
67 Post – 1856 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just have to laugh.

Fuck reddit! I'm here now!

17 more...

It's personal preference, but basically edge limits that increase over time, like at 15 you're looking at +-6 months, at 20 it might be + or - 1 or 2 years. At 30 you're probably at looking at 5 years either side of 30.

Once you hit 500 the attraction window is so large it becomes mostly irrelevant, and you're judging more on aristocrical lineage and/or aristocrical diet.

It's only a few more years til 1000 (which usually turns out to be a very dull party with no surprise guests) and by that point you're lucky to find anyone attractive.

There's obviously the old 'hurr durr he's over 2000 so he must be gay now' stereotype, but as far as I can tell, attraction isn't cyclical.

Hope that helps!

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They are still going on about the vaccine??

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Bayer. They knowingly sold HIV infected blood to Latin America after the blood was rejected in Europe. This still blows my mind. Some corporate waste of oxygen actually decided to do this. It wasn't an accident. That guy needs to get stabbed with thousands ten fucking thousand of AIDS needles.


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Oh phew, I thought this was Linux Mint

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Can we have more mechanical posts like this?

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Is.. is Dropbox.. pirating user files????

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Israel is 110% not going to heed this warning in the absolute slightest.

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The CEO got high on crack and was on a rampage, knocking shit over, yelling etc. and then shat his pants. It got worse when he saw that he was running out of crack and didn't have the cash to buy more, so he got online and made an announcement that Unity would be charging per install because he needs the money for more crack and hookers. Crazy day.

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They just want us to pirate everything right? Like, that is the only logical response to this.

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Jew-hate is alive and well in the country purporting to be stamping out neo-nazis in Ukraine. The irony needs no seasoning.

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Well geez, if people who aren't doctors who haven't examined the body or any toxicology reports firmly believe with no corroborating evidence that a vaccine administered 2 years caused this sudden death.. who am I to doubt them?

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It blows my mind how CEO's can make such obviously shortsighted and stupid decisions.

Elon is elonning Twitter's reputation faster and faster every day.

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I'm already switching to Godot.

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Yeah, this is far more than just a 'painful wedgie.'

I'm getting strong 'stupid woman sues McDonalds after spilling coffee on herself (except it was like seriously major disfiguring burns but shhh about that)' vibes from that headline

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YES. Tiny cuts.

You know when you get a paper cut or similar, (not a scratch, a clean cut) and it stings and is really irritating, but it's not deep enough to bleed much if at all?

Whack some vaseline on it. You block the air from your nerves and get instant relief.

Also use it sometimes to prevent chafing, like before a long bike ride.

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I think it would have played out roughly the same. Energy density of fossil fuels is ahead of everything, along with it's portability. Not to mention no one knew or cared about environmental issues then.

Might have made the transition easier though.

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What about all the American anchors that cause damage to things? Why are you blaming China when America does bad things?

Seems pretty hypocritical to put all this blame on China when they are a struggling developing nation while America is a first world country and drops their anchors on everything.

Also nothing happened on 4 June 1989.

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Capitalism is so schizophrenic. Is supply and demand in a free market meant to decide the value of goods or not?? If regulations and penalties are required, why not across the board??

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Is it even worth going to Disneyland? It just sounds like an 8 hour day of waiting in line for 7.5 hours and 30 minutes of ride.

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Saw this story. Title should be 'Idiot dies of starvation after not consuming vital nutrients.'

I've been vegan for years, I respect vegans who take their diet seriously, but this woman didn't. She took ideology seriously.

You can't just eat anything and expect to be ok.

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Being a monarch or some kind of royalty seems to be excellent financially and often overlooked.

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That is what this post is about, IDK who this Torvalds guy is.

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The headline makes it sound like Tesla is trialing a new 'fatality' feature for it's autopilot.

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Ive heard of eco-terrorism but this is ridiculous

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On one hand, I'm glad that less plastic is going to end up in landfill.

On the other, you'll own nothing and be happy.

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I was going to say that, but out of the 6 bikes in the garage none of them are under $100 even second hand.

In fact I would advise against getting a cheap shitty bike that isn't going to last. Spend the extra money, get something good. It's better for the environment and your wallet in the long run.

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I've heard about this happening and I couldn't believe it.

I don't even understand this from a networking perspective.. Your phone just becomes a router, forwarding requests, so from the ISP perspective it's still the same?

How do they even know?

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This was a key factor in developing my young immune system.

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The older I get the more I tend towards blaming the people being scammed for being stupid enough to be scammed.

$35 Apple watch, really?? You thought that was real?? Well boy do I have an exiled African prince to introduce you to!

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Isn't there a rule about when headlines ask a question the answer is 'no'?

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Definitely a solar eclipse.

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Tipping culture needs to end anyway. Pay the employees properly.

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"Near limitless energy". ..

OK what are the limits? Preferably absurd answers please..

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Model is the right term instead of database.

We learned something about how LLMs work with this.. its like a bunch of paintings were chopped up into pixels to use to make other paintings. No one knew it was possible to break the model and have it spit out the pixels of a single painting in order.

I wonder if diffusion models have some other wierd querks we have yet to discover

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If hackers are gonna extort, I definitely prefer it's the casinos they're extorting

This is deliciously rich. They really painted themselves into a corner with that one!

Speed-running sainthood.

ISPs still have data caps?

That should be outlawed by now.

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It can also definitely stand for Machine Learning which is the first thing that comes to my mind

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