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Joined 1 years ago

I hate Elon Musk as much as anyone else with a working brain but let's be honest, the world would be an infinitely better place if Twitter died lol

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I mean it's literally in the terms and conditions of both the App Store and Play Store for social media to have a block button lol

YouTube: starts putting 2, sometimes even 3 ads that are often unskippable before and in the middle of 10 minute videos

Also YouTube: Why are people using adblockers?

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"leftists are the ones cancelling people" say the Republicans who drove a teacher out of her state for supporting queer people

fuck YouTube premium. why would I pay £19.99 a month when literally the only defining feature for me is no ads. all this will do is allow for more complex ad blockers to be made to bypass this

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eh, fair enough. teenage energy drink addiction has caused me years of insomnia. we already have an age restriction on energy drinks in the UK, though it's 16 not 18

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the tories are so corrupt it'd be comical if it wasn't so sad

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any danger that comes from nuclear energy is minuscule compared to the danger that comes from fossil fuels, which are proven to be a main factor in climate change and to cause cancer

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whatever is happening to him, I hope it's causing him extreme discomfort. it's the very least he deserves after all the shitty, life ruining ideas and policies he's endorsed

the way this isn't even in my top 50 issues with Discord. i finally quit using it this July because it isn't enjoyable and I feel the life has been sucked out of it. there are much better alternatives popping up now including Matrix and Revolt which are my new go-to chat apps

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Republicans once again proving that every accusation they make against others is just a confession

the fact that there are about 100 million Americans who didn't say they wouldn't support Trump says a lot about the state of America

America is a fascist country

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good? why should children be indoctrinated into bigotry

I broke my back to make a company's CEO $6,000,000 and all I got was this stupid Polo mint

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Good, then all the actually normal people will leave and Elon will have his echo chamber

cool. what do they want us to do now? applaud them for finally admitting something (that was obvious anyway) after 70 years?

just pirate it lol

the final nail for me happened long ago. the site has genuinely sucked for years. all the content in the top subreddits is basically ChatGPT generated rage bait, so many subreddits have turned into right wing shitholes, and Reddit themselves have proven time and time again that they do not care about their users. as always their greed has gotten the best of them

the exact same thing happened with Discord. I've actually disabled my Discord account and only use my Reddit out of habit at this point

neither are liberals

as bad as Truss was she at least fucked off before completely driving the country down the shitter

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I have no idea what's going on then lol. pretty much every shop I've been to has asked for ID when buying energy drinks

freedom of speech means that the government cannot censor you. Lemmy is not the government

I mean I'm Gen Z and still don't understand what an NFT is so probably lol

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you don't vote for the prime minister, you vote for the party. no prime minister gets their position because the public wants them to. it's an actual illusion of choice

all the people I actually gave a shit about from Discord use Revolt now so it's not an issue I've had to deal with thankfully lol

the whole point of banning energy drink sales to minors is that minors are at a higher increase of heart issues because their body can't handle caffeine like adults. but sure, everyone else is the idiot on this one and "the economy" is definitely more important than kids' health

that's pretty much what I do. I don't know how they actually work, I've had it explained to me like 5 times and still don't get it lmao

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you think? it's been his goal from day one. he's an attention seeker and not much else

TikTok isn't even that bad

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