with my Windows-using friends unless I dual-booted or tried to fight Wine. And somehow their Civ save file format is different, so you couldn't even switch between Windows and Linux and continue the same game. It was baffling.

Replace "federation" with "email".

Still stupid?

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The idea isn't that I want to use SMS, the idea is to get people used to using one single app. Back when Signal had SMS support, it was my primary texting app. Anyone who had Signal I could talk to over Signal and anyone who didn't I talked to over SMS. This got me to convert several friends and family to Signal, and we were able to immediately switch from SMS to Signal chats.

Removing the barrier of juggling apps is paramount. No casual user wants to have to remember who they talked to on which app.

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Comment and post edits and deletes are federated. OP probably means account deletion. Currently, if you delete your Lemmy account, it does not federate, so your old comments and posts stick around on other instances, I believe even with your old username attached.

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I've seen the same speculation. The video in question is here. I'm skeptical because it looks like the area has power, but then some people are saying the area with power is actually Ashkelon and Gaza is the dark section. But then this video also apparently made the rounds in 2022? There's a lot of disinformation going on.

Reuters and the AP are officially reporting it as an Israeli airstrike, though, so until we hear anything else, I'm believing them.

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I'm also a comfort eater. Huge sweet tooth, and almost 0 self-control when the hunger kicks in. My diet fix was making sure I only buy and order what I should eat, because I will clean my plate. I've accepted that, and making sure there's only the appropriate amount of food in front of me has worked wonders. Holidays and special occasions are sometimes tough, with family shoving food in my face, but I just exercise extra hard afterward, lol.

I definitely agree with you about the fat acceptance movement. I have to leave those conversations before I start saying things I regret. Again, I try really hard to manage my bias.

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I was under the impression there was Ukraine aid in this bill. But I agree, I'd rather fund them separately.

Edit: And Israel not at all, at the moment.

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Redfall was made by Arkane Austin, a different Arkane development team. Dishonored and Death Loop were made by Arkane Lyon, the same team doing Blade.

Now, you may be right that some of the devs behind Dishonored and Death Loop aren't there anymore, but it would be for other reasons and nothing to do with Redfall. So in that light, I'm still hopeful Blade will live up to the hype.

That's actually really fucking cool.

I agree with you, but that line of thought doesn't apply here. Houston is famously one of the big three blue bastions in Texas, arguably the bluest, and this is a city ordinance. As a Texan, I'd expect this ordinance literally anywhere except Houston, honestly (and possibly Austin).

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“The era of ‘just go out and diet and exercise’ is now gone,’”

Horseshit. Especially if they can't manufacture the drugs fast enough. I'm type 1, so I follow the #diabetes hashtag on Mastodon, and the number of people complaining that they can't get their GLP-1 drug refilled because of shortages is ridiculous.

In general, I agree, but it seems Mozilla is trying to do the right thing by AI. Offline translation is neat. And the Review Checker they just introduced uses AI to spot fake Amazon reviews. I think that's pretty cool.

I could go in-depth, but really, the best way I can describe my docker usage is as a simple and agnostic service manager. Let me explain.

Docker is a container system. A container is essentially an operating system installation in a box. It's not really a full installation, but it's close enough that understanding it like that is fine.

So what the service devs do is build a container (operating system image) with their service and all the required dependencies - and essentially nothing else (in order to keep the image as small as possible). A user can then use Docker to run this image on their system and have a running service in just a few terminal commands. It works the same across all distributions. So I can install whatever distro I need on the server for whatever purpose and not have to worry that it won't run my Docker services. This also means I can test services locally on my desktop without messing with my server environment. If it works on my local Docker, it will work on my server Docker.

There are a lot of other uses for it, like isolated development environments and testing applications using other Linux distro libraries, to name a couple, but again, I personally mostly just use it as a simple service manager.

tldr + eli5 - App devs said "works on my machine", so Docker lets them ship their machine.

So, that one developer is the main developer of Lemmy, and you may be surprised to find out there are only two of them. Lemmy is open source and takes contributions from others, but its development is driven by two full time devs.

If you want to donate to development, that's how to do it. If you want to donate to a specific instance to keep it online, then follow any donation instructions in your instance's sidebar.

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