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Joined 1 years ago

Except you have a million people trying to do the same, that's extra extra extra taffic

bool isEven(int num) {
 return num == 0 || !isEven(num - (num > 0 ? 1 : -1));

40k per hour

Shit, is that why any time I sense the marketing it makes me not want the product??

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Pretty sure they are turning around as a similar bill is in preparation in Europe that they won't be able to stop it so they want to get ahead of the curve and come out as supporters.

Wtf are those glasses lmao

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I'm so confused, why does he keep picking ultra-corporate boring people to lead, they have insane engineers, the technologies, the aerospace economy is doing relatively well...

But no, they'll put the guy that was in charge of Alexa and Fire TV, you know those super duper successful products that move super fast!

Really curious why they don't put people who have been in charge of AWS for example, that would be a much better track record already.

Hope I get proven wrong.

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Loneliness, lack of purpose, which then gets fulfilled by a relatively small community driven by defending and idea, ideology and/or an individual.

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But, but... Girls!!!! What if they win?!!!?!

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There are quality issues but the success of Tesla was mostly due to the hype created by Elon, now that most of the people that care the most about the environment dislike Elon of course their sales drop

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Because of the ongoing Israel-Palestine situation, it's probably much more likely that extremists might commit terrorist attacks, and we have had a history of attacks going by waves, so they're being careful in advance

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Yeah, it sucks but it makes sense, there is no one to defend those volunteer individuals if anyone wants to go after them.

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Yeah that part makes no sense, how dumb do you have to be to put the two main leaders in the same fucking plane flying near the capital

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Children don't really choose many things, especially the way they dress

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Honestly I think we should blame English people for making sheet/shit and beach/bitch pronunciation so close while their meanings are so far appart.

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That or on the 24/7 news channels which need a lot of filler and don't necessarily have interesting stuff to show

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Bro you got a whole plaza, an area with a bunch of trees and the sea less than 5min away by foot, at what point do these people need a park?

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I have a feeling it probably works like microscopic razor blades in your lungs too

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Half are dumber than the median, not the average (although they're probably close)

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Because for fantasy we think of middle ages, and middle ages america is full of natives, not a single English speaker in sight

ngl they had us in the first half, but a pretty wholesome exchange in the end

My sleep schedule is not based on the sun, probably on some random celestial body which moves in very chaotic ways

Was expecting a small drone charge, not that

Corsica is now under the sea

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Not necessarily, those houses are mostly made of stones, cement and other similar materials. Only the roof structure and some other internal structures would use wood, which means a fire would spread much slower than if those were built like american wooden houses.

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The thing is, most people that will cite the bible as an argument are already taking shit out of their context, so at this point it's just fair game.

But what does your insurance pay for if not the medical bills? It's supposed to be its entire purpose, pay the medical bills.

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Hope you can get out of it, alcohol is a bitch

Me: you are my sunshine...

My kid: I'm a star?! That makes no sense, what even is your stupid song.

I would gladly write a comm

I guess you don't get any symbol and are now considered as the morally superior group, which will then use it to gain power and proceed to oppress the others.

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It doesn't really work like that in France, especially in the military, this is more a display of force than anything else imho

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go sudo pkill yourself

More like: Hold my McDonald's™️ Coca Cola™️

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He's a giant asshole too (I mean when you look at Microsoft it's not very positive) but he's worked a lot on his image in the last decades

The crow, octopus and elephants are much better candidates than the rapist dolphin.

I'm not quite sure which case, I think it was about activists (not sure tho), but these fact were indeed used as an argument to support the idea that they were terrorists, because they're trying to hide something

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As a fan of SpaceX, I'm so sad that this company is tied to him, as they are doing amazing stuff. Today he could have zero involvement with it it would continue to be great, but his name makes it look bad to the public.

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Even the kid does it sarcastically

Typical neurodivergent answer