70 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Ireland once again showing they're one of the only humane countries in the EU

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Why is this source even allowed? They provided no real evidence other than pointing to Channel 12.

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I'm not saying it's Mossad, but it's probably Mossad. There are much easier targets than the memorial for Qassem Suleimani: this is sending a message to Iran.

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China doesn't need to subsidize the entire supply chain because the reason Chinese EVs are so cheap is literally hyper-capitalism. China has had an immensely competitive EV market for years, and they're been getting into price wars without government intervention. That's forced innovation at a pace that Tesla cannot match alone because they have no need to compete at such a pace. Here's a list of national EV subsidies and their status:

  1. In 2022, the 12600RMB consumer incentive to buy a BEV vehicle was ended. This is rather similar to Biden's EV tax credit.

  2. China has waived the consumption tax for the EV market, which is a tax designed to target environmentally-unfriendly products. The consumption tax is commonly applied to automobiles, but they're being explicitly waived for the EV market for what is hopefully an obvious reason.

  3. Currently, the tax-free allowance for an EV (the portion of an EV purchase that is not charged VAT) is 30000RMB (@13% VAT, = 3900RMB). This subsidy is being reduced in 2025 and phased out entirely in 2027. This is also rather similar to Biden's EV tax credit.

  4. Costs of EV charging/battery switching on the grid are borne by the government because the government manages electricity on the supply-side, including finding producers and managing distribution. This is not unusual of crown corporations in other countries.

While there are provincial incentives for companies to set up shop in one province over another, they're smaller scale, not received support at the national level, and not unique to China (see: subsidies to Tesla for their production and to Amazon for their HQ2). The most unique element of China's subsidy regime is the elimination of excess consumption tax in the EV market, which has created a huge marginal advantage for developing EVs over developing ICE automobiles. Importantly, that subsidy is simply reducing the excess tax charged on automobile manufacturing over that charged on typical consumption.

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Censorship at a global scale to cover up a genocide. Classic.

So either American targeting intelligence is absolutely garbage, or Americans are complicit in Israel's genocide.

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The IDF is just manufacturing consent for their genocide of Palestinian civilians. The IDF also still needs to decide if Hamas is a conventional army or a terrorist organization.

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As a population, Romani were hit harder. In terms of numbers, the Slavs (and communists in particular) were hit harder. Hitler considered both groups (Slavs and Romani) to be Untermensch. We haven't forgotten them; it was caused by a policy of propaganda that also caused this change of opinion in France:

Romani today are still considered an underclass. There is still a blatant disregard for Slavic lives in the West. The change in public opinion for the Jewish people was never about being a victim of Axis imperialism in the Second World War.

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Stimulating the economy is a nebulous pie in the sky. Does stimulating the economy improve the lives of everyday people? Not really.

Cheap public transportation would be good for the people, but everyone buying a new EV would "stimulate the economy." How much is it going to take before people understand that their wellbeing is, at best, only weakly tied to the economy?

MBFC doesn't even match the other media bias/credibility sites like Ad Fontes. It's a crapshoot because the person running that site is basically a nobody with zero credibility themselves.

A metaphorical nuclear weapon, much better.

Do you think this is a Ford Pinto?

Edit: given that you mention crumple zones... A Tesla Cybertruck?

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I'm telling you, those are literally what the subsidies are. None of this is private or confidential. The lack of consumption tax is the single greatest supply side subsidy.

US foreign policy in this regard is deranged.

It simultaneously supports Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and Somalia.

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Without US JDAMs and billions of dollars worth of munitions? Sure...

China has the most competitive EV market on the planet.

Lmao there's a guy who usually posts a long response to these "subsidies" claims bullshit, but I think they got into a pissing match with a mod in the comments and got banned lmao.

Jist of it is: China's subsidies are negligible compared to the US, and what they've actually done is created a competitive domestic market with a large number of players. Unless you think Chinese people are all puppets, even if China (as a country) owns the industry it would not prevent internal competition that drives down prices. Moreover, China does not offer per-unit subsidies on export. In fact, Chinese EVs exported to Europe are something like 40% more expensive than domestically for the same model.

