
2 Post – 390 Comments
Joined 1 years ago





Good god Iran's shit is all over the place. He gets sentenced to 6 years, appeals it, gets sentenced to death. Death dude. For saying something out loud. How do governments like this expect to ever gain legitimacy in the eyes of the people they rule?

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When people feel ignored in a democratic country, they begin to feel like the democracy they live in is a sham or that democracy itself doesn't work.

Votes like this aren't necessarily about "we need a different direction" and more about desperation and/or anger. They want to show the elites of their country that they still have the power, they want to cost them something for treating the population like it's there to be harvested from, they want to shake up the status quo at all cost.

They want to prove to themselves that their vote still matters.

Letting it get to this point is really bad governance. Once you get here, either they win, or they don't. And of they don't, most of the people who support them have their suspicions confirmed, they don't live in a democracy, they voted and didn't get what they want, again. This creates a division that is difficult to come back from.

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Plus He's talking about the steam deck here. That's 1 configuration. And Rocket League is already on steam for those who bought it before epic did, runs fine in proton. The dude is full of shit and making up excuses, it's obvious this is a business agreement and nothing to do with practicality and in lying about it he's hurting his reputation.

It's not about trusting some idiot. It's about attaching your identity to your activities online. I remember when these websites used to advise against doxing yourself.

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The problem is that the Taliban have popular support. The media don't want to report it, but this is a society where public life has always been under the purview of men, it's a largely Muslim country, very rural, and the alternative power centers there are chock full of child molesters and corrupt individuals. The Taliban, despite their strong ideological position, has a lot going for them. They're not taking bribes to sell out their values. They're capable of maintaining stability. Even if people disagree with some or other things about them, theyre better than the alternatives. Fact is, they're in power there because they're the only organization capable of holding power there.

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What happened to telling governments to go fuck themselves? I remember when it was on the governments to police their citizens and if software violated their laws it was on the government to stop citizens accessing it. Why can they just not comply?

Lol they didn't "ban" news, they refused to pay to make the news relevant. Canada basically banned news sharing on the internet. They can repeal the stupid law.

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I started living this way too. Honestly, fast food doesn't even have a value proposition anymore. It's not cheaper than some local family run taco or burger truck/shack, and significantly crappier. Also, the lady or guy handing you your food keeps the money after paying the cook and what not, if they're not the cook themselves. I'd rather that than it go to frozen patty distributors and stock buybacks or whatever they're up to these days.

It's marginally cheaper than a run of the mill sit down joint.

Also soda... I don't understand why anyone drinks that shit. I used to, then I stopped, and now when I try it it's gross honestly. Syrup with bubbles in it. You want some, make some ginger ale, its easy and delicious. You cut up some ginger, cook it in a pot with sugar and water, let it cool, put it in a pressure bottle and pitch yeast, it's ready in a couple of days.

I've never ordered door dash or any of that stuff, as soon as I heard about it o was put off by the idea.

You've got the right idea man. No lazy food. If it's not worth effort you're not actually hungry.

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For us Linux users it's just a fire sale. Diet cheap PCs incoming.

Ubuntu, because of their shenanigans with ads in the OS, forcing snap and just generally demonstrating disdain for their userbase.

Manjaro for their office suite debacle, and general instability.

RHEL for their recent attempts to subvert GPL.

Debian because packages are never, ever, ever up to date.

Gentoo because any sane person would get sick of compiling.

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RiscV laptops and precompiled binaries in package managers.

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Next up: all web pages are full resolution bitmap files.

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There's a difference between creating something and giving it to the world and being on the hook to help them solve their business problems. A libre or permissive license does not commit the person who released it to making it work for anyone, for any reason. It is in fact the first line in those licenses.

They don't want to get paid for it being used. They want to get paid to continue working on it by people who need them to continue working on it.

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Youtube isn't the early internet friend.

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Dogs can be racist.

Source: had a racist dog once. I don't know where he got it from because it wasn't me.

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It will hurt US manufacturers, because their budget gasoline cars won't sell.


In fact it's the oldest food, found everywhere domesticated and nobody knows where they come from or who first domesticated them.

Lol everyone knows about job corps. It's a shit program it's like voluntarily going to jail. Bunch of people stealing each other's shit and selling drugs and cigarettes to each other and fighting. They don't teach you shit and use you as cheap labor.

I use torrents-csv https://torrents-csv.ml/ and find the movie I want and download it. I'm like you, I hardly watch movies, this is the most seamless way for me to do it.

My text editor uses u and U

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Your bolded part just says they can create inferior courts. I don't understand what point you're making emphasizing it.

The sentence after that, not emphasized, the good behavior part, is already understood and judges in the federal court system can be, and have been, impeached.

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Have you ever met an Iranian?

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JIRA. Anything made by National Instruments.

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I knew a guy who would get absolutely wrecked on his lunch break in his car, and show up early thinking he was late because he was high as a kite on hard drugs.

You couldn't tell unless he told you. He was a top performer. Probably the only person I've ever met that was a well functioning drug abuser, and that's an understatement, the guy was fucked out of his mind all the time and to everyone around him he was perfectly coherent and capable.

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I don't buy it. Imagine writing an article about how a 250k house will cost you a million dollars by the time you die and shilling that as a good thing. Insane!

