
3 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

FYI the beard is photoshopped in. The original video is on his insta handle @zuck

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lemmy.world has been so unstable for that I decided to switch to another instance. That's the beauty of the Fediverse though.
I setup my own Uptime Kuma Monitor for lemmy.world just for fun.. the statistics are crazy

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Yay we’re developing the uncanny valley for AI generated content

I’m not so sure about that.. if you train an ai on images with disfigured anatomy which it thinks is the “right” way it will generate new images with messed up anatomy. It gives a feedback loop, like when a mic picks up its own signal.

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I mean at the end of the day its the decision of the developer who put time in it.. if you're not happy with that look for another mod or code your own.
Sure I appreciate free mods but we shouldn't take them for granted.

I wish I could. My gaming rig has an nvidia gpu and linux support really sucks because of the proprietary driver situation...
Steams new gamepad ui is a slideshow running at 5fps and I loose HDR so I have to remain on Windows for now. Every other desktop I own is UNIX tho.

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Kagi (Siamese), Orpheus (Big Black Cat) and Onyx (Smol Black Cat) Kagi (Siamese), Orpheus (Big Black Cat) and Onyx (Smol Black Cat)

Way to kill your platform. Sadly there’s no big competition

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I also don't believe in aliens. The cliche Hollywood aliens that is that will abduct you and put probes inside you.

Im sure that there are other lifeforms in some other system just not the flying sorcerer type.

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That dude looks expired 😐

The blacks are pitch black because they aren’t illuminated.

Are there scene releases that are encoded in AV1?

Germanys view from yesterday

Edit: somehow the picture looks super compressed, I’ll try to uploadanother

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My bad, English is not my native language. Thanks for the correction

My bad, I was asking about video codecs.
But I agree FLAC for audio. Although I convert to ALAC when using apple products which is basically the same.

Ya think?

It is OLED. My monitors are reflecting which highlights the black boarders around it. It looks incredible in a dim/dark room.

Can you try to run the big picture/ gamepad UI and see if it lag? This my only real issue blocking me from switching back

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It tries to download locally but it’s faster to download it from steam CDN 🫣

How do you justify Kagis pricing? I search so much everyday that that I would need the "Ultimate" plan which is just too expensive when other alternatives are just free.

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TLA set the bar and Korra cant come close to that tbh. Korra is a good show but not as good as TLA.

Can someone help me with qbittorrent? After a couple of days of running the docker container all my torrents get stalled until I restart the container.

I get what you’re saying, this happens with almost every major release but cyberpunk promised far for than it delivered. The version 2.0 that released soon should have been what we got in the initial release. We were promised multiplayer, that got cancelled. We were promised multiple dlc, phantom liberty is the only dlc they’re going to release. I’m still excited nonetheless.

Hey, sorry for the late reply.
You can either look at https://join-lemmy.org/ or https://lemmyverse.net/ to find a new instance.

I also found this tool that helps you to sync communities you're subscribed to to other accounts on other instances: https://github.com/wescode/lemmy_migrate

Edit: I found another migration tool which has a GUI, haven't tested it yet though. https://github.com/CMahaff/lasim



I know right! I was confused when I first encountered x265 files because I thought it was too small lol.

I got a RTX 3080 myself and no matter what distro I used the new gamepad UI lagged so much that it was unusable.. maybe this has been fixed, I haven't tried it in a while.
Also are you using x or wayland?

But you can Dual Boot and only use Windows for gaming. I did that initially

Sadly I wont switch until this is resolved. But I use this rig only for gaming and navigate through gamepadui so I dont have to see Windows lol.
I use UNIX (Linux / macOS) on all other hosts.

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This is the side effect of it. They order max capacity because apple knows its demand.. they will sell all of it in record time 🥴

10 minutes ago! Cameras can’t capture how good the OLED looks. Even just the setup was stunning haha

I can recommend Orion Browser. It’s from the people that make Kagi. It has the option to either install chrome or Firefox addons. Syncs across iCloud also.


I think it’s an hour but I’m not really sure. They are the most recent pings.

Yeah it probably iPhones post processing 😅 And that was not visible like that to the naked eye. At max the green/turquoise veil at the bottom. Sometimes a little reddish purple.

Valid 😄