6 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Keep Yourself Safe

Thanks, I made this icewm theme and it's not completely ready yet. When I finish it I will post it somewhere and I will put a link in the description of this post.

that's awesome!

thanks, it's not a serif font, it's Libertinus Sans if you're interested

Every x11 desktop needs these lol

  • Desktop: LXQT
  • Window Manager: Openbox
  • Icon Theme: Gnome Brave(old version)
  • QT Widget Style: gtk2
  • GTK2 Theme: Clearlooks
  • GTK3 Theme: TraditionalOK
  • Cursor Theme: Neutral++ White
  • Font: DejaVu Sans 9
  • Programs Shown On Screen: pcmanfm-qt, qterminal, LXQT Configuration Center

it's from the archlinux-wallpaper package from the official arch linux rrepository, but I switched the font from Impact to Libertinus Sans

Sorry man, I forgot

yes of course!

looks awesome, I didn't know there was a dock for haiku


opa re ellinas?


yea lol goggles sounds like google, but they are not related

I agree, tango is my favorite icon theme

no icewm has its own ui toolkit

1 more...

Good old days!

whats civics?


Thanks for the help, I found a fix if anyone is interested. Just write __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=0 on /etc/environment


the clearlooks theme is actualy based on bluecurve

clearlooks is a gtk2 theme,icewm doesn't support the same themes

its IceWM



What demo?