1 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Nostalgic DevOps Kubernetes Automaton

Worked in higher Ed for a decade. Can confirm.

Pretty much the same here. the storage to quality ratio isn't a big enough difference to make it worth it to me for anything over 1080. 720p is noticable but I'll still use it no problem.

No different than any other project the PM/PO team cooks up. Tons of work for no user base.

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Had the random API one the other day. Was nuts. Also the 5 second delay for Firefox too when it was a thing.

... and I am starting to see user agent and VPN blocks now just within the last few days... It's officially over, so glad to be here. Been in the fediverse since the API shutdown. Bouncing between instances. First post on this one! Absolutely no regrets.

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I got this while on a VPN, I'd assume reddit is trying to accomplish:

  • Blocking malicious attempts from anonymous Ips
  • Blocking Data Scraping
  • Forcing users to divulge their ip information for tracking purposes.
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God bless the satanic Temple for doing the Lord's work.

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To shreds you say...

They took their stupid shot on Jan 6th and then they realized they were mostly larpers. Projection to the point of action.

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I use a VPN all the time primarily because I don't like the idea of being a data point for profit.

An ad tracking company can determine your approximate location based on your IP address. They may also be able to identify your Internet Service Provider (ISP), device type, operating system, and browser information. Some companies might even use more advanced techniques like geolocation or machine learning algorithms to infer additional details about you, such as language preferences or demographic information. However, it's important to note that not all tracking methods are accurate, and privacy concerns exist due to potential misuse of this data.

Audible "ugggggghhh".

More like maga cult will pay in donations 350 million *


You can also easily run your own via docker.

Won't somebody think of the shareholders?

Oh he dead.

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Same. All the time actually. To get around annoying work blocks, or site vpn blocks (looking at you reddit when i actually have to venture to your shite hole for a specific tech question) or simply see content as it was crawled. Internet archive was always my primary but google cached i used alot. I just noticed like two days ago the cached button was gone for newer pages

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Same, it's crazy how easy it was to replace. I honestly am surprised it was that easy. Figured it would of been harder. I went back once, for a small community that isn't here. I made one post to ask a question about something and saw all the bullshit that Reddit is doing now. I deleted my account immediately after creating that post and was done. I was on Reddit since 2011. It's dead and gone.


It certainly seems like all roads are leading to a big war soon. Storms a comin fellas. Enjoy what we have now.

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ublock Origin + pihole.

For my pihole I use these lists:

Torrents yes, always VPN. If you're doing the debrid route, not required but personally I still do.

I am a big fan of mullvad VPN as they take no info from you to create an account. Can pay with crypto. No name, email or anything tied to their service. Used proton, nord and pia in the past.

Wish we could get this over with and just legalize it. The attitudes with it have changed. The majority want it treated like alcohol.

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Im pretty sure meta give zero fucks about joining the fediverse beyond trying to destroy it. I imagine they only started threads to nullify it by either proving it doesnt work (threads looks pretty garbage) or they want to control the content where mainstream fediverse will never take off.

Im here because i liked reddit but hated being a product. Meta/facebook was zero percent of that initial switch calculation as i havent been on their stuff for nearly a decade. The api shutdown ay the alien site was the last straw. I dont want to interact or give data to facebook/meta. Just my two cents.


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Same thing happened to me. Moved to pop!_os.I have zero regrets. I've learned a ton. I use tons of apps off f-droid and foss Ubuntu apps. I have degoogled most of my life. I'm also developing an Firefox addon for lemmy. It's usable as a user script addon now. It's called lemmytools. It's my small contribution. All because Reddit got stupid. I don't even browse reddit for answers usually about tech/programming stuff anymore because they block my VPN.

I use proton and the one thing that I've wanted is a replacement for google docs, while this may only be a notes app I look forward to it being added to proton and may use it outside of just syncing to my proton drive.

I recognize that the adoption of basically outsourced apps seems less desirable than in house proton apps. Will have to see if proton continues to move toward outsourcing further app solutions.


If it works for you... I agree with the general sentiment of "if its free you are the product". However, I see kagi come up so often around here that I feel like it's some astro turfing. I tried it and was not impressed. SearXNG is by far the best search engine I've used in a long time and the best part is I am hosting it locally on my PC, traffic is going out a VPN. You get the privacy and the best results possible since its a meta engine using many different engines.

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100% my experience.

On second thought, let's not go to Texas tis a silly place...

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How the fuck trump has conned the American populace to still vote for him blows my mind. Literally cannot understand...

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Eeeeeeee oooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeee oooooooooo eeeeee - oko nono

That dataset is gonna be scary if they don't filter it out a ton.

No anime intros for you chechnya!

Dude must be in the largest bubble of yes people ever.

Yep, I have an fully enclosed case. Only RGB is my water cooling block on my cpu that I left the rgb header unplugged. Even though I would never see it, I am a person of principle, damn it!

Whispers: "they're trying to build a prison..." DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUN