5 Post – 219 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t visit Reddit much anymore, but isn’t that the way ads have been for awhile over there?

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OJ likely murdering his wife has to be the answer here, right?

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Sometimes life seems like a poorly written television series.

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Oh no!


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I believe you can reach out to the admin(s) of the particular instance and ask them to let you mod an abandoned community.

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I’d walk to a lemonade stand to see if they had any grapes.

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Here is what I stole from the internet for you:

Wage theft occurs when employers do not pay workers according to the law. Examples of wage theft include paying less than minimum wage, not paying workers overtime, not allowing workers to take meal and rest breaks, requiring off the clock work, or taking workers' tips.

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I’ve been forced to watch Frozen about a million times over the last few months. So the one that sticks out in my mind is when Kristoff asks Anna if she knows Hans’ foot size, and she just says “foot size doesn’t matter.”

Clarence Thomas took the matter under consideration and determined that it’d be no problem for him to rule in Trump’s favor no matter what fairly consider the issue.

I think it’s a lemming.

Generally you just walk in with your suit, and don’t need an appointment. You put on the suit while you’re there, they’ll draw some lines and place some pins. Then you leave the suit there for a couple weeks while they do their thing.

Can cost anywhere from about $20 to $100+ I’d say depending on the amount/type of alterations you need and whether the tailor is particularly expensive.

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I usually say something like “10 hours, plus stops,” to avoid confusion.

Everyone should be able to do whatever makes them happy, so long as what makes them happy does not unreasonably infringe upon the happiness of another.

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I’ve definitely been posting on Lemmy far more than I ever posted on Reddit. Trying to do my share and help this community grow!

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Great question Mr. Satan. I’d probably say the poop flavored chocolate, simply because it is chocolate and not poop.

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Pecker! Over there. What sort of bird is that? Wait, it's not a woodpecker, it looks like someone's...

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30 days seems too short.

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I thought Gen A was Forrest Gump’s girlfriend?

…I’ll see myself out.

So, I’m going to stick with Lemmy. But I did check out Reddit the other day out of curiosity. I was disappointed/envious over the many active posts in my former favorite subreddits, and realized how much I miss that level of engagement. At the same time, I was also appalled at how terrible their mobile site is. I couldn’t even read comments because of how terribly they were displayed.

Ultimately, I’m hoping that Lemmy catches up in some capacity. I refuse to go back to Reddit, but really do want that type of community discussion again.

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No idea why the internet goes out every time you guys are out of town. So weird!!


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Coffee. Unhealthy amounts of coffee.

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Hello. Proud parent of a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old here.

At 13 months, that kid is probably getting the hang of walking. They very well might not stop exploring for the entire time, other than a 1-2 hour nap or bedtime depending on what time you’re babysitting.

Ask the parents about nap/bedtime schedule, feeding schedule (they are likely still on a mix of bottle/milk plus food, though, maybe not), and if screen time is allowed. I’d imagine they’ll give you all that info without you having to ask, but you never know.

The key is to be aware. At 13 months, they might try to get into every drawer, cabinet, dog bowl, garbage bin, etc. they can find. They will also head straight toward any stairs you might have. Don’t let that kid out of your sight. Other than constantly trying to seek out danger, it shouldn’t be all bad.

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The World of Coca Cola museum in Atlanta, GA has a room that lets you try the various Coca Cola beverages from around the world. It’s an interesting experience.

Old man yells at cars.

This guy sciences.

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Straight to McJail

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To be able to spend time and be with my family the majority of the time instead of sitting at a desk for 50+ hours per week.

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I like olives.

Depending on the reason, maybe a heartfelt story on GoFundMe?

That’s quite the headline.

Frequently stare toward the camera and smirk.

Best I can do is a Wholesome Seal.

I try to avoid Reddit, but there are definitely niche communities and conversations I miss. I still poke my head into those specific communities at Reddit now and again, but don’t engage in them much anymore.

At the same time, I try to spark those same conversations over here.

No reason we can’t do both!

How do I delete someone else’s post?

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

So. Fun story. We ordered a king size bedroom set online. I’m talking king size frame, two side tables, a dresser, and a chest. The order got “lost” somehow. After some calls to customer service, they sent out another set. Fast forward a few weeks, we had not one, not two, but THREE KING SIZE SETS OF FURNITURE sitting in our driveway. The store didn’t want them back, and we ended up selling two of the sets. But man, figuring out where to store all of that was a fun time.