
38 Post – 1223 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, but just today I was thinking how I can't wait for him to not be in the news cycle every effing day anymore.

This video has been around since before the trial, tells you everything you needed to know about Rittenhouse's intentions. https://youtu.be/l3B_tpccOnw

Meta: The company whose products you use when you absolutely, positively, don't give a shit that they are the worst example of the worst nightmare of a consumer-hostile, privacy-invading, you-are-the-product, tech company. Yes, even worse than Microsoft.

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Remember, this is the shit he's trying to pull while not in a position of power.

An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process.

Everything was fine until dickless here shut off the containment grid.

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LOL, even "brain" would have worked better.

I just got it yesterday and I agree!

Missouri’s Republican attorney general, Andrew Bailey, has fought to allow the execution to proceed.

"The attorney general’s office, who had nothing to do with this whatsoever, are the ones who are trying to lead him to the death chamber. It’s pretty startling and extraordinary.”

I recognize that this is a horrible tragedy for this man and his family, and I hope there is somehow a last-second reprieve, but let this be yet another reminder - R is the party for those with no empathy, no compassion, no concern for anyone not like them. (and that includes the ones jumping from Trump's sinking ship to cozy up to Harris.) If a Republican is running for any position in your town, any at all, vote for someone else.

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I'm just barely old enough to for Jane Fonda having an opinion to be meaningful for me in any way, and I'm in my 50s. How on earth is she going to rally "disaffected young US voters" when most of them have likely never heard of her?

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JD Vance: See, just like I said, I created "stories so that the American media actually pays attention," and now these Haitian businesses are getting the community support that they needed, just as planned!

This is how I've loved cookies for my entire life. I'm just happy they are easier to find now.

Edit: I'm sincerely amused that someone downvoted me for expressing my opinion on the kinds of cookies I like. I didn't know this was a "ketchup on steak" level issue. 🤣

It really is a fantastic album. It bummed me out to realize that the actual lyrics to Particle Man were not quite as meaningful to me as they were when I was mishearing them (lol) but yeah, great album, and honestly I like Lincoln just about as much.

Starting with my grandmother, I've been warned by the various bakers in my life for about 50 years that the various kinds of raw dough I have wheedled them into giving me or snuck off of their work area will give me a stomach ache or cause other issues. The most recent time I was warned in this way was surely less than 2 months ago.

So far so good, not a single problem, and I never pass up a chance to eat uncooked batter or dough. (Edited to add - if you haven't tried basic homemade pie crust dough you haven't lived. It's not sweet, it's just good.)

I am absolutely not saying the risk doesn't exist, but the chance of it seems so minuscule (based on my anecdotal lifelong experience) that I only ever think about it when someone brings it up.

If I bought something prepackaged on a grocery store shelf, like from nabisco or whatever, that was undercooked, I wouldn't eat it. From the kitchen of a relative or right from a bakery - has never given me pause.

I’m just barely old enough to recall when Sir Mixalot alleged that Jane Fonda does not have a motor in the back of her Honda.


Gen Z seems to be refusing to swallow the bullshit the rest of us grew up having fed to us. A shame I'll be close to aging out by the time they get much political power.

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As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”

Rock on buddy.

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I'm cool with that, but folks should also remember this:


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So in other words, there was every reason to realize that this guy shouldn't have access to a gun and a badge, but neither his coworkers nor his supervisors did anything about it.

AND THAT is why people say ACAB, because the other police who allowed this man to remain an officer are 100% complicit in this outcome.

Why do we have to wait until they fucking execute someone to do something about it?

Edit: And the bootlicker who downvoted without even the courage to disagree openly can go eat a bag of dicks.

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And a huge chunk of the country somehow goes, "Yep, just what I'm looking for in November."

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Lady, he’s actively courting white supremacists and you are not white.

She's pretty sure the leopards won't eat her face though.

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Link this next time someone is complaining how unfair it is to refuse to federate with Threads.

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You know how I know my maga relative lost everything he tried to "invest" in crypto? Because he suddenly STFU about it.

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I've said it before I'll say it again. Of all the Republican weirdness in recent years, I truly don't understand why they seem to have made a conscious decision to become the biggest-asshole-in-the-room party.

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How can we fight back against the police, when they never face consequences, but we do?

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I think this should be posted as a comment to every article about this.

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with Republicans decrying the “deep state,” the F.B.I. is cautious about investigating far-right groups.

This, as much as anything else, is what is wrong with the US right now. EVERY fucking topic, EVERY fucking solution, comes down to "let's not piss off the right."

Motherfuckers, when is it time to stop giving a shit whether we piss them off, and worry more about doing the right thing?

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Hey I'll give them some credit with that headline.

Not "13-year-old killed in police shooting" or "a 13-year old died during a police interaction" etc. Nope, they fully went with "Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old." Thank you, PBS.

Also -

The shooting happened Friday night after officers in Utica stopped two youths at around 10:18 p.m.

One of them fled and pointed what appeared to be a handgun at the officers, according to a statement by the Utica Police Department.

I'll be interested to see when that footage is released and what it contains.

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When the rest of us get taxed it's just how society works. When billionaires get taxed, now it's a "scheme."

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I just don't have the words to describe how awesome this movie is to folks who haven't seen it. It's a must-watch.

  • Awesome soundtrack with
  • Very many celebrity cameos (including musical performances by Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, others), and some you won't even notice until you google them
  • Funny and bad things happening to Nazis
  • Cops looking like fools (to be fair, that's nearly every movie of this era)
  • Folks who would today be magas looking like fools
  • Late 70s/Early 80s kinda ribald humor
  • Over the top car chases (see OP)
  • Carrie Fisher
  • An actual mission from God (in the context of the film)
  • John Belushi at his best
  • Dan motherfucking Aykroyd
  • The Blues Brothers
  • Almost bizarrely, a positive message of inclusivity and brotherly love.


sorry I forgot it wouldn't be obvious to everyone.

The Blues Brothers

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Like her husband, Mrs. Alito is unbowed by the criticism and controversy — as she makes clear in comments recorded by liberal documentary filmmaker Lauren Windsor.

I bet she is unbowed. Her husband is appointed for life and they are fabulously wealthy. Why wouldn't she be? Everyone is unbowed when their position is entirely secure and can't be changed no matter how awful their beliefs or actions.

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The party of taking things away strikes again!

Let me add a side dish of - I'm increasingly convinced they want a system designed such that we can all work to increase the wealth of the 1% right up to the moment we drop dead in our cubicles.

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“I’m going to say something right now I’ve never said in my career before: we failed,” Campbell continued. "We did not do our jobs. We failed Sonya. We failed Sonya’s family and friends. We failed the community. I stand here today before you with arms wide open to ask for forgiveness.”

Sounds nice, and likely sincere, but you did all those things before he killed her, when you hired and retained a man with the authority to kill with the history and issues he had. How about we stop waiting for cops to execute someone before we scrutinize them?

Whether Trump’s injury was the result of a fired projectile or a piece of shrapnel, the injury was caused by an assassination attempt.

We all know what really happened.

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It's just too easy to dunk on MS these days. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

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She said building up the middle class would be a defining goal of her presidency,

Go on Kamala, you are making me hope you might be better than just "not trump." Let's hear some details that will be resistant to the 1% and their greed and get prices under control.

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