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Snaps call your atypical drive arrangement “removable media” so even if you saw it, it might have been counter intuitive. This is what you would’ve needed to run:

sudo snap connect filebot:removable-media

Since 23.10 setting snap permissions has been easier in the gui.

Mint isn’t accept able for the server use case and desktop Ubuntu allows you to run a virtually identical configuration to your server for development purposes. Server Ubuntu pays the bills and it’s important to make sure you don’t have any conflicts with your dependencies. If you’re using desktop Linux for aesthetic, personal, or ideological reasons, then you’ve got a lot of options to choose from. Ubuntu pro just adds developer support to universe instead of just main and adds kernel live patch. It’s free so people are really upset about wording instead of any practical problem.

VS Code hits on every single point that op asked for. I don’t totally agree on the keyboard shortcut concern but it’s not like we’re talking vi or eMacs.

You have to explicitly grant permission to the disk because the app is sandboxed.

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Very few people need it but it’s awesome and a lot of fun and lets you spend more time in Linux than dealing with Windows. The VFIO Reddit and Arch wiki are great resources. I have GPU, USB, and Ethernet pass through on my Ubuntu machine and it works great, but I needed the Arch wiki to really figure out what I was doing wrong when I first set it up. Level1Techs is also a good resource on YouTube and forums because they are big into VFIO and SR-IOV. Next time you get a PC, make sure to look for more PCI lanes and bifurcation support on your motherboard. Gen 4 is a great option because it generally has enough lanes and the ram and ssd are much cheaper than Gen 5. GPU choice doesnt matter much but if you’ve got AMD watch out for the reset bug. Basically you can start a VM but once you quit it the cards state is unavailable for further use (eg a second VM session or reopening your DE if you’re using a single GPU setup) unless you restart your host. There are some workarounds but personally I’d avoid it if possible. Onboard graphics (iris or amd APU) are recommended. Older hardware can get cheap so good luck saving up if this is something you want to do!

I mentioned above, and not to spam, but there might be a use case that requires a different host distribution. Networking isolation might be another reason why. For 90% of use cases, you’re correct.

I have a real use case! I have a commercial server software that can run on Ubuntu or RHEL compatible distributions. My entire environment is Ubuntu. They also allow the server software to run in a docker container but the container must be running RHEL. Furthermore, their license terms require me to build the docker container myself to accept the EULA and the docker image must be built on RHEL! So I have an LXC container running Rocky Linux that gets docker installed for the purpose of building RHEL (Core is 8) imaged docker containers. It’s a total mess but it works! You must configure nested security because this doesn’t work by default.

Instructions here: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-run-docker-inside-lxd-containers#1-overview

That’s a beast of a Mac. Wake on lan is your friend. I have the same problem with my Threadripper. I wrote a script that issues a WOL command to either start/unsuspend my Ubuntu machine so I can turn it off when not in use. It’s probably $70/month difference for me. Most of my virtualization is on Linux but I’ve moved away from VM Ware because QEMU/KVM has worked so well for me. You should check out UTM on the Mac App Store and see if that solves any of your problems.

ETA: https://mac.getutm.app/

Are you running macOS or Linux as your host? My MacBook is M1 and I found the performance running ARM windows and ARM Fedora via UTM (qemu) to be pretty good.

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Why do you care if it’s a snap or a Deb? To me the biggest problem with snap is the pollution in /dev/loop*.

I have about that many. Looks good to me! I have two Windows VMs. One for work and presentations. One for games and Adobe. A bunch of random Linux VMs trying to get a FireWire card to work and a Windows 7 VM for the same reason. I’ve also for several Linux VMs trying out new versions of Fedora, Ubuntu, or Debian. A couple servers. Almost none of them are ever turned on because my real virtualized workloads run in docker or LXC! I never could get Mac VM to work but I have an AMD CPU and a MacBook so not too high priority.

I had an issue with my 2016 Samsung TV where the interface slowed to a crawl and as soon as I disconnected the Ethernet cord it became responsive. I called Samsung customer service and they were able to reset my TV to factory settings without what I considered to be an adequate amount of authorization. I disconnected the TV again and banned it from my network and went with Apple TV.

Wayland development is crazy. The features it needs to include are those that Mac OS and Windows support. The debate should be around implementation, not the necessity. I’m still on Xorg in 2024 because of idiosyncrasies in Wayland that I don’t want to deal with, particularly regarding HiDPI and screen sharing. I personally wish Wayland were developed by the Pipewire team. Maybe something would get done.

