
10 Post – 411 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not nearly good enough to make me give up Quicken but it is nice to see some more self hosted options popping up.

You know, I would bet there's tens of thousands of Russians that would be interested in having children if they didn't all have a case of unnecessary deadness. If only something could have been done to avoid that.

Nothing. As far as I know he's still there. That company was a raging dumpster fire.

Guy in my department strolls into my office and says, "Welp, this is probably my last day working here." I asked him why he would say that. He sits down and shoves his phone across the desk toward me. I start reading and it's an email from him to the CEO complaining that our boss is, in so many words, a complete fucking moron.

I finished reading and was just like, "Yeah, you shouldn't have done that." I mean, he wasn't wrong. I agreed with basically everything in his email. He was also right about it being his last day working there because he was fired that afternoon.

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I know I've got a punch card sorter around here somewhere.

The kind of place where "backups" means playing Russian Roulette with one set of old ass tapes, if you're lucky.

If you're not spending half your day testing vacuum tubes one at a time, are you even a real engineer?

"And on the third day, there was a wedding in Cana. Jesus' mother was there. When the wine was drunk, Jesus' mother said to him, 'We're out of wine.' 'Bruh... That's a big yikes. But why do I care?', replied Jesus.

Jesus mother instructed the servants, 'you just do whatever he tells you no matter how stupid it sounds.' Jesus sighed and turned to the servants saying, ' Okay. You see those jars? Nope. Not that one. The big ones. Yeah. Those big ones over there. Go fill them up with water. All the way up. Then take some of the water and give it to the host."

The servants were more than a little skeptical but shrugged and did as they were told. When the host of the wedding feast tasted the water, it had become wine. And the host exclaimed, "Damn! That is some good shit. Where did you get that from?" And the servants were amazed because they knew from where the wine came.

And the servants implored Jesus, 'Do it again! No, wait. Can you make something stronger this time?"

-- The Gospel According to [Skibidi] John

Ah Manage Engine. Lots of full featured products that are roughly 75% complete.

Private equity spent most of the 90's destroying Montgomery Ward and Eddie Lampert held Sears/KMart under the water until the bubbles stopped so he could cry to anyone that would listen that the retail business was failing while he made a fortune selling off the company's real estate.

I'm an American but I remember talking to a gentleman from Belgium years ago while visiting Muir Woods. He said something along the lines of, "You all have some of the best national parks in the world. You should be very proud of them."

That conversation gave me a new appreciation for our national parks. We are fortunate to have some pretty amazing scenery in the US.

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Probably because old habits die hard. Kaspersky used to have a pretty good reputation as far as AV software. In the past, I used TDSSKiller to resurrect many PC's where other antivirus software failed.

Unfortunately, the whole Russia being a malicious actor negates any reasons to continue using Kaspersky.

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Manual transmissions are operated almost entirely by "feel". Once that sinks in, it's a lot easier.

If you can, go find a quiet street, parking lot, or any place with an incline. Practice stopping in the middle of the incline and taking off without stalling. Don't stress out when you inevitably stall. You will and that's ok. If you can master starting on a hill, you'll find that the rest of it comes a lot easier.

With the transmision in 1st and your foot on the brake, release the clutch very slowly until the engine starts dragging just a little. Slowly take your foot off the brake. You'll know the clutch is in the right spot if it keeps you from rolling backwards. At that point, start to accelerate and let the clutch out slowly. Continue to accelerate and up the hill you go.

Don't hesitate to hit the brakes at any time if you feel like you're going to roll backwards. Better to stall than to roll back into someone behind you. Depending on the gearing, you may be able to start in 2nd and that will keep you from having to worry about shifting in the middle of the hill.

Don't panic. Learning is good. If someone gets upset with you because you're inexperienced and stall out then screw them. They should try to remember what it was like to learn how to drive. It just takes practice, practice, and more practice.

I've had a Phillips Sonicare for years with no complaints.

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Shot myself with a BB gun when I was a kid. Not intentionally. I shot at a tire filled with concrete because I was being an idiot and it didn't occur to me that the BB would ricochet off the tire. I would have shot myself in the face if not for my left middle finger being in exactly the right spot. I still have the scar as a reminder.

Remember kids, BB guns are firearms and firearms deserve respect.

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Tools. Usually on top of a step ladder. It happens when I'm working on a project and I have to get down for some reason. I think, "I'll just leave this [hammer, screwdriver, drill, etc.] up here for a second. I'll totally remember it's there."

To the surprise of no one here, I do not remember. Until I go to move the ladder and get clobbered with said tool. I've gotten a lot better at just taking everything down with me. 🤷‍♂️

I'll have to show this picture to my toddler because what will happen is she'll get excited and say, "Daddy, I see moon! I see moon!" It's so cute.

Nice shot(s)!

This is one reason why I don't think I could ever be president. Or in politics in general. Making ethical compromises almost becomes a necessity. At the minimum, you'll inevitably find yourself having to make decisions that involve choosing from a list of bad options. I have a hard enough time doing that in my personal life, much less for an entire country.

That's still a thing although it's a dated practice and I only ever see it in very specific formal situations (wedding invites, obituaries, etc.)

President Convict also had their top general assassinated which did not exactly help diplomatic relations.

