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Joined 1 years ago

Probably not a well received opinion but the amount of China promoting drivel that goes on here in lemmy is astounding.

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Again freedom of religion includes freedom FROM religion. And these nut jobs. The big difference is that sane people are willing to allow these people to believe what they want but they (religious extremists) are intolerant of others thinking differently from them.

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As someone who is not religious in any form besides childhood indoctrination, all I can say is jesus fucking christ. Our country needs a purge of religious extremists. Do your fucking thing. Let me do mine. Don't push your beliefs on me. Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion.

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Replacement level for whom? To sustain the current population? Population growth? Status quo? Corporations?

Not sure any of these things are needed to be sustained at the levels we are currently at.

Someone please explain the detrimental repercussions of not having an equal to or greater than replacement level.

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My education according to my student loans.

Scheduled for Wednesday to land on the moon

Sweet! Well get a season or two and then they'll cancel it just like they do all the rest of the fan favorites.

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Sand to wafers… Fortunately, there is no shortage of raw material. Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust, comprising about 26% and exceeded only by oxygen at 49%. But silicon does not occur naturally in the pure form needed for electronic applications, for which it must contain less than one in a billion non-silicon atoms. The starting material really is sand. Not just any sand, but silica sand, specially quarried for this purpose and having concentrations of quartz (silicon dioxide) as high as 95%.


What a crap take. You know how many people young and old have been in a foreign country with a majority of the populace looking to kill them, have a thing called ROE Rules Of Engagement to guide when they should shoot to kill. Many time people with weapons, lethal weapons in their hand and those people would have to gauge whether or not they were a threat.

All police should have to adhere to a common ROE when engaging with the America/non American populace. If soldiers had to do it in a country where they were not welcome it should be a no brainier that the people sworn to "protect and serve" should have to do this bare minimum in our own country.

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Don't use VPN in SA

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Fuck upworthy and fuck the bullshit copy pasta that I've been seeing lately on Lemmy.

Should be of no surprise that overly religious people believe in conspiracy theories!

In stand by you figure that the volatile memory needs to be kept powered so I'm kinda not surprised when the nature of the battery discharging when "shutdown" is a thing.

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We are Americans.. nobody can divide us better than ourselves!!

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An actual Shower Thought. Who'd of thunk!

You make it sound like these people have a bone in their bodies to take the fight to their government.. all a bunch of hot air. Even the ex military ain't got it in them. Not many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for their ideals.

You can already do this. There are plenty of vids that show you how and it's pretty easy to get started. Expanding functionality to get it to act and respond how you want is a bit more challenging. But definitely doable.

Everything you just listed is the heart and soul of the internet today. Maybe you should just unplug and go to a library.

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This statement is so wrong. I have Ollama with llama2 dataset running decently on a 970 card. Is it super fast? No. Is it usable? Yes absolutely.

What percent of PC players have friends. Let alone come over to play on the couch?

You don't really own a console. Just look what happened to Sony owners and the content they paid hard earned money for on their consoles. Microsoft and Nintendo are not outliers here. The PCMR "weirdness" the guy above was complaining about is also not walled off from this bullshit. Thanks to Microsoft.

However PCs have a solid chance with gaming becoming more and more embraced by the Linux community.

Yup bought the nano thinking it would be good for a home assistant plus some AI voice processing stuff and was severely disappointed. Not only is it slow but you are basically locked into Nvidias OS unless you know how to mess with bootloader's.

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Most structures are designed to deal with specific loads and stresses. If that structure experiences something it's not intended to experience then things like the tail being ripped off is not as hard as one would think.

Or start a music app.. switched back immediately when I couldn't do hands free while ride the motorcycle. And damn near everything requires me to login with the thumb app even with voice req

Got to spend what little money they do get to get "more" the next round.