So you want the trains to coast from station to station? Do you really believe that or is it very important for you to be right?

This was my exact issue. I had a 5k2k screen and a 1440p and it choked. Electron apps (eg VS Code) were blurry.

The wiki page for the prison is pretty interesting. Quite the rogues gallery of convicts who have had a stay there!

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I recommend the Tiny Desk concert. It’s where I first saw her. So talented with such unhinged presentation.

I started looking up other federal prisons. There is one at Terminal Island in the Port of Los Angeles that had such a reputation as Club Fed that they had to add barbed wire and armed guards in the 80s for PR purposes. Al Capone had a stay there.

VFIO GPU Passthrough for Premiere is a must. While not trivial to set up, it’s not too bad if you know what to do. It took me some trial and error but didn’t spend too much time on it. Main issue is making sure your PC has enough PCIe lanes.

ETA: look into LookingGlass for capturing the framebuffer from a GPU accelerated VM into your Linux host. I haven’t tried getting this to work personally but I have used Moonlight which adapts Nvidia game streaming tech for your desktop apps.

To me this falls more under the category of non profit independent news, primarily local news where all the corruption happens. Report for America, reportforamerica.org, assists these local newsrooms and has a spot on their site that you can search for sites local to you. These local papers are interesting because their individual sponsors are often influential people in your community who believe in democracy and are concerned about the power of corporate media. I just checked out our local online paper like this and see the same names that I recognize for people I know who support the arts.

I cannot understand why news organizations and large companies wouldn’t want to run official communication through Mastodon. I understand the network effect but allowing your employees to create a Twitter account is a bit like letting them officially do business with their personal AOL email account. I don’t think Mastodon is even close to perfect but it gives the publisher a huge amount of control.

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He also fails to recognize how intimidating his height can be to people. I’m not surprised the door dash driver reacted the way he did. This kid is a menace.

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If you read the article you’d see that he said that in the context of buying a Chevy Suburban in 2030. Suburbans start at $77k, so I don’t think his comment is that out of line.

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I guess what Lemmy has in common with Reddit is that nobody reads the article. This happened in India.

Integrated graphics is already a thing. Intel iGPU has over 60% market share. This is really competing with Intel and low-end discrete GPUs. Nice to have the option!

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When my daughter was 7 or 8 years old, I caught her answering questions on quora on topics that she knew nothing about. Something to keep in mind.

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FirstInitial LastName is common format. I knew someone named Aaron Ryan who got stuck with the email address “aryan@company.com”.

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You didn’t watch the video either, did you?

I saw KISS a few years ago. Paul Stanley led the crowd in the pledge of allegiance because “patriotism is cool”. I want to know if they incorporate that into their avatar show.

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He should be worried about Florida homeowners insurance.

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If you knew that he was referring to the purchase of a $80k Suburban in 2030 would that change your assessment?

It’s from the 12th amendment. A state elector must vote for at least one candidate from a state other than their own. So electors from Nevada could place both their Presidential and Vice Presidential electoral votes with an all-California ticket but California electors may not. There was talk of Kamala picking Newsom for VP but she’d have to change her residency for that to happen. Everyone would know that would be BS and possibly cost her California’s electoral votes or her candidacy in the second state, so she picked Walz instead (not the only reason but you get the idea). Kennedy got caught pulling a fast one so here we are.


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That’s not the best analogy. A better one would be Tesla, which started in 2001, incorporated in 2003, but didn’t meet Elon Musk until 2004. He’s listed as a co-founder. https://www.tesla.com/elon-musk

I’m usually pretty good at detecting sarcasm but I cannot tell based on this post.

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From the article: About 75% of the file is normal but the rest is a barrage of unsubtle, offensive sentences relating to politics, sexuality, and current events. The text is crude, provocative, and highly inflammatory – we’re not talking nuanced, fringe political opinions here.

The goal of people pushing agendas like this is the elimination of public education and state support for religious schools via “charter schools”. A lot of the people who run for school board who push parents rights are religious fundamentalists, real estate developers, or charter school consultants. This is at least true where I live.

Lower end macs tend to have slower SSDs so this could be a double whammy on these machines.

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I guess but companies will probably just counter by laying people off by text.

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