You're right, my bad.

Only the US is allowed to interfere in foreign elections, silly!

You're not entirely correct: China had heavily subsidized their EV industry.

The purchase incentive is gone. Many tax incentives are gone. Tax benefits for setting up factories are gone (closed ICE factories are being decommissioned rather than sold).

If you had said that in 2019, you'd be entirely correct. Today? Things are different.

Doesn't really need much lobbying wrt Xinjiang given that no Muslim country opposes China's actions.

Map of countries opposing China's actions (in blue)

Oddly enough, the map is rather similar to this one showing which countries do not recognize Palestine (in grey)

I'd imagine the lobbying is towards key European powers who have shown recent support for Palestine to be more consistent on the issue, which would also explain why the diplomats went to Reuters to report it.

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Are we ignoring how China's top EU exports are made up by MG (a British brand) and Volvo (a Swedish brand)? How Mercedez-Benz partnered with BYD to release the hybrid GLC? How Stellantis partnered with Leapmotor?

Chinese carmakers are already sharing technology with Europe. All this tariff serves to do is push them to sell hybrids, which are excluded from the tariff.

The US says, while it donates billions of dollars in bombs to Israel's attempt at eradicating Palestine.

at this point I'm convinced China was just copying all of the "China gonna collapse in 3 days" videos

hey shut up we're in a china bad brigade

Yeah, seems like it. This is true for a lot of online forums tbh: they reflect what Americans think of the world more than they reflect the world itself.

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According to MBFC, RFERL frequently publishes pro-US government propaganda. Why is this source allowed?

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Lmao citing MBFC when the NYT is actively trying to unseat the sitting head of the Democratic Party

For fucks sake China sells their cars for export at a 40% markup compared to the domestic market. At-cost my ass

Here's a fun fact: 85% of China's government spending is by local governments (provincial and below). China's federal support for EVs has been mostly limited to reducing taxes and fees on EV manufacturing (most notably, removing the consumption tax that is charged on automobiles).

If removing tax barriers is a government subsidy, I guess the EU claim has some water. Otherwise, the EU will be stuck whack-a-moling particular provinces for their economic incentives (and, of course, ignoring the billions that Tesla has received).

Nice "Pultizer-Prize" winning journalist btw

Agreement to pause hostilities in northern border area comes after talks brokered by China

This is only in the northern part of Myanmar. It's between the Three Brotherhoods Alliance consisting of the MNDAA, the TNLA, and AA.

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I think title should approximately match headline, or at least text in the article. Additional commentary is a little annoying to moderate.

US internal news was a bigger problem for Reddit, but I think this community is a bit more international. Maybe blocking US news from US sources? If something is big enough to hit international headlines, it's probably important.

The current mods are strongly against op-eds, so ..

MBFC is really not that great a measure of objectivity, but really I think there is no good measure of objectivity given that the "truth" (e.g. Iraq had WMDs and thus the invasion of Iraq is justified) is fluid.

I don't think moderators should be the arbitrator of truth in a community, but an arbitrator of what's offensive/hate speech.

In this case BYD lacks a local factory and their profit margins are significant enough that they don't maintain region-specific frame SKUs IIRC.

FWIW the Chinese market is one of the biggest for Volvo because Chinese consumers care about (perceived) safety.

Is anyone surprised? China's been investing massively into Bolivian infrastructure (hydropower, mostly) at shockingly low interest rates. They deserve the return on investment.

No, I don't. It seems factual

Sure they will.

Here's more bombs and guns. Good luck!

These "accidental grenade detonations" are really becoming a thing, huh?

First Prigozhin, then Zaluzhny's top military aide, and now Polish police.

Still doesn't land, but solid rockets are probably good for the commoditization of space.

Solid fuel is generally considered to be slightly less efficient but much easier to store. Most missiles use solid fuels.

And the Cybertruck was...

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