10 Post – 363 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Let me fall
into the darkness
and become void.

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If you like the comment about the chicken more than the post about the chocolate, you like the roast more than the meat.

I disagree. Drawings are a save, harmless way to live out your fantasies.

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cool. what software did you use to make this plot?

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In Java, it's not called the Crackable interface.

It's the Nuttable interface.

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I swear that image seems appropriate at every second headline I read these days.

Honest opinion:

We should normalize nudity.

That's the only healthy relationship that we can have with our bodies in the long term.

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If the company claims that "you need to work overtimes because we are short on stuff", then that's definitely their failure to hire more people. NEVER work overtime, except if you get appropriate compensation for it.

"No" means "no", also in and especially in the work environment. If your boss asks you to stay longer to "finish the task", just say "no" and walk away.

... And then click send, and check what you just sent.

I need to print once a year. When I do, I print at my local library.


It should instead read:

"Humans were stupid and taught a ChatBot how to cheat and lie."

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Yeah actually it's not even so much about the humans. Humans can deal with changing temperatures. Plants (that we eat) cannot.

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Masturbating to hentai bondage.

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Worldwide economic growth is coming to a halt and what we're seeing is the ripples it causes.

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I'm actually sure this will happen in the long term.

However, once this happens, probably nobody will take the internet seriously anymore, except those people who want to believe the propaganda.

So, in other words, what does the future of the internet look like? idk

Edit: it will probably be a mixture of accurate, scientific data and a mix of lots of emotional propaganda, not much else.

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Yeah, I'm pretty proud of my people.

Basically everything.

Like, even filling out a basic Excel sheet can be difficult to some people who have absolutely no experience in it.

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Yeah but remember you have to click the first link (except links between parentheses, because they are often translations).

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Exactly. There may be a numerous jobs, but do they pay well?

We need a google that uses AI/ML to hunt and de-rank the 1800 word essay web pages that answer the question, “how long should you microwave a baked potato for?”

“In 1863, county cork in Ireland, Shamus O’Toole created the world first commercial potato farm. He’d go on to…”

Exactly what it feels like if I'm asked to "write an 700-word article" somehow. Most of it is just filler material, really.

Speaking about something often automagically solves the problem, actually. Probably due to self-reflection. For this to work, however, you need to speak it out completely at least once.

I believe it's more like a hundred thousand years for humans on earth to go extinct, and another nine hundred thousand to clean the traces.

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Have to wear or want to wear?

I think at this point, it's more a lifestyle and less a theoretical argument.

Yes, a flat earth doesn't stand up against science. But also, for most people it doesn't make a difference in their day-to-day life. So they have little to no incentive to ever tackle that notion.

Honestly just tell her that you like her and whatever, no need to be so indirect.

stock data

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I can also very much recommend lentins.

They are good. There's even pasta made out of lentins. It is gluten free. You use it like ordinary pasta. It's good.

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Wir sind eine diskriminierungsfreie Gemeinschaft.

... so that's why shitposting is such a huge deal on lemmy.

Ackschually, pi equals four and is therefore rational. Proof:

Note: this is satirical and not actually true. It's unfortunately a bit more complicated than this. Meme is for humorous content only.

Yeah, fuck those imperial units.

Lb-Ft, pfff ...

your fantasies

no, I was just making a point.

Random educational posts, like stuff that is actually useful. Like physics lessons.

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Honest question, why don't we just let them secede if they want to?

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Well, that is, if you had friends in school, and weren't being bullied.

Also, no worries, but also no money.

physics and math

it's beautiful

If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.

-- JavaScript or sth

I'm not a bot.

Or am I? You'll never know.

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