
15 Post – 1785 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Polling? I don’t even know what that word means. I only know Vote!

Valve is a Titan doing incredible work for the open source community and making money while doing so.

Successful open source software business model at work. Way to go.

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I’m not sure that Microsoft ever did halt going down that path. My wife recently bought a PC that came locked down by default and required some fiddling to allow running unsigned apps. This was Windows 10, not sure about 11.

I think it could be more that broad compatibility with everything is their main selling point, and by doing so they were undermining their own ecosystem.

However, this is mere speculation on my part.

That’s a tough nut to crack. Even as a video game platform, they don’t write most of the software that they sell today. They would need to find some way to convince developers to write software for something that’s not the platform nearly all users are running.

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But we continued to use the substances anyway because it was cost-effective.

Page break.

Chapter 6: The First Mutant

Looks like one to me. Remember that M.2 is a form factor. You can have an M.2 slot that does not support SSD storage for example. I have one that is only intended to work with wifi adapters.

Based on the wifi designation on the board I'll bet it only works with wifi cards.

M.2 is a form-factor. It talks about the shape only, it says nothing about what the device you are using can do. Many boards have restrictions on supported devices for the physical slot.

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Entirely personal recommendation, take it or leave it: I’ve seen and attacked enough of this codebase to remove any CUPS service, binary and library from any of my systems and never again use a UNIX system to print. I’m also removing every zeroconf / avahi / bonjour listener. You might consider doing the same.

Great advice. It would appear these developers don’t take security seriously.

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Loads of complex code exposed to an assumed trusted network is the model of printers. They’re going to be full of security issues.

This stuff should be sandboxed and then never, ever exposed to the Internet.

We need an official SI reference banana.

I appreciate the positive and constructive outlook and for that I value your contribution. Your wife seems like she's being the change we want to see in less-than-stellar HR departments, but I think to consider the benefits of HR from the employee POV just isn't safe unless you're absolutely certain where the priorities lie for your local HR team.

The phrase "cops of the company" is an even more accurate term in the sense that while some cops may actually believe in serving their community, many perhaps most do not, and trusting one is hazardous to your health. A good HR department does care about employees and the company, but how does an employee know that they have one of the good ones? I feel like this is something you don't really know until you lean upon it such as when disagreements occur, and then either the rickety post will hold or you fall flat on your face. Me? I'm not leaning on that rickey post any more than I would willingly speak to a "friendly" neighborhood police officer. Your job isn't a place for trust. It's business. That HR person could be your wife, or they could be the kind to shoot first and ask questions later.

I don't have a problem with my local PD nor do I have any issues with my HR, but I definitely don't want a visit from either.

Didn't transfer? Did the service provider pull the grades due to non-payment or something of that nature?

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Anything to not reduce consumption.

It’s almost like they know they’re doing something morally reprehensible.

The most reliable way I know is to seek documentation for the board. It's up there with PCI lanes in that the board designer will know what has been configured to work with that physical connector. This kind of info is definitely part of your motherboard documentation.

I'm not familiar with dmidecode so unfortunately I cannot comment on that.

Why don't we just give up, Pardner?

EDIT: Removed large reaction image per community rules.

Given the low quality professors my wife has had, they'd change the assignments throughout the course.

Isn’t it weird how obsessed they are with children?

Do not share this info. Never. Always a bad idea.

Vote because this very well could be our last opportunity if you don’t.

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What if we just made all the workers into CEOs?

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Oh come now. Everyone needs money somehow. This is one of the more honest ways to get it.

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My IP is in this photo and I don't like it.

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I had an ISP try to bill me for an unreturned modem five years ago.

I kept the receipt because I expected them to be so incompetent. Good luck.

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Important embedded link from Tor about the attack and actions going forward:


Election deniers rigging elections. Who knew.

She should. I prefer candidates that actually show up for America.

But what if those workers owned the business too? Like what if it was beholden to the same kind of person who goes to work every day like the people who worked there?

What a world that would be.

Think it’s about time someone retired if this is too hard for him.

It’s even more unnecessary because the content is already plenty concerning in my opinion. I don’t see a need to embellish.

My wife has a different style by them and it has served her very well for two years.

Hey now, some of them are just incredibly, monumentally stupid. Half of the people are below average you know.

Okay dental cleanings there, though my dentist prefers the word inexperienced for complex work.

Repeat after me: I will not federate with any Meta products.

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Hey guys I know it’s wild but there might be some corruption going on in the Supreme Court.

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You do it because it makes an attacker’s life harder because now I have to find two bugs instead of one.

The entire boot chain of the phone up to the apps you run are verified successively by the component that loads it. A digital signature helps ensure that only trustworthy code ever runs. A bug must be found to bypass these checks to load malware code. For example, a bug in the image code in a web browser might cause loading of code that isn’t checked. This way the malware gets smuggled onto the phone.

This means that if you get hacked via one bug and malware is loaded, the attacker has to work harder to solve the problem of how do I convince the phone to load it again at boot because the code it’s made of isn’t going to be approved code. When you reboot, you are effectively forcing a validation that all the code you have running is authentic, which would exclude the malware. Trick me once sure, can you survive a full pat down? Probably not. It’ll get caught.

Unless I have a second bug to fool the normal code loading systems too, the malware can’t run. You have to go back and trigger the first bug again somehow, which places more strain on the attacker.

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Don't assume ineptitude.

I've been in the position of being asked to implement an anti-feature. I made it take as long as possible to drive up the cost and designed it to be trivially bypassable because I'm not motivated to intentionally trash my own project.

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What Reddit fails to understand with their decades of industry experience and 2k employees is that without their users, they don't have a product. Moderators work for free. Creators work for free. These people didn't do it for Reddit. They did it for you and me.

And then like three developers in their spare time ate their lunch.

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A moment of silence for the company that once connected hobbyists with affordable hardware. It was never perfect, but the profound impact on makers and industry is undeniable.

I will remember you for what you once were, not what you came to be.

Good to hear, but if you weren’t voting to oppose obvious fascism before, you’re not a very good/informed citizen.

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I'm willing to pay for one, maybe two subscriptions, and ain't nobody got time to dig for which service has what show to find out season 2 is on some other service entirely.

Piracy provides a better user experience 🤷‍♂️

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