
1 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not a sentient pile of alley cats in a trench coat. You ask a lotta questions.

give the supreme court more time to backslide

this has to be satire

7 more...

She "claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him." 🙄

She intended to pour water in someone else's bag several times over a period of months in a targeted harrasment campaign, it's fine!

That's why I use "site:reddit.com" instead of just adding "reddit"

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Must be nice having lasers that shoot outta your eyes and nose

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"Summer Camp"

  • Single Day
  • 3 Hours
  • Just learn to be a wage slave
  • All indoors, except presumably when you go out with an ipad to take orders from fucks in their car

I'm failing to see the camp here.

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You can misspell could, wanted, and school. Hell, you can wish to blow the school up. But I'll be damned if I'm going to let you disrespect the great state of Kentucky!

Someone wants to lay people off without the headline "Grand Theft Auto Dev Lays Off 200 Employees"

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Hannah Montana was a Disney show where a girl was a popstar under a different name and wig so she could be a normal person when she wasn't performing. VTubers, like Ironmouse that op referenced, are streamers that essentially play characters rather than stream as themselves in order to preserve their anonymity. They have cameras that track their movement, but rather than just stream the feed of the camera, they map that movement onto an avatar, usually a 3d anime girl.

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If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe develop a beloved indie game.

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The suspects are aged between 30 and 49 and are studying in Busan

now, education is possible at any age, but really?

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Intellectually I know it's fine. I know there's plenty of time to complete the game. I just can't stand a ticking clock counting down, constantly. It makes me anxious and completely ruins my enjoyment of the game. I also have this problem with Stardew Valley where I constantly feel like there's not enough time and I'm being pulled in several directions at once and I can't focus on anything. It's a nightmare.

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He smiled as he typed.

'Our printers are made to be less hated.'

"Lol," he said. "Lmao."

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"Yeah, but the perception..."

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I can see both sides of this. On the one hand, it's a T rated game. It would be weird for a T rated game to have a big focus on sex.

On the other hand, the update is called Sins of the Flesh and the art for it depicts the characters dancing naked around a fire, with leaves covering their genitals.

On my mutant third hand, it's weird for a satanic-adjacent cult game to be rated T in the first place. I guess they're really coasting on their cute aesthetic? I haven't played this game.

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It's great when dystopic defense contractors take names from the things I love! Palmer Luckey started one called Anduril, and I just can't tell you how much I love these fucking shits co-opting Tolkien's words in their endeavors to profit on oppression and murder.

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Fired is better than dead or alive but responsible for a family's death

You shall remain in this world and talk about water heaters heat pumps*, forever.

*See also the latent heat of vaporisation and toasters.

Edit: and dishwashers. And microwaves. Basically any home appliance.

The Isle of Lifelong Friends

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To anyone reading this, do you find yourself unable to keep from nodding off in the middle of the day? You might have sleep apnea. If you can see a doctor, you should. I got a cpap and it changed my life. I went from being able to fall asleep anywhere at any time (and having to take a nap on my lunch break), to being truly well-rested every day for the first time in years.

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If you had a stomach ache and had a poo with stomach acid in it (eg diarrhea), the acid can irritate your ring and make farts hurt.

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Americans who drink tea generally use a stovetop kettle. Sometimes they use an electric one. But what does it matter how the water gets hot, if the water's hot? Microwave radiation doesn't leave a taste in water or something

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"Reportedly Justice Ruckus referred to Mr. Jackson as a 'lucky bastard' in reference to his vitiligo condition, which causes skin pigment to lighten"

what was the name of that island, again? Galpalia?

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That does sound more like a monument to their defeat than to the confederacy itself

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I can't feel my legs!

Hi, excuse me. I'm sorry for interrupting, but I have a quick question.

What the fuck?

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It wasn't gonna work out anyway

am i gregnant

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imo more scrote than heart

Watch those hands, David Coppafeel.

Too soon?

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You can probably buy it from a key reseller. That's what I did when I wanted to replay Prey 2006, it was like $3 iirc. Really, though, if you can't buy it from the rights holders just pirate it.

Edit: Actually I'll go as far as saying if the actual creators of the game won't make any money from your purchase, just some company that bought the rights, pirate it then too, fuck em

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Because the author plays with the physical formatting of the book, and physically having the copy you're reading is important for getting the intended experience. It doesn't work right with an ebook

What was that? Couldn't hear you over the layoffs

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What I meant was presumably it has murder and blood sacrifice, it would be a pretty poor cult game without those. And if that's true, that sounds like an M rating to me.

I'm an atheist, I don't have a dog in the "Satan v. God of Abraham" fight.

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I really wish we could go back to smaller scale rpgs that came out more frequently. Tighter, trimmer play areas with efficient stories. They don't need to have tons of side quests with mediocre at best writing. Just pare it down for shit's sake

Sakamoto's cool like that, quit narcin professor