I prefer the council/manager scene myself, although that's probably less common.

Friendly reminder that Wells Fargo is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a bank.

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Trying to force ISP's to police their user's internet traffic, as a means to stop piracy, is phenomenally stupid. All they've managed to do is make the internet worse for the average user while forcing a dramatic increase in the sophistication of piracy technology.

Hell, I would argue that the state and quality of pirated media is in some ways the best it's ever been and the recording and film industries have indirectly contributed to that. Talk about irony.

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Instantly granted all programming knowledge

"Well what the... God damnit! Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? Fucking JavaScript architects!"

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"It's so great! It automatically writes the [wrong] answers to everything for you!"

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This is not new. Microsoft has been pushing users further into their SaaS ecosystem for years. Creating a local account on Windows 10 is more difficult than signing up for a Microsoft account. That's by design. It just goes along with the transition of their core business away from desktop software and into hosted solutions and data processing. Annoying? A little. Surprising? Hardly.

"A dragon has never attacked the castle. Why do we even have a wizard?"

"A dragon is attacking the castle. Why do we even have a wizard?"

Oh, I wouldn't if I could avoid it. The "fun" of tinkering with IT stuff in my very limited spare time vaporized many years ago. If I could pay for services that did exactly what I wanted, respected my privacy, and valued my business while charging a fair price, I would stop self-hosting tomorrow. But that's not usually how it works.

Self hosting isn't super high maintenance once you get everything set up but it still takes up probably 10-12 hours per month on average and I would not mind having that time back.

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I have a few complaints about my employer but I'm glad this isn't one of them. Someone actually asked if we were planning to do an RTO during the quarterly town hall yesterday. Our CEO basically said, "We know there's value to working in person, and that's what I prefer to do, but here's the thing: we have offices in 5 states and employees in 46 states. We've been able to recruit the best talent in the country because of our willingness to recruit outside our footprint. Companies that have mandated an RTO are not doing well. We're not in that position and we have no plans to change our work policy."

"Made in USA" is well on it's way from being a symbol of quality to implying a lack of. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big proponent of domestic manufacturing. But there are an outsized number of executives who don't seem to get that when you make shitty products, you will alienate all your customers who will then no longer buy your shitty products. That kind of reputational damage is incredibly hard to recover from. Especially when you make airplanes that have a tendency to fall out of the sky which is sort of a deal breaker for people who want to buy an airplane. Hope it was worth jacking up their stock price for five minutes.

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The communication dynamics of kids are weird. Weirder than I remember anyway. My teenager knows other kids who literally will not talk to you if you're not on Snapchat or Instagram. For whatever reason they simply refuse to text.

My kid spends an absurd amount of time taking pictures of half her face to send snaps with.

I think if you don't want to text or call me, then you don't want to talk to me that bad.

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The MPAA should give themselves a great big pat on the back. They, and the studios they represent have done much to not only enable piracy, but also to increase the sophistication of piracy tactics and -- somewhat by extension -- the quality of the material being pirated. Turns out, fucking over your customers at every possible turn has consequences.

The cognitive dissonance is so strange to me. I'm a native Cheesehead and it's a well documented fact that ice fishing season in Wisconsin is quickly getting shorter and shorter due to the higher winter temperatures.

Maybe it's a branding issue. What if we start referring to "climate change" as "demise of ice fishing" or "imminent collapse of the snowmobile industry"?

I'll have you know my inbox is completely clean. Because I spent part of a day this week cleaning up six months worth of emails. Because I was procrastinating doing something I wanted to do less than clean up my inbox.

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Just the other day, the Mixtral chatbot insisted that PostgreSQL v16 doesn't exist.

A few weeks ago, Chat GPT gave me a DAX measure for an Excel pivot table that used several DAX functions in ways that they could not be used.

The funny thing was, it knew and could explain why those functions couldn't be used when I corrected it. But it wasn't able to correlate and use that information to generate a proper function. In fact, I had to correct it for the same mistakes multiple times and it never did get it quite right.

Generative AI is very good at confidently spitting out inaccurate information in ways that make it sound like it knows what it's talking about to the average person.

Basically, AI is currently functioning at the same level as the average tech CEO.

Now you can have a computer tell you that you're an idiot and your question is stupid rather than actual person.

Exposure to technology does not automatically breed expertise. I have a 15 year old. Smart phones have existed for her entire life. She knows how to use Snapchat and take goofy selfies. That's where her expertise ends. Any time anything is wrong, she sounds like her grandma complaining "mY mOdEm DoEsNt WoRk!" It's not a modem grandma! That's your computer! Most of her friends are the same way.

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So my oldest kid was grounded from her iPhone one time. Feeling generous one evening, I told her she could use the desk phone in my office to call friends on. It's an old school red landline with no frills. Just buttons to dial the number and an actual bell that rings. The kind that's only an upgrade from a rotary disl. It's mostly for emergencies and never gets used.

Anyway, she sits down at the desk, stares at the phone, and is like, "Ok. What do I do?" It took me a second to realize she was asking how to make a phone call. I told her to pick up the handset and dial the phone number. The whole time she's just shooting me looks like she doesn't believe this is actually going to work.

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Neither AI nor OpenAI's management are capable of understanding irony.