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Joined 1 years ago

You should really check out an MVNO if you can afford to pay off your phone. You’ll save a LOT. I personally use Helium Mobile (uses Tmo and consumer decentralized network) but there are MVNOs that use AT&T if you prefer their coverage.

The major carriers overcharge for service since they lock people in with 0% financing.


I’m extremely close at this point.

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Kinda shitty of the chart creator to leave out 2018 and 2021. While the point still stands, it biases it against Netflix.

It’s just purposefully misleading. Not cool, chart maker dude. Not cool.

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Did you read it? That first paragraph’s last sentence refers you to the section which tells you how to opt out.

L. 30-Day Right to Opt Out. You have the right to opt out of arbitration by sending written notice of your decision to opt out to the following address by mail: General Counsel, Roku Inc., 1701 Junction Court, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112 within 30 days of you first becoming subject to these Dispute Resolution Terms. Such notice must include the name of each person opting out and contact information for each such person, the specific product models, software, or services used that are at issue, the email address that you used to set up your Roku account (if you have one), and, if applicable, a copy of your purchase receipt. For clarity, opt-out notices submitted via any method other than mail (including email) will not be effective. If you send timely written notice containing the required information in accordance with this Section 1(L), then neither party will be required to arbitrate the Claims between them.

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I enjoy watching YouTube with no ads so I bought premium. I actually bought the family one and share it with 4 others. Personally, I find it to be a great deal.

I also pay for extra storage (even tho I have a nas) because it’s convenient to have.

I’m a pirate at heart, have a 3k movie library on Plex and use nefarious to queue download, and I’m a long time crypto nut so I understand privacy and sticking it to the man.

But I also find great quality of life improvements by simply paying fair prices for good content 🤷‍♂️

It’s a fun hobby to try and dodge ads and steal and stick it to these companies. But really can be time consuming and gets old (it did at least for me when I got old).

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It’s far easier and more performant to simply pirate what you want to watch.

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I requested opt out and they requested my ID. lol! So they’re demanding more info to opt out of info collection.

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My knowledge of electrical engineering has not shown that solder increases performance. Do you have some more information on this?

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I’m so confused. When I got this unexpected change I was so excited. This is exactly what’s been wrong with the UX in that app. It’s so much clearer now

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Yes but a lot of work is seasonal and/or sporadic. Annual pay smoothes it out.

No damage on friendly fire

Spez is no longer part of our lives. Let it go.

The Japanese did it during WW2. “Comfort Women”

Check out WizTree as a WinDirStat replacement. I switched years ago and supported the dev. One of those tools you don’t need often, but great when you do.

WizTree is significantly faster.

And now you can say that you discovered that on Lemmy.

It would make birthday parties more fun

Exactly. Sure, we can say it’s not directly related to tech devices, but it’s definitely related to not wandering and having real human connection constantly.

And with the recording of everything - absolutely changes behavior.

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In my opinion, FSD isn’t attempting to solve any of those problems. Those will require human intervention for the foreseeable future.

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Starlink gives you NO public IP address.

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I’ll have a window seat at 30k feet and the person seated to my left will be free fallin’ for a while.

Exactly. I never did find another use for that thing. Had one 2014-2022. It didn’t survive my last move. Was voted off the island.

Exactly. As the article ends:

Not every customer service employee should worry about being replaced, but those who simply copy and paste responses are no longer safe, according to Shah.

“That job is gone,” he said. “100 per cent.”

Is it just me or is 16GB even on the low side for a pro user? I have 128 on my desktop and 80GB usage is normal for what I do (software dev; lots of local virtualization)

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There are other “nothing happened” data points. A graph represented as having a x-axis of time shouldn’t be staggered anyhow.

Yeah they’re not talking about ownership here. They’re talking about custodial “ownership”. Like when you buy bitcoin and keep in on an exchange - you down actually own it.

Some people think if you buy a movie from Sony or any other online only marketplace you actually own it….

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Lawful Good here. Flight Simulator in 3x 32” 4k

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10 years this week for me (alco, not heroin, but it served same purpose)!

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One of them has to do 3d camera sooner than later. It’s so close… just need another camera at the bottom back of the phone.

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Yeah, I worked with an albino like that who used a handheld magnifying glass. It actually inspired me to write a magnifier application for windows (which didn’t have one at the time, this was in 2006). That then led me to write little windows apps every day for a month, which got a lot of attention.

Have you used copilot? I find it to be fantastically useful.

I have 40 years of PC building experience and I too call it “reseating”.

No. Everyone is behind a commercial nat

You’d still need a public IP for that. Starlink connections are behind a commercial nat.

Spot on. The iPhone’s Messages app sends messages as iMessages, SMS, or MMS depending on context. And it makes it obvious. Every iPhone user knows blue vs green. It’s not sneaky or anything.

There is no apple iMessage app.

This is the Apple Message app. Its description in the store makes its functionality very clear.

FYI: It’s “Lemmy”, not “Lenny”.


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It’s referring to variable names. For example, you have a variable named fileDialog. I would prefer to have that named dialogFile.

Nah. I hear your complaint but look up any stock ticker. Starting at 0 would simply cause too much white space and make it hard to see movements.

The y-axis is clearly labeled allowing us to see that it’s about a 40% jump.

Some people, me included, really love our work. It isn’t related to power (for me), just pure enjoyment.

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Yeah there are a lot of cases of claims being made of AI “bias” which is in fact just a reflection of the real world (from which it was trained). Forcing AI to fake equal representation is not fixing a damn thing in the real world.

I migrated from Reddit during the Reddit protests. Most days I forget that I left and that it was a thing. I use the Lemmy app now and it’s indistinguishable from Apollo.

I’ve had no problems with content, although I’m a casual user. I subscribed to a dozen things, and it’s enough to keep my page fresh. I’m probably only on here 30-60 mins per day tho.