Yeah. This was obviously wishful thinking. It was also my knee jerk reaction to jumping on to AI with minimal research. I figured that it would be better suited for the whisper tts/stt but it just didn't run well. Then I attempted to throw HAOS various other versions of nix and that's when I threw in the towel cause the bootloader seems to do a sig check on boot. If it's not the Nvidia image it just hangs. Oh well. I now have an old comp running good enough to experiment with the likes of llama mixtral on just a 2070 with on average 2-3 sec delay. More if I ask too big of a question.

Yup the West is always playing chicken with the east.

When two people are playing chicken then it is normal when only one person is playing chicken that person is up to no good.

And bots. Bots for days.

Foxhole is a good game but probably not as grindy as you are looking for.

It was an Apple ii I think and Star Trek of some sort. ASCII based graphics and words. Idk I was 6. Didn't have a clue what I was doing. It was on my bio father's computer. He used it as a way to distract me while Mom and him argued over child support. Last time I saw him thankfully. But at least I have that memory of trying to catch a "k"

Fuck I'm getting old.

That "fire" was started long before the US was even stolen from the indigenous people.

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A reasonable societies only recourse to a nutjob, gang member or not is to hold the person down and wait for the police to show up?

And your reference to "after the shooting" implies that the shooter just blasted a few people stopped and put his gun away and started playing cards or some shit. Not that the patrons that stopped the idiot could be the reason that "after the shooting" happened at all!? I will never understand the mindset of this bubble you live in.

You could say that with most any hardware. You could have a dedicated server fail and have your network be down till you got another instance up or have a "fall back" kick in.

What makes Rasp Pi so much more unstable? If anything a couple PIs are definitely a cheaper solution compared to other hardware like you are suggesting?

I have my lights set to turn on slightly before I am supposed to wake, turn off after I go to work, before I return from home, and after I go to bed. I've recently added mmwave sensors to turn them on and off based on my presence within a room. I can do all kinds of automations that I could do manually sure but if I don't need to and can minimize the amount of excess energy waste then why wouldn't I want a wirelessly controlled switch and or lights?

And yes most everyone can do this. Google Home Assistant and get lost in the rabbit hole.

Ha! You think the American public has the backbone to take anything by force? Not fucking likely. Corps will utilize law enforcement who are already militarized. Large part of the bell curve of the population can't even think for themselves let alone coordinate to do something productive. They haven't got what it takes to stand up for themselves. They think they do but they don't. This goes for both sides of the 2 party system.

Ahh yes, cause you wouldn't do the same thing if you had the opportunity.

And btw not all of us X'ers had the glorious life you think we did. Took me 45 years to afford a house and I only could do that because I signed up to sacrifice my body and mind to the military. Not our fault you're smarter than me.

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violently booted from the game -- what did swat kick in their door and plant a boot in their chest then use their breachers kit to destroy their pc? Love hyperbole..

This is my first time hearing this saying as well being a yank and all. Anyways, I currently work for a company that had a meeting with biscuits (doughnuts) and pretty much everyone that showed up was let go. Those that by chance had something else to do, dodged the shady way to fire people. Legal issues insu no. Needless to say doughnuts are not common around here and when they do get brought in this event always gets brought up.

Leave it to corporate America to pervert something that is supposed to be nice.

I mostly agree with your statement and we should be aware of both.

Firstly thanks for replying.

Therapy, works, when the individual wants to change. At this level of crime there is a slim chance of that desire.

Their peers are likely part of the reason they are committing these crimes. Too much freedom due to the environment that they were born into , by no choice of their own, also contributed. To be clear I don't even blame the parents most of the time. Even they can't out influence the friends group. The abuse, well it's no lie that the judicial system needs to be fixed at ALL levels, but where's the money in that?

Your method needs to happen way before they get to this point so that they have less of a chance to get here.

So between juvi and therapy there still isn't a resolution to fix them all. Or even fix a greater percentage of offending children.

These kids, not likey anything will fix one of them let alone all of them. Am I shity for giving up on correcting their learned behavior? Yeah most likely. Facing consequences for ones actions still seems to be the answer for me.

You are a better person than me.