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I don't think he gets many other job offers

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My gods I hope he blurts out 'Black Hillary' in one of his rants

Fuck the joke about the dog whatever the photographer is paid it's not enough

The problem with your picture is that you're calling the junta a sovereign and independent government doing things by the book. They're army personel that took power from the elected government at gunpoint.

It might be so that France will have to accept the new dictatorship one day, but historically more than one such coup has failed days or weeks after. If France were to accept the dictatorship from day one that would be seen as throwing in the towel and dooming any chance of the democratic government regaining power...

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Ransome was another imperfect witness. In the fall of 2016, she had suggested to the New York Post that she had sex tapes of half a dozen prominent people, including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump—but couldn’t provide the tapes when asked. (Ransome told me that she had invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had “evidence that would come out if he harmed me.”)

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Read an interview with her a while ago. She's all about "We don't want violence. We just want the land."

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Do you think Japanese companies are big on DEI?

I think what's missing from your analysis is that they tend to be socially conservative. As in, they don't like the gays and the atheists.

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I think ToS said you can't criticize ol' Donnie D

So it'll be interesting

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Every article and, dare I say, even Lemmy post has been dancing around it. I guess in order not to add fuel to the fire? Or to avoid being the first to throw the proverbial stone. Or preventing a major stinker by not waiting for official confirmation.

I think it's pretty stupid as a) it creates the strange disconnect you mention, that will just be filled in later today or tomorrow anyway and b) it just completely confirms bigots' point that there are certain societal issues that are forbidden to talk about

Are you suggesting these Ukrainians on the front line begging for ammo are getting rich off of this somehow?

You don't understand. Bad publicity is good publicity.

Or maybe, in this particular case... No publicity.

No publicity is good bad publicity like... Well yeah you might have a point there

It's 2024.

Whenever there's a controversy the company can just 'fire' a few AI generated 'employees' and half of the dumdums reading the news will feel satisfied

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Nope. From what I've read even olympic athletes consider anyone good enough for the olympics as 'top tier'. And it only lasts a few weeks

Of course, there is only one available domain to do this, and that was hacked. There is no possible other way to get that data out but that one website. And it is, forever, hacked.

I suggest Yew (pronounced 'jew')

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In some cases, being high and fighting the police kinda changes the situation.

Having said that, this clearly does not seem to be the case here. Police using excessive force and then lying about it. Good they have footage of their actions. Lock them up for life to scare their colleagues I say

How come nobody is mentioning how President George Bush is the guy who fucked up Gaza?

Maybe because it's a bit of a stretch

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Why would you want to expose them to The Hobbit

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It is kind of a weird move though. Seen that elections in Israel tooday wouldn't move the needle (at least not in the right direction) wrt their stance on Gaza or any two state solution, it's a message meant for anywhere but Israel.

Its just meant to signal they strongly dissaprove but with impotence and a personal attack that just makes them lose even more of the sway they actually have in the Israeli government

My head canon for sea-based Kaiju is they have a sack

That's all the explanation I need

Everyone knows White people are better swimmers

A White mayor would have swam right up to that puppy and sank it instead

Nonono they should have just gone with the geriatric wax statue

It's not about extra credit, it's about the basic credit

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I don't think anyone in the US is calling this "escalation and being provocative"

Almost everything I read is them joking about Russia's Black Sea fleet getting dunked on and now 'flexing' that they can still sail to Havana. You won't see US planes doing mock runs towards these ships, nor Biden claiming Cuba is US territory.

There's a link above to NPR with the (Al Jazeera?) footage of the missile failing and part of it hitting the parking lot

Al Jazeera is owned by the state of Qatar, the same Qatar that is probably the biggest donor to Hamas in recent decades.

Herman Cain, yes you can!

It's important to make the distinction between the Israeli religious authority funneling money to Hamas to create a political antagonist to the PLO/PA in the '90-'00s, and the object of this article.

Then there's money coming from all over the world as support to Palestine. They need this money to buy food/commodities from the rest of the world. Israel has always overseen this flow of money, just like they and Egypt keep watch over which goods enter and leave.

This money was always passed to the PA as executive government of Palestine. But since 2006, Hamas took control of Gaza. So the aid money goes to Hamas. And because Hamas can't have a bank account, it's brought in cash.

How would the world have reacted if Israel had blocked aid money from entering Gaza since 2006? How many Gazans would have died?

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'this guy' is already out. Made billions

Sounds like a good time to break their monopoly

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I'd add that the original zionist movement consisted of jews living in the Ottoman empire, and the 'agreement' to give them a slice of it was taken by the Allied powers towards the end of the first world war.

If they work together they can pull mom into it

Why? Most of them have been taught they are god's chosen

Ah, the Great Cascade of excusing pedophilia

It didn't happen

Her age was 'unclear'

Her 9-year-old body was 'ready for it' <-- You are here

He had to plow her, as her parents could die any day <-- Moving here

Why would there be a problem with a 50-year old 'dating' a 9-year old <-- Nice to see that thrown in

She loved him

She was begging for it

Furthermore, your excuses just confirm Sunzu's allegation that 'modern' Muslims have not 'moved on' from these practices - they use them to excuse legalizing and enabling pedophilia today. Muhammad set the bar for them. And he set it very, very low.

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I see this kind of internet activism by children who are way too young to understand such a complex conflict as a sign for the worse... Rest assured they're just being told what to think about it by their parents at that age

They're counting on people only reading the headline and remembering half of it for about a week

"They're doing something"

Have Baldwin do a skit about shooting him

It's quite easy tho

It's bad when it's good, and it's good when it's bad

Funny thing: there are well meaning christians who are >51% convinced that he actually* is*, and they'll still vote for him.

Speeds up the end times apparently