spicy pancake

@spicy pancake@lemmy.zip
4 Post – 119 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome

hi i just moved today it sucks and you'll probably do a lot of things last minute but YOU GOT THIS HOMIE

anyone writing a story set in the distant future please make NYT the dominant video game company lol

i mean nintendo did start out as a playing card manufacturer, nokia was originally a paper pulp mill, etc.

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am girl who likes girls. i fuckin LOVE fake eyelashes on other girls and myself

i can appreciate them on both an aesthetic level as well as a technical level cuz like these shits ain't easy to put on and keep on and have them not look fuckin jank

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i see 20 year old gals bare legged in winter and wish i was that courageous with my sluttiness

I read this as "tilting window manager" and was about to get so upset. That diagonal monitor meme has infected my brain

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It's not the high speed corridor we need, want, or deserve, but fuck at least it's A high speed corridor. One that will presumably make a shit ton of money in both fares and casino revenues. So maybe it'll convince Americans that it's a good investment and maybe we oughtta, idk, BUILD MORE OF THEM

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The Technology Connections Heat Pump Playlist

[An Invidious link]

Almost 2 hours of heat pump nerdery! 😁

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No, that's the art and science of raising plants. You're thinking of hors d'oeuvres.

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came here to find the Technology Connections comment. was disappointed

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[Source engine clanking and thudding noises]

missed opportunity to name it codeine

do you enjoy firing off hypothetical answers into the curious void of psuedoanonymous obscure social media platforms? (if so we probably have something in common, call me ayyyye)

TrackerControl full version

TrackerControl is an Android app that allows users to monitor and control the widespread, ongoing, hidden data collection in mobile apps about user behaviour (‘tracking’).


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me jammin out on the way home from work passing people who look miserable on their way to their normal human hours jobs

When I briefly dated a rich woman. She would drop hundreds of dollars on a whim and knew somebody at every club and restaurant to get us to the front of the line, the best seats, etc. It was like watching someone live in a dream world where they could get almost anything they wanted instantly. Sometimes I miss that feeling before remembering the full not so great reality of it, though

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Relevant Technology Connections
[Invidious link]

A section in his 2-part series on electrifying most major home appliances, and the technology behind different modern options

me, being broke/cheap/lazy: repeats recipe search adding keyword "eggless"

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full take: this is a complex topic involving sociology, agricultural science, economics, culture, ethics, and more and deserves serious discourse


mood. when youre poly af but also forever alone af

A lot of people read this as "your greatest weakness is now gone" which makes sense given the video game slider analogy

Meanwhile I'm here like "how do I somehow, hilariously, become unstoppable by means of procrastinating everything"?

But I did think of it: significantly extend my lifespan by procrastinating dying :]

may be worth talking to your doctor about testing for sleep apnea or other sleep disorders

i've had bad sleep all my life and recently got tested. turns out i have nothing diagnosable but at least now i know it's a skill issue i guess lol

raising the head of my bed helped somewhat as i have mild acid reflux. it's as simple as shoving some pillows and/or old clothes under the top third of your mattress so worth a try, nothing to lose.

best of luck fellow sleepyhead

Possibly better suited for Vanya and Five Drive By Each Other

Silk is expensive. Almost all pyramidal tea bags are nylon and/or polyester (at least in the US). Only premium stuff is going to be made of silk and they'll advertise it as such

Whirly-Pop popcorn pot. Perfect unburnt popcorn every time.

or i'll just get kicked out of the bar for making the other women uncomfortable :[

How Is This Mentally Ill Single Millenial Holding Down Two Jobs and Crunching Through Debt Payments? The Answer Will Shock Most Americans!

(the answer is I am a lucky bitch whose main employer fucks up just about everything except they provide premium health insurance I can afford to pay for and pay copays for, and this has been drastically improving my life)

I'm currently in the medical field but "IT" is one of my nicknames 💀 every new place I work I try to hide it but I just impulsively fix shit and then end up being expected to fix shit

you may be on the asexuality spectrum and that is legitimate, normal, and ok.

i hope you find what you're looking for, friend. you deserve happiness.

we gotta get the satanic temple on this at some point

they keep getting progressively more unhinged and im on board

being a USA "nationalist" is so dumb because our whole deal is being a nation made up of people from all over the world lol

I've lived in several 1-toilet apartments in my life and am now a firm believer that all 1-toilet tenants have a god-given right to access to a backup toilet (such as in a laundry room or rec room on the apartment complex's campus)

a toilet is a VERY unfun thing to not have a backup of and suddenly it's not working


me trying to be a normal lesbian:

what in the starship-troopers-ass fuck is this troll shit

destruction/"rage" rooms

they're an awesome concept and I can see why they're enjoyable and therapeutic even for many people, but I just don't like breaking stuff it makes me anxious haha

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do literally anything that suggests he's thinking about people's wellbeing rather than some lobbyist's agenda for 5 seconds

they all moved to Scottsdale

jfc i thought you were goofin on us but that's fairly close. $1064 according to this source

god damn, EA

pooping at work instead of exploring the multiverse in a scifi timespace ship

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