Value goes up, taxes go up. Value goes down, you're upside down on "your investment". It's a lose lose. A house isn't an asset! It's not an investment! An investment in what? Who's doing the work to raise the value? You are! So it's an investment in yourself? It's an asset that you have to continue to pour capital into to keep it's value? That's not an asset, that's a liability!

I've got a friend that lives in a medium sized city in a large metro area. He pays the total value of his house every 10 years in taxes. That's every 10 years, he's re-paying off his house. Every year they raise the taxes by the maximum legal amount, every year he disputes it, every year he is denied.

Water leaks. Mowing a yard. A new roof. Another pain in the ass every weekend.

The idea that you're not tied to a house after buying it is ridiculous. As if it's a liquid asset you can just slap on Facebook marketplace and sell in a weekend.

HOAs. You must select one of the approved paint colors. You can't cut down that tree. You can't plant that tree. You can't park on the street in front of your house. You can't work on your car in your driveway.

What if you don't want to buy a house as an investment? What if you want to you know, just own a place to live? Too bad. You'd better have a line of credit for emergency expenses on the house, you'd better have home equity, you'd better have a valuation higher than your liability in perpetuity or youret fucked. You can't just have a home anymore, you have to manage an asset, or a liability.

So that 200k savings you get by the time you croak according to the author's math, is it worth the hassle? The neighbors telling you what to do, the municipality fleecing you for every dime they can get, the constant maintenance because a house is a liability, not an asset, that will crumble if you don't pour money and time into it, the commute, the traffic, is it worth it?

I would never, ever buy a house in a residential area, ever. The whole market is a god damn mess. Now, buying land somewhere rural and slapping up an A frame...

Archival of information and software that is no longer available, such as NES games.

Any and all book piracy is ethical. It's just like a library. If libraries are ethical libgen is ethical.

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Subscription lol is someone going to tell him?

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You're missing something: it's all a bunch of bullshit. So in a sense it's hopeless, but you've got to ask yourself why even existing makes it hopeless? Because the feeling of hopelessness you get is a lie. Someone wants you to feel like nothing is ever enough.

I'm not saying fossil fuels are not releasing CO2 and all that, I'm not a denier. My point is only that these new ideas about your carbon footprint, that come from eating food and breathing, are absolutely ridiculous bullshit. Carbon in the carbon cycle already does not contribute to your footprint. It's a lie to make you guilty when you didn't do anything. Youre being gaslit.

The only carbon that counts towards your carbon footprint are 1) fossil fuels that you consume, 2) plastics from fossil fuels that you dispose of (they may not be atmospheric carbon now, but they'll inevitably end up in the carbon cycle) and 3) your economic choices that lead to the destruction of natural carbon sinks, such as buying palm oil or products that contain it, Brazilian beef raised on torched amazon land, etc. You should not be concerned whatsoever about breathing and eating meat if your concern is carbon output.

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It's suicides. Almost 60% of gun deaths are suicides.

Gun deaths reached their last peak in the US around 1975. At that time the rate between homicide and suicide was about 50/50. So it's not like suicides were very low with guns, guns are probably the most quick and effective way to kill yourself and if you want to be dead, using a gun is the gold standard. Still, from 50% to 60% is a very significant change. It's also important to note, there is more variability in gun homicide than there is in suicide (though there is still a little bit of a positive correlation), so in times of low violent crime the disparity grows.

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They're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks hoping to get some money. Suing google for delivering search results? It shows how ridiculous blaming tools is. The only person liable here is the shooter.

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Forget quickly? You want someone to invade again? What is the world supposed to do? They sanction, break diplomatic relations, issue travel advisories, the only thing left is another war. Nobody wants that.

I don't know man. Imagine you could have ssh access to every Debian and fedora server on the planet, and all you had to do was write tests for some compression library for 2 years and sneak in a clever patch. I'd guess such an exploit is worth millions. You wouldn't work 2 years for millions of dollars?

This is sophisticated but it doesn't have to be a state actor.

Eew please god no.

So I love IPFS, I love the idea of it. I think it's great.

But try integrating it into a project and see what happens. Here is a fun example. Development of IPFS is unfortunately a disorganized mess.

I'd love to build an application that loads resources from IPFS, such as a library specifically for books that stores an index of books, like libgen, or uncensorable front ends for smart contracts and things, but IPFS integration is sub par. The situation all round just sucks.

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Laptop repair in one of those third party warranty shops where the manufacturer ships them to get them fixed under warranty. Fucker had the best quality control numbers in the shop.

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FYI, he created Lemmy alone. Nutomic and others began contributing a bit later.

If I like it I download it, save the whole album or discography. Archive everything. Never delete. Same for books and movies and shows, though I find myself watching less of those lately.

I will buy an artist's music on bandcamp if available if it's something that's going to enrich my life for years to come.

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I wonder if said money expert had the balls to explain why nobody saves money in the US. He touched on it just a little. He mentioned we are implored to spend. Not implored. Incentivized.

Every time a politician gets on TV and says we have to "stimulate the economy", what he means is he has to incentivize you to blow your paycheck the minute you get it. This is done by increasing the rate at which your money loses purchasing power. Then, when it's time for reelection, he will inevitably mention the fact that Americans can't afford a $1000 emergency expense. Wages need to go up! It's not the wage rate that makes us poor. It's the debasement rate of the currency. The debasement rate is a mechanism of wealth redistribution. Wealth is transferred using the cantillion effect from the poor to the rich.